Someone explain how first hook mori is fine.




  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Well u see, it's cuz DBD is a CaSUal gAmE. Therefore, getting Mori'd first hook doesn't matter. You're off to another game and you got to see the Mori animation.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It isn't, that's why they are looking to change it

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Because something about comparative fairness.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    Mori's aren't fine but you have a higher chane to win against a Mori Killer than to win against a key user. If you are a bad killer and can't really down the survivors your Mori is useless while a key is just pressing a button and boom, you are out of the game and can take all remaining people with you.

    There are lot of things in this game that aren't fine. Not just Mori's in general. I would even say all the second chances survivors are getting due to keys, perks and the bad hatch mechanic is an even worser situation. But one can argue about that.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    Unfortunately, I've had matches where I wish I had DS and Unbreakable, because some killers just have no chill lol. Although a lot of them are less fun to play against, I enjoy the spike of adrenaline when I find out the killer brought an ebony, because then the lockers become my friends <3 unless it's legion, then im dead :)

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    The only time I'll 1st hook mori is a Blendette with a key because I know as soon as the hatch spawns they'll disappear into the bushes like they do and go Hatch hunting. Lately though I prefer Franklin's over moris to deal with key users because Franklin's also counters flashies and gives some free downs for the people that are super intent on not losing their item.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    This isn't about how unfair keys are. Also where did you get this conclusion from, they've haven't released any Mori/ Key statistics recently.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    You know you can avoid them, don't you?

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I too am growing tired of posts demonizing the way killers play, but I'm also find this Us vs Them posts coming in at the wrong time when we have greater issues to worry about.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    I think the worst part is that I usually end up using my Mori on the worst player (as naturally they will be most likely to be caught first).

    I don't want to spoil the default Meg solo player's game, I want to use it on the 360ing, flashlight clicking DS Unbreakable OoO streamer. But that's not gonna happen because I'm clearly not going to waste my early game chasing the cockiest player.

  • oooK3NJ1ooo
    oooK3NJ1ooo Member Posts: 81

    Someone explain why keys are fine....

    Someone explain why swf is fine...

    Someone explain why you just can't get over it and play a game! There will be another round!

  • MasterGrit
    MasterGrit Member Posts: 331

    Death hook mori is fine

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    You see when a killer and a hook love eachother very much....

  • Phaeris
    Phaeris Member Posts: 77


    Like everyone else said. Having something which allows 2 players to escape with no actual pre-requisite needed (finding the

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    There's such an easy fix for moris too.

    Ivory: lets you kill one person after hooking all survivors at least once

    Ebony: lets you kill two survivors after hooking all survivors at least once.

    That's all they have to do. Still a strong effect but the killer has to actually play the game properly for it to take effect.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Like keys... Oh wait, that is totally relevant and comparable. Hurry shout WHATABOUTISM! Like some Harry Potter spell to blind people to the obvious.

    I like Absolutelyrelevantism better

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    Of course not... This is a Mori bashing echo chamber. However if they're unrelated 🤭. Why look for comparative stats??? Hippocracy at it's finest.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I've never used a mori once in this game, can't wait for them to get reworked so I can use them without feeling like an ass.

  • nina1121
    nina1121 Member Posts: 127

    You're little unfair here you talk about mori only if killer is bad that's rarity if u play on higher levels and plus u speak about key like we can escape whenever we want we need to fix 4 gens before it plus doing chases and hooking neither thing is easy to do if you're bad or new player, but mori of first hook is definitely more powerful than key because you can kick out of game players in such a short time and the rest of players are ######### after it because they are missing out on people, both needs nerf that's for sure no complain to that

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I disagree. people are not just shouting "whataboutism" blindly like a spell when its a legitimate concern. This discussion is specifically about first hook Moris. You could sorta mention keys since they are comparable, but when you start talking about swf or second chance perks or whatever that is clear purposeful whataboutism to district from the main discussion. This is a problem. Keep the discussion to moris (and keys).

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I'd like to counter this by saying that if one side didn't have an insane amount of op ######### (built to last + streetwise + commodious; keys; ds+unbreakable) the other side wouldn't need an insane amount of op ######### either (spirit; moris; ruin+Undying+Tinkerer (before someone gets on my ass imo it's only busted with Tinkerer in the equation)) etc.

    If one side didn't have busted things the other side wouldn't need them. This isn't a "if killers didn't have x survivors wouldn't need y" or "if survivors didn't have x then killers wouldn't need y" comment, it's just about both sides (again before anyone gets on my dick about it, it's trying to be unbiased).

    Therefore moris, being part of the "op #########" gang, need to go to actually achieve a balanced game, like spirit, keys, OoO, actual genrushers (as in, leave people to struggle on hook to get gens done), iribelt, etc. They all need to go to actuslly achieve balance, and make people think they don't need to bring their strongest builds every game.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    What is “playing the game properly”?

    Are there specific rules set by the developers?

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I do agree that Mories are OP right now

    Ebony mories are the main issue...

    I dont hear much on the other two

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I would disagree with you a bit. moris are a bit overpowered because it can greatly reduce the time needed for killers to win the game often time with little to no effort, this is especially true in the early game.

    Sure killers can’t be in 4 places at once however in order to fix that all they need to do is tunnel a survivor out the match in order to get a big advantage. Only being able to handle 3 people at once is better then 4. If this happens in the early game the match is basically over for survivors the amount of gens that need to be finished doesn't account for the immediate loss of a teammates.

