Remove Ranks for a Month

I'd like to see the game remove it's ranking system completely for a month to determine how the game will end up playing. Mix the Toxic cocky with all this high skill, with a beginner. Don't allow survivors to play in a SWF and force people to try and play solo game against random ranks of killers.
The reason I'm saying this is because I'm quite annoyed with how utterly toxic players are in DBD, I know every game will have it's bad sides but does the game have to support this behavior so much? I mean most toxic games play with friends who're as harsh as themselves and spend time with most of the higher rank survivors so they can be carried. Well I'm suggesting a change, mix High Ranks with Low Ranks on both ends. Don't allow a SWF for 2 - 3 weeks forcing players to not rely on friends to carry them and break the system. Encourage players to try and play the game for fun and not for competition since this game is too off balanced to ever be an Esport.
I'm just wanting to play against at least a mix of 1 toxic, 1 casual, 1 beginner, and 1 chill player in the same team against a killer of any of the 4 categories.
I'm saying this mostly from the perspective of a killer since I'm quite annoyed to see players acting so toxic because their skills aren't too bad, but they are also relying on perks that make them better which makes it utterly annoying to go up against.
So please, Devs. A little help here?
“Don't allow survivors to play in a SWF and force people to try and play solo game against random ranks of killers.”
so prevent people from playing with their friends, effectively kill the survivor pop for a month
“I'm just wanting to play against at least a mix of 1 toxic, 1 casual, 1 beginner, and 1 chill player in the same team against a killer of any of the 4 categories.”
so an unbalanced match
“Encourage players to try and play the game for fun and not for competition since this game is too off balanced to ever be an Esport.”
your definition of fun is not the same as everyone, I personally would like to game to be more competitive and skillful
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Well you're clearly not the right audience I'm looking for.
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I am anywhere from Rank 11 to rank 13 killer. the matchmaking basically doesn't exsist already as I'll face an all red squad or any random mix. even all level 18 to 20's.
It is already the worst matchmaking system I've seen in an online game. It basically doesn't exsist, so every game should give you the data you are after.
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Some hipocracy here, the game isn't balanced for swf. Yet you say you want a skillful and competitive game. So which is it?
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So the solution is to remove it altogether? BHVR should be closing the gap between solos and swf, thats the first step to improving balance
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I'm saying this mostly from the perspective of a killer
Yeah for some reason I already knew before I read it. Try being a high rank survivor playing with low rank potatoes. It's not fun at all, just extremely frustrating.
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Actually Ranks were supposed to be removed when the new matchmaking system came out, but because of the backlash by the community to keep them as a way to gauge "player skill" - which they never EVER were. The dev's decided to keep them.
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Absolutley not.
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I agree they should close the gap, the easiest way to do that would be a two-step process.
- Add VOIP to the game (very easy and costs next to nothing)
- Hire an outside company who specializes in matchmaking (could be pricey, but when you're making over 100 million per year I think you can afford it)
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As if ranks actually do anything.
The matchmaking is a mess. Has been for almost a year. Rainbow lobbies everywhere yo.
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you posted on a public forum you don't get the audience you are looking for you get the audience that you are stuck with
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Don’t allow people to have fun with their friends >:(
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I have and 4k regularly. Get good.
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Not quite for me, it's just been the same ranks with the same builds, the same attitudes, and all this unchanged horse #########
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They remove the rank system for 2 week i think when they try the MMR and the matchmaking were all over the place like rank 1 killer was playing against rank 20 survivor a lot and stomping them result in a depip for the killer
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Ok I know I've only had the game for half a year and just recently got on the forums but as someone who plays both sides equally I can say pretty fairly that just saying "get gud" isn't a very valid argument. For all we know you're playing at rank 20s and are killing them so fast you don't actually pip and you're not as good as you think you are. And for all you know he is the unluckiest person in the world and gets a full red-rank SWF on Ormond every single game since Blight came out. Don't just hurl insults at people.
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They already did this. Was a complete muck.
When they introduced the new MMR last time but really they didnt activate it and it was seasoned survivors and killers vs brand new players on their first of second game of dbd.
It wasnt pretty and it boosted alot of garbage green and purple ranks into red ranks who thought they were gods and now that the ranking is back to normal, well almost normal. The potatoes are still among us but not as bad now.
