What other characters do you want to see in this game?

I don't mean the usual answers like Jason, Candyman, Pinhead, Chucky, Pennywise, or any others that have been requested over and over. I mean characters from other franchises that seem unlikely but you still want to see.
My top 3 are Shaun from Shaun of the Dead, Burt Gummer from Tremors, and the Headless Horseman from Sleepy Hollow.
Charlie from Don’t Starve Together
The Lady from Little Nightmares
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Said it once, I'll say it a thousand times.
Jack Torrance from The Shining.
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Alan Wake from his self-titled games.
The Black Knight from Scooby-Doo.
Various characters from Outlast (Chris Walker, Miles Upshur, etc).
Various characters from The Evil Within (The Keeper, Ruvik, Joseph Oda, Juli Kidman, etc).
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Jennifer from Jennifers Body.
Tiffany from Bride of Chucky
Mary Shaw from Dead Silence
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sidney from scream that it
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The Babadook or Warwick Davis's Leprechaun. Picture it. A 4 foot killer traversing the map on a pogostick or a nightmarish go-kart.
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A stacked Julie James.
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Count Orlok
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I really would like to see a Remothered chapter. Rosemary Reed as survivor, The Red Nun as the killer, and the Felton Estate as the map. The Red Nun would use moths as her power, and there’s even terror radius music implemented in the game that would fit so well in DBD.
Also would like to see a Clock Tower chapter. Scissorman as Killer, Jennifer as Survivor, and the Barrows Mansion as the map.
Last but not least, Brenda Meeks as a survivor from Scary Movie :)
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It would never happen but survivor Ellie snd killer Clicker from The Last Of Us. (Please no "X" should be the killer instesd jokes)
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Lets think outside the box for once...
Goro Majima as a killer and Kiryu Kazuma as a survivor (yakuza series) (and can be easily explained)
And....Gordon Ramsay as a killer, cause he kills your ego and dreams, and master the knife
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It would be cool to see Daniel from Amnesia, though I'm not sure who the killer would be. The most visually iconic enemy are the Suitors from Amnesia: Justine.
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Alan Wake from Alan Wake for Survivors.
The Spitter from Left 4 Dead for Killers.
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Jack the Ripper or The Ripper
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Personally, I'd love to see a Puppet Combo or Outlast Chapter. I love Puppet Combo's games, and Outlast is amazing.
As for something I know will probably never make it in, but I'd love to see- definitely Ao Oni, or an Amnesia: The Dark Descent Chapter. (Or any of those old RPGMaker Horror games + an Amnesia Chapter). Those games are what got me into Horror in the first place, so I would love to see them make an appearance.
(And for my meme answer: I want Barbie as a Killer and Raquelle as a Survivor from Barbie's Life in the Dream House.)
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I really like the idea of a moth based power! Can you describe shortly what they do in that game?
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The headless horseman, or Outlast 2 characters
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Jack Black and that puppet from that Goosebumps movie.
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What about Charles Manson and Sharon Tate?
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Wow, Burt Gummer from Tremors, now that's a deep cut! Nice! 🙂
I'm not sure how likely they are, but a couple of things I'd love to see:
- Supernatual - A DLC with Sam and Dean Winchester as survivors and a Demon as the killer, maybe with The Bunker or Crossroads as the map.
- Medusa - A killer that is a Medusa who inflicts conditions on survivors that look at her. Basically they get Hindered, Blinded, Oblivious, eventually Exposed or even Immobilized the longer they look at her. It would be an interesting dynamic where you want to watch the killer you're running or hiding from but if you do it makes it easier for them to catch you.
- Puppet/Doll Master - Something where the killer has an army of small dolls or ventriloquist dummies or spiders or whatever else fits the theme that can help them harass the survivors. (This one is really a long shot though, I'm not sure how they would mechanically get it to work well, but if they could do it it could be really fun!)
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Licensed killer Chucky. I kind of like Myers make his terror radius small.
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BHVR stated they don’t want to include real life people/murderers. And that’s a good thing.
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I was joking.
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Doctor Who
The Dark Tower
Smaller licenses I’m not totally convinced on: Sirenhead and The Backrooms.
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I just want a Wendigo, man.
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well, it was a bad joke.
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Personally, even though it isn't a horror game....I think Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal would fit quite well as a killer. The only issue I have with it is that I see him playing almost identical to The Clown, just throwing Flaming Ice Cream Cones instead. So...maybe just as a legendary skin? lol.