    Another reason they are overpowered is because they can completely bypass second chance perks. A survivor can have all the second chance perks they want but it won't matter because the killer has a mori to easily kill them and make it useless.

    In conclusion I can see your points bit still moris can eliminate a lot of the work the killer needs in order to get a win making them overpowered.

  • AskingForHelp
    AskingForHelp Member Posts: 103

    This game is already bad enough for survivors without Mori’s. Mori’s are overkill by a long shot. You don’t really get to play the game you pay money for in dead by daylight unless you are the killer. It’s completely ridiculous. These killers are pampered and tailored to so much compared to other games 😂 Friday 13 Jason has a lot to be worried about. In this game killers are handed free kills.

  • Exerath1992
    Exerath1992 Member Posts: 1,035

    I think the iri moris should only work once you've gotten 4 hooks. Then you can mori anyone you've hooked at least once.

    The keys are a bit busted too though. They should only let 1 surv through unless all gens have been completed. Plus, they should take as long to use as it takes to open an exit gate, and should make a loud noise while opening, like the exit gate does.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Sorry for using that word, didn't think people would only focus on that single phrase and completely disregard the rest of the post. Something to look out for on the forums in the future I guess.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    If I get earlier encountered toxic survivors (bully attempts, holding the game hostage etc. in the past) you bet your ass I'm going to equip ebony mori with best addons and tunnel off first hook. If the lobby has a key, I use ivory mori, not necessarily tunneling after first hook though depending on how the match is going. If I have a daily I use a cypress or devour hope.

    In other words, there's situations when tunnel mori off hook is an appropriate play and there's situations where it's not.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    And thanks for dodging the rest of my post. Let's move on from this now shall we?

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Yellow Mori is worthless. If you down the last survivor then the vast majority of the time they are dead on hook or bleed out anyway.

    Green Moris are ok. One death one hook early is a nice benefit but not something that breaks the game.

    Red Moris are overpowered. Once you start getting multiple early moris it’s too swingy.

    My suggestion for moris has been

    Yellow - Lets you kill any survivor that you’ve hooked twice (aka on deathhook). An ok benefit since it can avoid flashlights and pallets, etc, but not as good as Green

    Green - Lets you kill one survivor that you’ve hooked once (no change)

    Red - Both of the above. Lets you kill one survivor that you’ve hooked once and any survivor that you’ve hooked twice. Not as powerful as the current version but still a bit better than Green and still lets you get the mori animation multiple times.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    some of the moris seem a bit powerful, but often, but I feel it is for killers, to use after a game, where they get face stomped by a bully squad, the next group sort of is there as a stress reliever mori experience. Is it fair to them no, but alas, circle of life.

    i sometimes think i'm enjoying a close game as a killer, and then the players all escape with a key. That ruins the killers game. I do think both are bad for the game, but I do love killer animations. I think moris are a little worse, but I don't think they are going away.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    And now you’re deflecting.

    You based your nerfs to Moris on the premise of “Playing the game properly”. I asked you a legitimate question that was 100% on topic. Who decides what is proper?

    You want to move on because you know your reasoning is weak.

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    "Grants the ability to kill all Survivors who have been hooked by your hand during the next Trial."

    Because it's an offering, it's in the rules.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234
    edited October 2020

    I normaly only face bad killers who are using a Mori. That's why I said it. Most of the better killers usually don't use it.

    And holding M1 compared to chasing people is still less effort and less skill. I stick with my word. Downing and hooking people who are decent at looping is by far more skill required than doing gens and using a key.

    By the time the killer has found, chased, downed and hooked one person, survivors have around 2-3 gens on the edge of popping. If you have matches like this (which is pretty normal in red ranks) a Mori isn't that strong anymore.

    Oh and one more thing: You can't find a Mori randomly in chest while I get a good key every second match with plundere's and Ace in the hole. Pretty ridiculous if you would ask me.

    Post edited by Chechia on
  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    Only my own experiences. Nothing more.

    Besides...I don't really think high of the statistics that the devs are showing to us. The numbers are always a little bit strange, don't you think?

    And what's wrong about mentioning keys? They are on the same level as a Mori.

  • nina1121
    nina1121 Member Posts: 127

    Unfair again... if you chase survivors as u said survivors needs skills to escape it m1 has nothing to do with it it's like you said "must be hard to break a gen as killer while we need skill to loop killer" one has nothing to do with other you're just being ignorant at this point

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    Breaking gens isn't doing anything though because the regression takes over 5 minutes xD

    Anyways... we all have different experiences in the game and therefore different opinions. It's fine if you don't agree with me. Calling someone ignorant though is a little bit too much. Be respectful, I am not forcing you to have the same opinion as me. Have a nice day :)

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    The thing is, that Moris are unfair is kinda wellknown by now. An I totally agree with it as well.

    A Mori change is even on the Devs To-Do-List. The big question will be when and how they will be changed at this point to be honest.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488
  • nina1121
    nina1121 Member Posts: 127

    I mean I understand the opinion but you're comparing things that aren't compareable in any sense you're comparing chasing survivor to holding m1 instead comparing it to survivor being chased and need skill to escape or killer to down them both takes huge skills, mori doesn't help if u're bad killer, key doesn't help if ur bad survivor etc but saying playing survivor is just holding m1 is kinda ignorant to me maybe I'm wrong but either same for u have a nice day