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I’m red rank and play against mostly red-purp ranks. They don’t need to remove playing with friends for a month. They’re never going to take that option away. Your only option is to get better. I don’t care that it’s not appealing to you because that’s the only thing you can do. I also didn’t insult anyone. Saying he needs to improve isn’t an insult. He did attempt to insult me and failed spectacularly though.
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As you have been told before, and will be continued to be told: these challenges you face in game are going to only A.) Make you or B.) Break you.
Disregard the perks, add ons; I can tell you already that those are not the deciding factors for your struggles against SWF, your struggling with mechanics, opportunities, and overall knowledge of what to do and when to do it. Do not be discouraged because those swf are "bullying" you, think of what it is that they are doing, how they are doing things. It's one mind vs 4, the thrill of the hunt is on your side, you just need to learn how to adapt to the pressure.
I can tell you that mmr is a thing in this game, and I'm sure alot of people are going to disagree, however, coming from playing nothing but mmr based games, it's quite uncanny to me when I play survivor and only play against and with like minded ranked people (killer included) [only rank 15, I don't focus on this game to be a rat] vs when I play killer and I constantly face purple and red ranks. Regardless of SWF or not, there's quite the distinction there in my games.
I feel that the pips and the way the game scores you is more of an indication of skill; then that of your rank # at face value. Take it from me, I have had some 'horrible' games, where no one died, or only one did, however I'm at 31k+ points at score, vs the sub 20s on the survivors. It's because I did efficiently, as much as I could, as a player. I've witnessed, on both sides, where player A is not doing anything as their supposed to, or the bare minimum, and the final score reflects it.
Don't get me wrong, lol, those little rascals can be slippery and annoying, having to successfully hook em 3 times, while covering a map, with loops, and abilities, etc. can be draining, but don't play your games and "grade" yourself based on the kill counter. This is not CS:GO, or CoD nor MW. This games intentions is to set up a cat and mouse scenario where the content and experience is strictly player driven.
I encourage you to adapt, to learn; knowledge is power and there are plenty of youtube videos, streamers, and for the most part, a community that can help you if you are to listen- not hear.
Best of luck.
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Ok.... so instead of turning off ranks...
Expanding ranks:
Brown: 20-1 ( Gives newer players more time to learn the game... and level up anyone they want)
Yellow: 20-1 ( Gives players time to adjust to different perks and loadouts... plus learn different killers)
Green: 10-1 ( Gives players time so solidify their builds and learn more playstyles... starts to be "competitive" here)
Purple: 10-1 (Gives players the best all around experience and prove themselves)
Red: 10-1 ( Gives players here the best "competition"... also cannot be match up with or against Purple or less... Including SWF)
Something like this would help show where player are in terms of skill... plus more data in the long run
P.S. I gave more ranks to the lower cause I feel that they would need more time... Or it would've been 10-1 for all
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Well I was just saying that you didn't include that information in your "Get Gud" argument. I now realize that saying that isn't an insult but sometimes it can come across as hurtful. It was nice talking to you, have a splendid day sir/madam!
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This would make stop playing survivor entirely. I always play with 1 friend (we are chill though) and tbh you almost can't play solo these days. Last time I did I died twice in a row, on first hook, yes, while using Kindered.
With your suggestion the only thing that would happen is that the beginner will get tunneled to death since he's an easy target and it is basically a 3v1.
Also I don't understand why so many killers have a problem with clicky clicky tbagging survivors? I prefer them any time to a group of blendettes, hiding In bushes so I can't find anyone while gens pop around me. No thanks, I rather get blinded and tbagged by NeonNea who gives me at least a good chase.
Also in my experience most survivors with toxic playstyles often get too cocky and starting making dumb mistakes that eventually get them killed. I don't have this playstyle when I play survivor (even though I main NeonNea :'D), but as killer I don't have any problem with that. I don't get offended by someone pressing their shift key at a pallet, wasting their own time instead of getting distance.
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MMR did just that, unintentionally as it appears, and it was awful. I was being matched against survivors that I absolutely slaughtered game after game. It wasn't even remotely competitive.
A team of survivors becomes immediately weak if there's one player who's dead weight. Proof is that games that are 3v1 early, like with a mori, become immediately killer-sided.
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So basically you want them to set the game to your skill level bcause you cant handle other players skill. Why is it toxic if its allowed in game if i can, brake hooks, use keys, use perks that will help my team and screw up the killer im going to bring them. Killer mains are so ridiculous.