I never wanted to DC more.
Iri-Head Huntress
Slugs 3 survivors within the first minute.
4th refuses to come out of hiding.
1 slugged DCed.
2 and 3 bleed out.
4 is caught and slugged til bleed out too.
Killer proceeds to trashtalk the entire team.. of which I'm the only one who can read the chat since the others were console.
Wasted Y4 cakes.
3 natural midwich in a row so I dc or let myself die each time and then I got better games and was happy and then got midwich again, then again, again and then I gave up because this time for the first time A PERSON BROUGHT THE DAMN MAP. yeah 3 times in a row skip a few games and then 4 in a row.
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Fun times. I´ve had such games, too. To DC would of course make you the worst person on earth, but the urge can be strong at times.
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dcing wastes time for the most part. You lose your points, exp gained, and the time you spent searching/loading into the game + the penalty. It just feels pointless. Things can be frustrating at times but again there's always the next match.
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This is so ridiculous. The fact that you have to do that is insanity. 3/5 matches the same map? Is anyone in here even listening? DC and all 5 are back in another game in less than 5 min. “There’s always the next game” of course this only applies to people who sit in a game and are relentlessly bullied, given the same map repeatedly, or are face camped by bubba but don’t DC. If you DC for ANY REASON EVER, you are human filth......... pretty toxic mentality
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For that it is worth, you did the right thing and saw that game through. I salute you. I've had a few of these too, and it is the measure of a Player that they don't disconnect. If I could give you an Ultra-Rare offering as a way of saying thank you for doing so, I would.
Why the Huntress felt the need to trash talk you all at the end, well... people are often idiots.
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I believe not even attempting to hook any survivor after slugging everyone is holding the game hostage. Slugging is a-okay as long as it is a means to an end that involves completing your objective: pleasing the Entity. I personally sometimes see survivors bleed out in my games, and that's usually either because I can't find them or I have a choice between two survivors of which one to hook.
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The game is on a 4-minute timer at that point - Devs have previously confirmed that this is fine (a waste of everyone's time, but fine).
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I got lucky; when I got Lery's as him, I was running Umbra Salts so it was slightly tolerable even if the frames left something to be desired. And I'm getting better at not instinctively holding A or D whenever I want to go through a damn doorway, making me bash back into the frame!
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On an aside I'm not sure why it being on Haddonfield is relevant, if anything that's one of the more survivor friendly maps.
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If only you could quickly exit the match via the escape menu...but wait that would make you the bad guy because DC bad!!!111 it's not the killer who wanted to make 4 survivors sit there for 4 minutes literally unable to play the game. And if they want to leave early? Nah, get punished for something out of your control, you entitled survivor main don't you know it's part of the game and a legitimate strategy? Plus you'd be ruining the game for everyone in that match!
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I think it has to do with the new infinite fence and bush glitch, but Haddonfield is nothing if you have an iri head huntress with a good hitbox and aim
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Just seeing someone is using iri hatchets makes me want to dc. I will just run to her and kill myself on first hook. IMO that's the most busted add on in the game, specially paired with belt.
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I feel like both sides try to get the other side to dc for the LOL's which in the end going to kill this game.
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What if I said the devs plan to buff another killer before nerfing Huntress?
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Design better maps that don't invariably screw over at least 30% of the killers on the roster? Remove unfun add ons or game mechanics that have existed for years (Iri head, moris, keys)? Update mechanically broken killers to fit the current meta (Trapper, Plague, etc)? Address the ability for both sides to completely stall the game? Give no killer ping indicator in the lobby so you get hit from Narnia with option to avoid the game in the first place? I SLEEP
D/C penalties? REAL ****
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huh; don't remember then doing that.
but okay
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DCing may feel good but all you're doing is giving a killer main bragging rights
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Yeah, I DCd as killer tonight after trying to do the stupid blight challenge for the 5376th time. I can't even hit ONE person with the stupid lethal rush, let alone six in one match. The devs are seriously smoking something with that challenge. I kept getting SWF after SWF and since I was trying to do that challenge I was mostly just running around crashing into things and it just got too discouraging. The game is quickly getting to a point where it just isn't fun on either side. Love the concept but the execution leaves sooooo much to be desired. 🤷
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Just DC, its only a 5 minute penalty.
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Blight isn't a killer you pick up and learn everything there is to know about him in 3 matches like everyone else. He requires a lot of map knowledge and survivor knowledge. If you don't know how a survivor can move to dodge you you're not gonna hit anyone. It's like Nurse in that sense, but a lot harder and with a much higher skill ceiling because you don't ignore every mechanic in the game, you have to play around them all.
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Yeah, plus I'm having a hard time getting the feel for how fast he goes when rushing. I feel like everything becomes a blur. My eyesight sure isn't what it used to be and I think a lot of it is just having issues tracking things well. Plus he's not a killer I see much of when playing survivor so I'm not used to him from that perspective either.
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What is it lately with more and more and more killers being like that?
Seriously, since Hexy's tournament it seems to be toxic-o-clock 24/7. It's utterly exhausting, on both sides.
Because, sorry, but if i get survivors thanking me for playing NORMAL then something is wrong.
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ive got the same thing
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This is the ideal gameplay meta. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
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/s? but not funny or clever
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It's a meme. Normally used to jokingly say something is superior while implying the exact opposite.
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Figured. But with this thing Poe's Law is alive and kicking
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I wish there was an option to ######### after a certain duration of being in dying state.
EDIT: Oh I forgot that it censors, I guess end one's in-game life might be a better way to state it.