Remove TIERS from all the perks

Having played through Blood Harvest event again in a long time. It really cemented the fact for me that Dead by Daylight is TOO Grindy!
My Suggestion is to remove tiers from perks and just change it that all perks should have their final perk value.
Like what is even the purpose of having like a weaker perk because bloodweb RNG won't give it to you? like most players wont even use tier 1 perks because it's still too weak.
Get rid of Perk tiers so the Grind won't be too ridiculous in the future like when a new players joins and we have like 35+ Survivors or 30+ Killers to play as.
I personally like the grind, but seeing discordance be nerfed just so it'd have differences across tiers, and also seeing how daunting the grind seems to a newcomer via my friend who started playing just 2 days ago, I have to agree.
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it's pretty rough to get all perks it's a couple mil bloodpoints because of perk tiers. There's also 5-6 pages of perks which make the grind for every perk on a killer or survivor tedious.
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My theory is that once the amount of perks becomes equal to 3x the amount available when they introduced the change to bloodwebs that enabled 4 perks per blood web after level 50, then, and only then, will they remove tiers from perks.
for an idea of when that will happen... the new system that introduced 4 perks per blood web past lvl 50 was introduced right before the stranger things chapter, so that would mean that the perks have to equal 3 x 60 for killers, and 68 x 3 for survivors, so 180 for killers (9 pages of perks) and 204 for survivors (10.2 pages of perks).
At that point, if they STILL insist upon making everyone purchase the same perk 3x in order to max its level... Pretty sure most of us will just uninstall.
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That’s five years from now if anyones curious.
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35 more killers and survivors each coming with 3 perks... at 4 per year... we actually get 8.75 years at this point, but yeah, it's a long ass time to wait.
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Caught me before my edit went through. But we are at five pages of perks (maxed out my first killer, Hillbilly, recently). Four more pages is sixty more at twelve a year. That’s five.
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hmmm... may have messed up my math... 3 perks per killer and survivor released... current amount is 75 killer perks, and 83 survivor... so 180 - 75 = 105 and 204 - 83 = 121...
105/3 = 35
121/3 = 40 (AHA!!! that's where I think I screwed up...)
yet.... even if 4 killers and survivors were released per year, each bringing 3 perks, to equal 180 perks for killers, and 204 for survivors....
105/4 = 26.25 killers
121/4 = 30.25 survivors
so roughly 7.5 years for survivors, less for killers.... which seems weird considering there are only 20 perks per page, and your math feels correct.... I think i'm overthinking this
BAh, I can't math today! 12 per year per killer and survivor... you're probably right.
Edit: ok I Think I know where my math messed up... I needed to devide 105 by 12, and 121 by 12, giving us 8.75 years for killers and 10.083 years for survivors... wait.... what? Someone please help me, this can't be right. (this coming from a guy who accurately mathed out how much time it takes to finish the tomes and archives here:
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It'd be an amazing change for newer-medium tier players as it'd help them actually get somewhere. It'd not matter for those in the higher end.
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The game will be dead before they ever do this highly requested suggestion.
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I disagree that “it wouldn’t matter for those in the higher end.” I have every perk in the game on ever character, it took me a really long time to accomplish that by grinding just like everyone before me did. If they made it so easy for everyone to get to that level, a lot of veterans would be upset, perhaps more upset than handing out legacy.
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yeah there are too many perks right now, too much grinding...
and give us a 5th perk slot!
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Well aware. I was mentioning it in a more practical sense. They've already unlocked everything so it'd not matter to them in that sense.
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I like the grind myself honestly but knew players it can be a bit overwhelming but it's the grind of the game. I just want them to make it some all perks are in abc order for all tiers and rarity it's tiresome looking tho your perks they way we currently have them
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Rather than tiers, why not address the larger issue?
An advocate of place-able totems, an "untethering from obstacles" pallet interaction (required before pallet usage), and the removal of Exposed from tier 1 Devour Hope.
Also supports changes to how many survivors need to be present to start repairs on a generator.
#revertNurseaddons #reverttieroneDevour #reverttiertwoBL #nofreechaseresources #placeabletotems #revertBillysounds #workwiththemusicyouhave
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Yeah. I agree. The multiple ranks of perks simple makes getting into the game difficult or playing new killers very painful. I think there is a sufficient grind in the game as is. It's not as if I'll stop getting and spending blood points. After all add-ons are a thing. Offerings are a thing. These are plenty good reasons.
But perks are pretty crucial to the game and it feels bad to not have the ability to create builds because you don't play these game for a living.
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Well,i'm very close to getting all my characters P3 full perks and i would 100% support the removal of perk tiers.
The only thing they achieve is frustrate newer players and hinder perk creation/changes
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It would be nice if they increased how many perks show up on the bloodweb past lvl 10. having at least 2 perks to choose between lvls 10-30 seems reasonable. With every lvl of prestige you could get an extra perk showing up in the bloodweb so by prestige 3 lvl 50 you would have 6 perks to chose from the bloodweb. maybe you could spend iridescent shards to upgrade perk tiers right away.
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You can still use the Lower Rank Perks, there is no difference. its only you who think those small differences matter.
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Okay use a tier 1 Decisive Strike(40 secs) and let's see if those extra 20 secs on tier 3 doesn't Matter. Use the Latest tier 1 Discordance and let's see if you can pick anything at the start of the match with only a 32 meter range.
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Certainly, you just have to let the Tunneling Killer Catch you 20 seconds earlier. Easy.
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Then are you okay with the Devs nerfing Tier 3 DS to 40 secs as you said it doesn't really matter?
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Do you have evidence that it matters? Show me the statistics.
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You said that Perk tiers don't matter as tier 1 perks are still as strong as tier 3 perks, by your logic it's like saying it's Okay to nerf tier 3 DS to a duration about 40 secs because tier 1 DS(40 Sec) is as strong as Tier 3 DS(60 secs).
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I repeat myself, Do you have evidence that it matters? Show me statistics.
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yes pls , it's so grindy man just to upgrade from full 50 leveled up to full p3 aaah so tedious