What is the most balanced map in the game?

What is the most balanced map in Dead By Daylight?
Also, which one is the least balanced on both sides?
Also, Also, What is the most fun map to play on and least map to play on for both sides?
- The Macmillan Estate
- Coldwind Farm
- Autoheaven Wreckers
- The Asylum
- Haddonfield
- Backwater Swamp
- Lerys Memorial
- Red Forest
- Springwood
- Gideon Meat Plant
- Badham Preschool
- Yamako Estate
- Mount Ormand Resort.
- Hawkins National Laboratory
For me, blight main, its (weirdly i guess) asylum cuz your ability just goes ⬆️⬆️⬆️
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balanced i would have to say badham preschool for me personally i find it a fun map to play in aswell (both sides)
unbalanced for killer it is ormond and then farm map and autohaven i never have a good time in those maps and for survivors hawkins is more killer sided then balanced.
Least fun map Haddonfield and red forest just so boring
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Bruh Haddonfield's my favorite :(
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fair enough just for me it unfun to play in as a survivor i feel very safe no danger whatsoever and as killer if i dont have discordance or some sort of gen detect perk im going to have no idea what gens are being worked on as there no indication just makes it a nightmare on tracking.
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lol it's okay, It's personally just my favorite map, I love playing as survivor and killer on it. :D