48 Hour Ban is Excessive



  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    If the dc is due game crashes or network & pc problems is unfair, but if u do it on purpose should be longer.

  • Lastwurdz
    Lastwurdz Member Posts: 7

    I'm a rank 1 killer and rank 6 survivor and these days it seems like if you down a survivor before they have a clear advantage (4 or 5 gens still remain) theres a 50/50 chance of disconnect. as survivor if one of my teamates gets downed early the odds are about the same. i've been playing the game since march and it is only getting worse. and with the penalty people just kill themselves on hook.

    one of the last games i played i had a team mate on the hook and i was running to save him and he was trying to suicide. but on the 3rd attempt he actually jumped off the hook. and then disconnected shortly after. im like #########...we were winning, but i guess we werent winning enough for him.

    i never knew the ban was 48 hours but its clearly not enough if half my games end up being 3v1 because survivors dont like playing the game.

    i usually dont have killers DC on me, but if they do thats fine because at least the game ends.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869

    I still don't understand are you complaining about your system/ network, or game issues. You sound like you want game to redefine its systems to your wishes. Did you lose connection and wanna rejoin? Or you got cornered and wanted to reset your router and now things must have calmed down let me come back for end game? Can you see how that would effect game balance? Because system can not determine if you did it on purpose or not. So rejoining is absolutely off the table for DBD.

    Personally I would've preferred if we had bots replacing D/Ced players, instead of bans. At least they wouldn't crouch in a corner for hatch.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    He's just trying to get a round of DbD in between calls during his shift as a 911 operator.

    It's not his fault he DCs every five minutes.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93

    😅 all the survivor mains only seeing DCing as something survivors do and it lets down other survivors when it's done.

    I went through a depressed "DC baby" patch the other month when no DC penalties were on and 80% of my DCs were as killer when it was obvious I was against red rank SWFs running an obnoxious loopmaster and 3 gen jockeys or other obvious SWF techniques. Once they got to 2 gens left and I had no faith I was going to catch em and it was no fun at all to continue I'd DC; why continue being humiliated, just DC and give them the bp earlier without having to get teabagged. 9/10 times when I'd DC the survivors would be 3-4 red ranks against my green rank killer-no way to check if they were SWF. Only time I'd feel bad about DCing was if they weren't at least 3 red ranks. It actually helped prove to me that ranking doesn't count as I depipped down to bottom of green ranks and was still getting red ranks survivors.

    The only times I'd DC as survivor was when the killer was tunneling while using a mori and had killed two other survivors (or they'd DC'd) or they'd tunneled me first while using a mori. I'd actually diligently try and waste as much of the killer's time as possible before DCing and figured if I wasted enough time for 2 gens to be done and then gave other survivors "abandoned" bp when I DC'd to waste the killer's mori I'd actually done a decent thing for my co-survivors.

    😅 the mods here like to warn people for being disrespectful but DC penalties increase exponentially and OP could've easily had a series of tunneling and mori killers ruining his games but people in this thread seem to be jumping to the conclusion "48 hour ban? Obviously you continually let your team down so you deserve that" 😕.

    Also, as someone in Australia where there's terrible internet and I've literally been trying to work out today if I change my home internet service to the subpar Australian NBN or 4G or 5G-all of which can have problems-the reductive attitude of "can't be your internet crashing and if it is get better internet" is kinda arrogant.

    I've tried multiple times and it's almost impossible to explain to North Americans that most of Australia has "McDonald's wifi" quality internet-my current landline ADSL runs at below 20mps but the government's actually getting rid of landline in favour of this stupid NBN that's notorious for dropping out on the regular, 5g isn't widespread here yet and I'm reading conflicting reviews on 4g for home use.

