If the SCP Foundation made an entry on The Entity, what would it look like?

Akibahara Member Posts: 78

To all my SCP Foundation fans out there:

If the SCP Foundation discovered The Entity, what would a document on it look like? What would it classified as?


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953
    edited March 2019

    Hell. That is all. No need to hide it, SCP foundation, we all know it. ;)

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    You know nothing 🀫

    Agents, get some Class A amnestics

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204

    I thought about this, but in reality it cant be really determined by the SCP foundation, just call it SCP-3910 or something and chalk it up as Euclid because they dont know if the people are killed or taken to a dimension, they just vanish. But I think the real way they could get some sort of clues is if they follow Bendedicts discovery and his journey into the realm or if they discover an entry themselves. :)

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited March 2019


    I made the example above because there is no way that the Foundation could know much about it.

    The object classes are based on how easy they are to contain: Safe=Easy/No containment Required, Euclid=No Idea of What Could Happen, Keter=Will Definitely at Least Try to Escape, Thaumiel=Can be Used to Contain Keters, Apollyon=You Can't Contain It Just Run.

    I'm sorry if I seemed mean, I'm an SCP nerd 😝

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204

    I thought the object classes stood for their danger, like Euclid is no idea which I thought was the entity because you cant properly learn from it without being taken

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    Item #: SCP-2016

    Object Class: Sefirot

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2016 is to be kept in Dimensional Area 000. It has the ability to warp dimensions so even high level security need the escort of at least 4 high level researchers.

    Discovery: A black hatch located [redacted]; where film footage taken from what appears to be the late 19th century to the early 2000s of the entity's ability to combine past, present and future organic and unorganic matter physically into one created dimension was left on top of the hatch.

    Interview Log 6.5.2

    (Begin Log)


  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154
    edited March 2019


    When I first started to read SCPs I thought that was the case as well but then I looked more into it and found out that object classes actually meant how hard they are to contain. Then they have a few others that are given to specific SCPs, for examples the ones that have been destroyed have the object class: Neutralized. Etc.

    It gets pretty complicated

    Post edited by LCGaster on
  • Akibahara
    Akibahara Member Posts: 78

    Hey, I loved your entry.

    However, I don't think The Entity would be an Apollyon class SCP. Those are very rare. If you want a good example of an Apollyon SCP, I'd check out S.D. Locke's Proposal. In it, humanity is screwed and there's no way to contain the anomaly. I believe The Entity would most likely Keter. Why? While there isn't a way to contain it, The Entity rarely appears and abducts victims. It requires a special event (ie. a horrific and violent incident) to trigger it's appearance. At most, two victims are chosen - and sometimes, they're from a totally different universe.

    Any sighting of The Entity would most likely result in the Foundation acting as clean-up crew for any observers. Class A amnestics would be administered and The Entity's appearance logged by Foundation personnel. That's it.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154


    Yeah, it makes sense. I decided to make it Apollyon because there is no way to contain it, but since it needs a certain set of events to happen it could be Keter, you're right on that. I'll change it right away.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    there is no way SCP-Foundation can spot the Entity, as It never leaves withnesses

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    That's doubtful, since Entity kidnapped Adam in front of girl in crushing train. We don't know if girl made it alive tho... But, technically, she was witness.

  • 55timballoons
    55timballoons Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 54

    This might be an unpopular opinion but I think since their are so many SCPs their could just be a single expansive Site:19 map that adds 3 SCP killers being the most popular SCP049, SCP106 and SCP096.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416
    edited October 2020

    Item #: SCP-XXXX

    Object Class: Keter

    Special Containment Procedures: All unexplained disappearances are to be monitored for hume levels lower than average. [DATA EXPUNGED] are to be kept on hand in all sites in the event of an attack by SCP-XXXX. All staff level 3 or higher are to be made aware of SCP-XXXX abilities and SCP-XXXX-a's effects.

    Description: SCP-XXXX is an eldritch being of unknown age. While no true form has been observed SCP-XXXX has commonly been seen as a large amount of spider like legs with no form attached. SCP-XXXX-a is a pocket dimension created and utilized by SCP-XXXX in order to capture and feed on various individuals throughout history. Most inhabitants of SCP-XXXX-a are of unknown origin. However, ~32 foundation personnel are theorized to be stuck in SCP-XXXX-a due to incident-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆΒ . All persons caught in SCP-XXX-a are to be considered dead until further notice.

    Footnotes: SCP-XXXX has proven extremely difficult to contain, and as such I Doctor-β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆΒ would like to request that SCP-XXXX be terminated as soon as possible.

  • AyQuarantena
    AyQuarantena Member Posts: 19

    It would 100% be a thaumiel, it can literally contain things. SCP foundation, get on this