Demo brothers and sisters I call upon thee

So whatcha think gonna happen to are big boy I mean they wouldn’t nerf him right?
I honestly dont know what they're gunna do. I have my expectations set low and am assuming this will be a Stranger Things themed tournament but I dont know I am hoping for some DEMO QoL and maybe a skin? But mostly want Demo QoL. But i guess we will see :/
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Not to base everything off the recent kill stats but he does sit near the bottom.
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They're going to surprise everyone and buff him to allow him to climb walls like spiderman.
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I'm pretty sure they might be referencing this. Although, I do wish for Buffs for the cute Demo.
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Hopefully an add-on rework and nothing more. Maybe I'd want them to make portals less clunky to place and let him just place them anywhere except maybe under a hook and the exit gates, doesn't matter if half of the portals clip into everything as long as they're more streamlined. But yeah, an add-on pass and removing portal clunkiness is all I'd want them to change.
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Yeah,considering this i suppose it would may be some kind of new stranger things cosmetics.
Also what the hell is Ninja and his wife/girlfriend doing there?????
Pretty sure nobody wants to see those 2
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Don't know why but this makes me think a legendary skin for Steve to become Dustin
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Who said theyre changing demo?
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well i think-*demonic screeching*-would probably be the best change for him
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People just started to assume after seeing a post from DbD on Twitter.
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So, Dustin is playing DbD and Demo's been hyped a lot... I got it! We're getting a green/yellow rarity skin for Demo being D'Artagnan (Dustin's pet Demoboi)
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Ninja going to play be DbD ? Didn't know DbD audience was mostly 8 years old
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Yeah after seeing the DBD ON AIR thing I honestly dont think they are doing anything. It'll probably just be a custom game with Dustin, Ninja, and his wife where they face off against Demogorgon. If they do any more than that I will be surprised.
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it new skin liek I said in another thread I'm sure.
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Then you haven't played the game or seen the forums ;)
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I don’t know but I’m SUPER excited! :D
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Free rat livers for lyfe! Who's a good boi????!!🐕🐕🐕🐕
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This is going to be something big. I think we're getting new cosmetics and Demo buffs. The ST event makes it seem like they're trying to raise Demo's playrate. Maybe Netflix isn't happy with their Killer being so unpopular?