    Someone made the assertion that BHVR can somehow differentiate between crashed internet and quitting mid game but I've seen multiple threads here in the past (before they gave DC penalties a break) saying otherwise.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk and just remember ranks don't matter and if you do feel like DCing just remember my little dittie 🎵 "Don't DC just AFK, you'll still get xp anyway" 🎵

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    MandyTalk; Explaining it when most of us can't be bothered.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502
    edited October 2020

    "I do believe when you're playing an online game and you ready up in that lobby, then you've committed yourself to play that match, regardless of whether you end up on a map you don't like or any of the reasons given above, that's the whole nature of the game - for both sides." *laughs in hook suicides* wheres the ability to just leave as killer?

  • FoggyWeather_
    FoggyWeather_ Member Posts: 163

    @MandyTalk Is there any statistics providing a chart or something, so we know how many times one has to DC to get to a specific number of Ban Time?

  • FoggyWeather_
    FoggyWeather_ Member Posts: 163

    But look at this if it happens because of a power outage or unstable internet connection you get a max of 10 minutes and it's almost always finished when you're able to play, but if you have this problem for such a long time, that you added up to 48 hours than you should probably look into your connection problem or the power problem first instead.

  • MrMummbles12
    MrMummbles12 Member Posts: 2

    I am currently having troubles with my I internet. My internet will go out for 10-30 seconds at random intervals. Sometimes this disconnects me; sometimes I reconnect and at worst have dropped whoever I was carrying to the hook because of the DC. Just hit the 24 hour penalty because of the times where I am disconnected. I have done everything within my power to fix this issue but have narrowed the possible causes down to the cable companies wiring in my house or an issue with their connections in my neighborhood. They will not come out to check for or fix the former because of covid and will not fix the latter until they get enough complaints.

    I absolutely agree there should be a DC penalty and it should be significant but 24 hours or even more than that is absurd. Nobody is rage quitting so much that they hit this point but still continue to play every time their penalty is up and just do it again. Even if they do, they can only do it once every few days. That is massive overkill for the problem. 12 hours would be plenty to deter the rage quitters from doing their thing and be reasonable to allow people with genuine internet issues to at least try there luck at playing a game they love enough to work through their DC penalties. At the very least if they want to have such an extreme DC penalty they should allow people to reconnect if they are simply having short bursts of connectivity issues. Literally every other game I've played online since this problem began let's me reconnect with such a short time being disconnected.

  • TN_Chris
    TN_Chris Member Posts: 28

    You seem angry, miserable even.

    Did I say I have trouble finishing rounds or frequently DC? I said it sucks when it happens, which isn't that often. I have Comcast and my internet connection is always good. I'm not over here using a hotspot and playing from a damn treehouse, but anybody who says they haven't gotten kicked because of a Network/connection error is lying.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Get your internet troubles sorted and then come back. It doesn't really matter WHY you are constantly disconnecting. The result is the same; you are ruining the match for four other people. That is the long and the short of it. The only way to get a LONG ban is to be disconnecting on a regular basis. Sort yourself out, whatever your problems may be, and come back when you can complete your games.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,944

    There is nothing official posted by us with regards to this or the decay time of the penalty. We tend to avoid giving this information out as there are ways that things can be abused.

  • GrimmReaper
    GrimmReaper Member Posts: 159

    This is why we need bots that replace people just like on mobile. Sure they might not be as good as a real player can be but surely that's better than having the whole match thrown just because someone decided to leave. At least you can still play the same match and earn points from it so it's not a complete waste of time.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    Does it happen rarely? Sure. But the punishment for a random blip isn't a big deal.

    If you're up to 48 hours, that's not the result of a random networking issue. You're either intentionally disconnecting or pretending that your unreliable internet isn't the problem.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    Dood just ######### on hook lol save the dcing for the facecamping LF lol.

  • MrMummbles12
    MrMummbles12 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2020

    I CAN'T sort my internet out. There is NOTHING I can do.

    The point to be made is every other multiplayer game allows reconnecting even when they are competitive. You simply take whatever disadvantage the DC caused and live with it. DBD has no method of reconnecting and will DC you from the game if you lose connection for just a few seconds. How can there be such a strict disconnect penalty when the infrastructure to prevent unintentional disconnects is so weak? Hell, you can't even say I'm ruining the game for other players when I only play killer and have DC'd almost exclusively when hooking the last survivor. I'm the only one taking a loss when it happens and I get punished for it. That punishment is without question necessary but need it be so severe when I'm giving free wins to survivors?

