Im crying playing dbd through 2x BP

Im sick of the “just do gens”, ITS NOT FUN GAMEPLAY FOR ANYONE.
I dont play killer anymore cause its dumb af at high ranks and survivor i only play cause of friends... we didnt need graphical updates, or minor changes to useless perks making them still useless.... make the game play good, change the meta, add somethings to the game to add some variety to the game play for survivor cause its the same boring gameplay once you get good at looping and time management.
Play killer instead?
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"I dont play killer anymore cause its dumb af at high ranks and survivor i only play cause of friends..."
I guess he doesn't want to
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play a game you enjoy then?
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Yeah i read that too. So when he doesn´t like playing survivor and he also doesn´t like playing killer. Maybe he should take a break.
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but by the sound of the post it doesn't seem like you're very good at either looping or time management in game? Why do you play this if it's causing negative emotions? I really don't get it. If you're not having fun doing something that is meant for FUN then don't do it.
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If you feel strongly about double bp then play the event. Otherwise I suggest taking a break and come back a bit later. That's what I did last week cuz the game just didn't feel fun anymore.
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The double BP event always brings the worst in everyone, but survivors and killers. Both seem a lot more desperate to get points, to the point the survivors just farm each other in front of the killers and the killers tunnel more for easier kills.
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just do gens
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As a killer player that tries his hardest to play fairly, I deal with survivors of the same survivors all the time.
So really it's just either take a break/quit or ignore the bad have games.
I personally took some time off; now I'm like rank 17 when I used to be 1 at some point so now I get noobs and one good player.
Think you guys did a pretty good job so far? I don't; I hope it can get better sometime. I love this game but people can ruin it so easily.
Just make Competitive and Causal modes already why don't'cha? I mean it'd be great for literally everyone.
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A lot of people think it's just because of the double bp event, and that it might be survivor mains going to killer to get more points, so they use the tactics that we see in low rank matches. It's a pain, but unless you have the perks to counter it I would advise taking a break or just waiting it out. I get where you're coming from-- I had so many matches where my teammates died in the first 5 minutes because of camping and slugging, and even a few DCs. Good luck in your next matches, though, and I hope they're more fun :)!
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I get it. when you don't like a game, sometimes its hard to move one. I rarely play an online game more than 500 hours, and usually somewhere around 400 I start to get unhappy and realize it isn't fun for me anymore. it takes all different amount of time to realize, it is ok to move on and find a game you enjoy more, while still wishing the game you were playing was better.
I'm very sad at some of the games I no longer play, but many of them turned into bad games, where I had good memories. Moving on can be hard, but it can be health.
It feels like the OP is at a point, where how this game is played now is not what they want, and perhaps for their personal happiness, they find something better, while hoping this game improves so they can one day return.
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We need to slug lol like you guys need to hit DS.
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If the only thing that's keeping you playing is this dumb blood rush event...stop playing. You're clearly not enjoying it, this is how DbD becomes an addiction. Games should be played for fun and as entertainment. When a game stops being that, it's time to stop playing. I'm not talking about simply "taking a break" either like everyone else has suggested because the cycle would just repeat over and over. Unless you can find a way to enjoy the game again, quitting it for good and finding something else will feel soooo much better.
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You know I slug. That's because I don't want to deal with DS.
Or sometimes I can get a two for one deal
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If a video game makes you this upset, maybe do something else with your life
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You should tell that to all the killer mains complaining in this forum. I really want to see it, please do it asap.
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I keep seeing posts like this and I have had a completely different experience. I only play Solo survivor and things have been pretty good lately.
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I'm earning more BP as survivor than as killer because of how quickly I can get into and out of matches. This would be different if playing as killer I was using 100% xp offerings, too.
But, are you sure it's not survivor mains playing killer, trying to get more BP, getting frustrated and then just cmaping/tunneling everyone for getting more BPs than them? They might figure, if I can;t have the BPs then no one can! Considering most camping/tunneling is a result of frustration... killer mains I know don't camp or tunnel unless they're being trolled. Even then, camping is a losing battle. You're better off dominating and saving the would-be-camped for your last kill.
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Not everyone is good at looping or takes fun out of chases. Why is that such a hard concept to grasp?
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I've been playing killer quite a bit and for some reason all the surviors have sucked so much like even the best are only getting like 3 gens done at most and I feel like it's the event just straight up turning people into potatoes
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I suggest to change your gameplay. if you like chases, then try stealth as a change. if you are using a perk constantly, try other perks such as no mither, autodidact, stake out, etc. I know that there is a lot of grind to get some perks as a change, but if you could, do it.
may be you should try anthor game as a chnage. crash bandicoot 4 is a challenging platforming game that I might recommend to you. Of course, play other game you like and then come back to DBD.
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I've only played survivor during the event so and the killers and teammates have been pretty good. I've only seen one mori and that was a yellow one
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I find the "I'm sick of the "just do gens" crap" part interesting. And inaccurate. Hiding and doing gens, playing hide and seek, that's absolutely fun, imo. I don't find chases fun at all because my skill in strategery is low and I do better at hiding than I do being chased.
Plus, you know,there's also that whole part of "the gens are literally your only hard objective in order for you to survive". That part is pretty important too.
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All the complaining in general is what's actually making the game less fun- entitled killers are every bit as bad as entitled survivor mains-
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because the op was complaining that it's too easy once you get used to it.
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Yup, it gets boring after a thousand post about the same thing (ds,swf)
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I say take a break from the game or stop playing it which is what I did.
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Its as if any time someone loses the game they take to the boards for a good sore-loser tantrum
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Eh, the graphics update was kinda needed, it was already looking dated in early 2017... they've tried countless things to stop camping, tunneling, etc. and survivors found ways to abuse all of them.
Even then, camping is considered a viable strategy, especially if the killer knows it will likely pay off also survivors hate that they may actually die because of it, tunneling is just another thing made up because survivors found it unfair that they couldn't get a free second chance, so "tunneling" was born. Slugging again, is to counter all the crap survivors have to get second chances, like DS, and if you intentionally run at the killer to bait your DS and they slug you, that's your fault. Not theirs for countering your bait attempt.
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I've only seen one as well.
Myers with a tombstone piece and it was today. So, it was like, thematic for Halloween.
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I really like your comment, and I find it to be very accurate. I haven't reached this point in DBD, but this definitely happened to me with Rocket League (matchmaking issues, microtransactions, toxic community, etc.)
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i hope you get tunneled every game by the time this 2x event, so you will see how it feels like, but you probaly only play killer, so your opinion isn't valuable
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I slugged earlier with a billy because they we dive bombing hooks with borrowed had sabo and we're body block in a corner with two. Then got called toxic. I both sides equally, to be called a toxic because I did what I had to do to counter their strategy. I'm not going to just chainsaw across the map :P
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Maybe, just maybe, stop ya yappin. Its a work in progress game that is asymmetrical. Do you know what that means mate? It means teams are unbalanced in purpose for the sake of a rush. Cool ya jets. The game is good if you actually learn and change up your perks a little. Trust me. Start a new surv and play only them. Its challenging and fun.
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5 years + closed dev time is “a work in progress”?..... okey then