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The Horror of the Heavyweight Champonship.
The Murdering
He's the cream of the crop. His mindgames are the only games you'll ever play. Oooooooh, you think you can get away from the Macho Man?
The Macho Man (Randy Savage)
-115% speed
-The Macho Man is NOT a stealthy killer in the slightest. During the fade in at the beginning of a match, The Macho Man announces himself by yelling "I'M THE CREAM OF THE CROP" loud enough for everyone to hear. And fear.
-KING OF THE RING: The Macho Man will charge forward, crashing into anyone he hits. This will hit them for a single health state and stagger them for half a second. After the half second, they will regain full control as usual. The speed boost normally associated getting hit will activate upon regaining control of the character. The Macho Man, after hitting someone with King of the Ring, will take a moment to flex.
-FLYING ELBOW DROP: When the Macho Man approaches a hook, he may climb on top of it as though it were a turnbuckle. From there, he has one second to aim where he wants to go, and will promptly jump into the air like a majestic eagle, landing where he chose with an Flying Elbow Drop. Landing on a survivor with this puts them instantly into the Dying state. Upon landing this attack, the Macho Man will cry out "OH YAAAAAA" loud enough to be heard across the entire map.
-SUBMISSION: The Macho Man, when encountering a Dying survivor, may choose to put them into a submission lock rather than pick them up, effectively turning The Macho Man into a hook. During the time he has the survivor in the lock, he will constantly belittle them, taunt them, offer them words of inspiration, and advise them to snap into a Slim Jim. The Survivor may be rescued as normal. Upon removing the Survivor from Submission, The Macho Man appears on top of a random hook, prepared to launch a Flying Elbow Drop.
-PIN: The Macho Man, when encountering a Dying survivor that would die on hook, may choose to pin them. Putting them in a Pin is essentially a mini-Mori, and counts as a hook for the sake of scoring. Upon putting them in the Pin, there is a three count before the Survivor is dies. Upon completing the Pin, The Macho Man rolls away from his victim and shouts "I AM THE GREATEST WRESTLER THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN" loud enough to be heard across the entire map.
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I'd love ot have Sebastian Castellanos as Survivor and Laura as a Killer!
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Santa Clause as killer.
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I'd want anyone from Anime just so we really know Anime is on the table, plus I'm a weeb. If I was put on the spot I'd say Jotaro (JoJo) or Legoshi (Beastars) because I can't get the music from their anime out of my head (help me).
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Survivor - Jeff Goldblum
Killer - Alien or Alan Grant 😅
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The moths were primarily used to block interactions with certain things like doorways and ladders, as well as momentarily immobilizing the player forcing them to “shoo them off”.
In the context of DBD I could see her being able to use moths as a projectile to either block vault locations for a bit or force them to have to shoo the moths after vaulting, allowing her to close in on them. She could also use her moths on lockers to prevent survivors from entering or forcing survivors who are in them to stay stuck inside. Also I like the idea of her being able to use moths on generators to automatically regress them without having to kick it.
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I've always thought a Jurassic Park chapter would be interesting. Ian Malcolm as survivor with a velociraptor as killer. The velociraptor could pick up the survivor in its mouth rather than carrying them on its shoulders.
Would love to see Chucky but probably won't happen because of size.
Would love to see Jason but probably won't happen because of licensing.
They aren't so well known these days, but I've mentioned Hannibal Lecter and Annie Wilkes as killers, with their respective survivors Clarice Starling and Paul Sheldon. Probably a lot of licensing issues with them as well.
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I'd die for a Tucker and Dale vs. Evil chapter 😂
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The Evil Within's The Keeper and Sebastian Castellanos. The Keeper is basically made for DbD already with barbed wire traps, a teleporting mechanic, a weapon hit cooldown animation, and a name that already fits DbD's killer naming convention (i.e. ' The _____'). Sebastian is just a cool character that I'd like to play as in DbD.
Harry Warden/The Miner from My Bloody Valentine could be fun as a Killer; let him blind Survivors with his mining headlamp and give Flashlight squads a taste of their own medicine.
Any of the special zombies from L4D or L4D2 as a Killer along with the rest of the Survivors as Legendary cosmetics (yea, yea, Dwight has an Ellis cosplay and etc. But it's just not the same :c ) would be something I would Mori for.
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Change my mind The Thing would be amazing.