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    edited October 2020

    As Orion said if a few hours was enough to get people to stop disconnecting you wouldn't have received a 48-hour ban.

    Keep in mind there are some games with this connection ban penalties that will go from 24-hours to immediately jumping into a couple of days or even a week.

    If all of those disconnections were unintentional in because of your internet then you probably should make sure you get a more stable connection before playing if however they were a result of you actively hitting the leave game button it wasn't accidental

  • TN_Chris
    TN_Chris Member Posts: 28

    Buddy I'm not over here taking up for the OP. I lost connection the other night for the first time in probably 3+ months. Being punished like you're one of the bad guys sucks, which is what I originally meant. Sorry if you took my comment the wrong way.

    I didn't even know the DC penalty stacked like that, I figured it was a set penalty for every time someone DC'd. And yes I agree, if you're banned for up to 48 hours then something is wrong. You need to either take your lumps and finish the round like a man, or just quit the game completely if a certain killer/map/what have you, bothers you that much.

    I don't mind the DC penalty, grinding it out during the hard times will only make you better. Quitting and leaving your teammates out to dry because you got you knickers in a bunch is a sissy way out.

  • DJDHS123
    DJDHS123 Member Posts: 4

    Tbf though if someones pc isnt performing the best it isnt there fault,for instance you cant fix a gpu problem if you dont have the money or people may not realise but what happens to me is I'm running low end parts but when the game updates the graphics go to ultra so it would freeze and black screen,so the lack of pc components isnt a reason someone should get a dc penalty if there was a way to prove it imo💁‍♂️

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Maybe don't quit so much for it to get to that point? If your internet is bad and is disconnecting you don't play until it's fixed

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    They already have something implimented for that kind of DCing. I've dc'd due to power outages, dog knocking the router plug out, and even spotty internet. It mostly affects people who use the menu to leave mid match or quiting to dashboard. Your fear of wrongly being banned are a smidge over exaggerated

  • shiffpup2
    shiffpup2 Member Posts: 131

    As someone who's had multiple 12+ hour dc penalties in Smash Ultimate before, you need to look at why and how you play the game. Because unless you have extremely bad internet, you're the one at fault here.

  • The only thing excessive about a 48 hour ban is the amount of disconnections someone must be doing to get a ban for that long. There's no reasonable excuse to get that many disconnects because; Consistent connection issues are the players fault, Leaving a match prematurely is the players fault, Rage quitting is the players fault. If there's an issue with the software, then you send a ticket into customer service and they will check the disconnect for software crash.

    Disconnecting seriously messes with the game balance for everyone left in the trial. Making it harder for survivors to complete their task and gain altruism points and pips, while making it harder for the killer to earn their bloodpoints and pips. Killer disconnections obviously end the game, but similarly the rest of the lobby are negatively affected too.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415
    edited October 2020

    I lol'd i would expect it to reset after the 72 hrs.

    That would suck to have a 48 or 72 hr ban and then get back on and something happen to your internet and drop from the game and get hit again with the same ban.

    Better make sure your internet is straight before you start playing if you've already reached that high of a ban.

    Way to many lol. The first one starts at like 3 minutes then 5 minutes, i would assume it would go like 3, 5, 10, 15, 30, 1hr, 3hr, 6hr, 12hr, 24hr, 48.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Then you will have to find another game. There are games I can't play because my system isn't up to the task. You are in the same boat for this one. Quit putting your own needs above everyone else. It is rude, selfish, and unrealistic. Go play the mobile app version of the game and get your fix there.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Killers do have a penality for face camping. They lose BP for being near a hooked survivor and basically forfeit the match just to secure a kill.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    I mean...the devs ultimately can dictate how people play their game. That said, it's more the fact that to achieve a 48 hour ban, the OP either rage quite A LOT or has absolutely terrible internet. Whatever the reason, other players should not be punished in game because OP likes to dc or their internet is horrible.

