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Any good Meg Thomas builds?

CCClark Member Posts: 32

I'm somewhat new to the game and I would like to know if there are any good meg Thomas builds I could use. Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,964
    Answer ✓

    As you're pretty new to the game and playing Meg, I'd suggest running Sprint Burst as it's Meg's perk so you will have it.

    Builds are tricky because it depends on what you have unlocked, most people use perks from all different characters once they've leveled them up and found builds that suit them.

    I remember Spine Chill being a staple of mine when I started back in 2016 or it could have been Premonition, too long ago to remember. But one of those with Spine Chill is a good start, but don't rely on it, use your eyes and always be wary of your surroundings - where you're going to run to for example.


  • Gay Myers (Luzi)
    Gay Myers (Luzi) Member Posts: 4,427

    Adrenaline is a good perk and is one of her own perks. Sprint Burst is decent. I can actually recommend all of Meg teachable perks. If you're ever able to get Head On, it's a great combo with Quick and Quiet.

    Adrenaline can help you in the endgame as it heals you once gens are done. Sprint Brust makes you run quicker, but it has the downside you have to walk a lot. I'm not a fan of the park for that reason, I prefer to run across the map to get from point A to B.

    Quick and Quiet is great for mindgames. A fast vault doesn't make any noise, but scratchmarks are still there btw. Keep in mind, it has a cooldown.

    You should also look into the teachable perk Iron Will from Jake, it makes you quiet unless the killer has Stridor (teachable Nurse perk) which counters it.

    ^ This is a starter thing I could think off... These are quite good perks.

    I personally love Empathy (Claudette teachable). It helps a lot when others are injured, you can go and find them for heals.Kindred is also a good perk, especially when you start out - it enables aura reading for all survivors (depending on the tier) and the killers aura within a certain range of your hook.

    If you want a perk that possibly helps you seeing people that are close to you when not injured, then I'd recommend Bond. It's a Dwight teachable perk.

  • CCClark
    CCClark Member Posts: 32

    Oh thank you so much! I have all of those perks except for bond and head-on. Thankfully I have Iridescent shard for bond haha.

  • FairyyTail
    FairyyTail Member Posts: 11

    i liked using Adrenaline, Spine Chill, Sprint Burst, and Kindred

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    At the end of the day, Survivors are skins. They don't play any differently and can use other survivors teachable perks when they are unlocked.