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Bbq&chilli issue after latest patch today.

I'll keep this one simple does anyone have the issue with Bbq&chilli after the patch today? I don't get awarded my post trial bloodpoints this happend 3 games in a row anyone else has this issue?
-, it'd ######### suck if BBQ broke right in front of a 2x BP weekend.
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I think they broke it I'm hoping for a few reactions to confirm this
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I haven't played today yet, but this would be some really bad timing if BBQ broke the day before a double BP event.
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@SnakeSound222 could you test it and report back here when you have time if a few people can confirm this because I want to be sure
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What killer did you play? I played trapper with BBQ and was rewarded my points.
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Just had a few games as Bubba didn't get anything at all I'll play another game and report back to see
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I’ll play a game of Bubba and tell ya if I have the same issue on him.
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@Acesthetiic thanks I'll check in a bit
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It worked for me, so not sure what’s causing trouble over there.
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Bbq works for me with huntress, legion,trapper,billy,freddy,deathslinger,wraith,pig and demo.
Not sure what you did to not work.
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I also checked with cannibal and it seems to work just right
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Bad timing? Or just as planned?
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Again played as Myers now no BBQ points added seems sometimes it won't give me my points