  • brezeeger
    brezeeger Member Posts: 1

    I'd also like to point out that if you actually are someone who enjoys playing with friends (especially since you can't responsibly see people in person nowadays), it typically takes 20-40 minutes just to get into a game. Nothing quite like "playing" for a couple hours, but only getting one real game in. Disconnects literally cause hours of wasted given how many people do it.

    That being said, there seems to be one weekend every few months where we get in a game after a minute or two, and we're very pleasantly shocked. Wish it was like that all the time.

    The responses to this post brought so much joy, lol.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I have no idea how many times someone has to DC to get a ban that big. Just don't dc and the problem is solved.

  • Welp- if you ragequit constantly and constantly ruin other people's game... Maybe a few days away is good for you.

    And more so, everyone else

  • WildEST19XXcarD
    WildEST19XXcarD Member Posts: 7

    I understand a ban needs to be in place, but I feel like is good amount time to be penalised for a dc, make it like 6 hours max. I would also like to see the devs make their game not crash on xbox as atleast twice a day the system freezes and crashes. Then I get a ban, optimize your game!

  • WildEST19XXcarD
    WildEST19XXcarD Member Posts: 7

    You want to get back to us on that? JK I'll see if a buddy of mine knows.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    I was thinking this the second i read the op, pretty much all that really needs to be said on the matter.

  • max112299
    max112299 Member Posts: 1

    I have inconsistent wifi so I constantly get disconnected at random times, it's a little excessive

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    When you disconect you are ruining the game for other 4 people, one DC for having a low end PC is ok, it will give you a 45 seconds penalty its not that much, having a PC that cant run this game and crashing over and over its not the same and should be punishable.

  • DerrickTheGoblin
    DerrickTheGoblin Member Posts: 5

    Imma keep it 100%, I've been under the impression that the dc penalty stacks and is permanent, but reading some replies I clearly had the wrong idea and I'm happy to hear it. :)

  • DerrickTheGoblin
    DerrickTheGoblin Member Posts: 5

    I've just misunderstood how the penalty works and now I understand. No worries anymore:)

  • Floppy_Dongle
    Floppy_Dongle Member Posts: 3

    My connection was screwy and ended up getting like 25 min, hasn't happened since (not trying to jinx myself) and that was over a 2 day period. And like 4 disconnects while in the process of kicking butt lol. But how do you even dc enough to get a 48 hour??? On purpose much less accident

  • Zeromadcoil
    Zeromadcoil Member Posts: 4

    I just had 3 survivors dc on me. I lost 2 iri add ons and a map offering for a 6 minute match and all i got was 20k bp including the bonus. So no its not "already a big boost." The 20k will not repay the cost of finding those items in the web again.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Why does the survivor have to disconnect? As oppose to just suicide?

    And u don't want to save time for ur team to do gens? Or a last min save to swap out survivor?

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Sounds like a lot of bull to me. I got a few mins ban becuz dbd froze on me 2 seconds into the match.

    It is a known bug on the Xbox one x. And devs don't care.

    I never went beyond 5 mins or so. The DC penalty was only implemented recently due to enormous amount of ppl DC.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    No, no it isn't. Sort out your connection and then come back and play. What is so difficult to understand about this? You are ruining the experience for four other people every time you insist on playing when you know you will DC.

  • blazethywolf
    blazethywolf Member Posts: 3

    dude i maxed out the penalty. 99 hrs 99 mins and 60 seconds. it is funny as hell how stupid an ######### this penalty idea is. ppl dc regardless of penalty. they do not care. most dc bc killer leaves them on floor. its not a strat if killer isnt following the crawling away survivor to another survivor to heal them. i dc bc if i get down im farming. i dc. i wont to be unhooked by filthy ingrates other survivors. i rather dc before i get hooked. that is farmer for ya. get those archives done faster. once im done with what i need to do for archive challenge. then i want to die an suicide. then there is eragers just dc waaay tooo competitivebto a non competitive game.

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