Game Crashed - 72 hour ban? 🤦🏽

At first I made a post about a 48 hour disconnection ban in effect. Now it’s 72 hours after I patiently waited it out. 3rd match into playing dbd today and the game crashes as soon as I spawn in. Now it’s 72 hours. You can’t put a DC penalty on a game where you’re not allowed to play it or where the game can’t detect whether or not you left on purpose and adjudicate it properly as to whether or not to administer a ban to your account. Such a let down from a game I really like.
I’m getting tired of asking and contacting support submitting a ticket only to hear you can’t do anything to fix it or appeal the ban. So I just can’t play your game? 🤦🏽
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How frustrating this is.
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Ouch. That is certainly unlucky, but again - DC Penalties are needed for this game. Do I wish the bugs and crashes were sorted out before? Yes, yes I do - but DC's, intentional or not, ruin the game for the other players, and the game has no way of knowing whether you DC'ed on purpose or not.
Everything aside, I hope you figure it out.
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I have tried contacting support but they say “Thank you for reaching out.
The disconnect penalties are completely automated and as such, support is unable to cancel or modify any existing bans or accumulated points, nor are we able to turn off disconnect penalties for a specific player.”
that is incredibly frustrating. Until they fix the game where it doesn’t crash or ALLOWS YOU TO REJOIN Then they shouldn’t have a DC penalty. I know it is much needed but they need to be reasonable here as to how far the ban can get up to because you don’t need 24/48/72 hours to get the message across. This is a lazy mans dc system. They didn’t put any work into giving the player any other options in the event that it’s on accident. Add a Rejoin option or lower the maximum sentence or fix the crashes, fix your game. This isn’t acceptable.
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Its time to move on to another game i think
i felt u, i have the same problem
no luck other than leave the game
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This is OMEGALUL tier now. Sort out your connection or play something else.
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You've gotta DC a LOT to get to this point.
This is a you problem.
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Don't worry buddy. @MandyTalk informed me that it's our fault their game bans people because it's our responsibility to not have "bad internet". I literally told them I play destiny 2 daily with zero lag ever and yet, it's still my internet's fault and not the development teams fault. Don't worry behavior just blames us now so they don't have to address issues.
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At that point I would take Mathieu's advice and just "Play another game"
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It’s not my connection you clearly didn’t read the post. The game crashed as soon as I spawned in. That’s the games fault. They shouldn’t have a DC system in place For a game that cannot either
1) detect if it was intentional
2) allow a player to rejoin
3) has glitches, bugs and crashes
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You guys are clearly not reading the post correctly. The game crashed after spawning in. That is not an internet issue. That is a game related issue. The bugs causing players to be stuck in place. The latency issues, connection drops. These are all contributors to compiling DC penalty times that make the game unplayable. They need to fix it.
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@AskingForHelp dude, I was agreeing with you in a passive way cause I had this same issue happening. I was just telling you what a community mod said to me to dismiss the issue and not actually fix anything. If they blame us then there's no problem on their end, only on ours.
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Well I mean...many other people in the community don't have the problem that the game is crashing. So it is just normal to assume that it has do you with your PC or your internet connection and not with the game itself.
Not a very helpful response, I agree on that, but the game runs smoothly for the majority of players.
The only thing I can recommend at this point is playing on lower resolutions. Since the new graphic updates have been released, playing on Ultra or high has become very laggy, at least for me.
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It’s not unlucky, it’s a matter of time before the next ban comes. I’m walking on egg shells. And the company doesn’t want to help you recover your account when mishaps occur? Why would I support a game like that? But it sucks because I really do enjoy playing it. Yet it’s literally telling me I can’t play it every time I wait to play it again. I shouldn’t have to go through this. The first few times I DC’d was because my character got stuck in place or the game was being held hostage. I figured I could use the first few small bans on that kind of stuff that wasted an incredible amount of time in each match. Then I’ll hold off for awhile. But then your internet drops or someone unplugs it. Then the game crashes next time when you spawn in. And voila here I am at 72 hours. It compiles quickly and tbh it doesn’t need to exceed 24 hours. That’s just ridiculous
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Very simple solution. Wait 98 hours and your ban should regress. Just tell us if the ban regresses to 42 hours or 5 minutes. Would be nice for the record.
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And we pay these people to screw us out of our experience? Survivor side feels incredibly neglected. The amount of bugs, glitches and crashes are insane. Top that off with a connection issue here and there and you find yourself at 72 hours. Typical BHVR way of handling things, why fix the reason people disconnect to prevent people from disconnecting when you can penalize them for it instead 😂👌🏼 Makes Perfect sense
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@Chechia I'm not trying to argue or anything but dude, I play destiny 2 every single day with zero issues with lag. I play halo daily as well with zero lag. Dead by daylights graphics don't hold a candle to those games man. It's not the graphics, it's their game having issues and it's really that simple man. It's increasingly frustrating we get dismissed as the minority everytime we post something or we get smacked with people who wanna insult us or blame us. It's demoralizing especially when you've done nothing wrong.
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It doesn’t run smoothly though. I see people dc in cross play all the time.
it cannot really be argued against that this penalty system needs to work differently. It needs to do 1 of 3 things bare minimum. Every other dc penalty I know of has a certain level of fairness attached to it in the case that it could have been a mistake. This one doesn’t. And it’s keeping me from playing the game. Time to call my bank and dispute any charges related to this game and get my money back. Because I feel robbed of my money when this kind of stuff happens.
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Maybe I should just log in and keep banning myself to see how high it can go. At this point I’m pretty done with the game. I can’t win when I am walking on egg shells in fear of the game crashing again leading to an even higher ban timer. Nah, it’s just not worth it. It sucks because I really love this game but it literally doesn’t help or try to resolve any issues nor do the support team. They tell me “Thank you for reaching out.
The disconnect penalties are completely automated and as such, support is unable to cancel or modify any existing bans or accumulated points, nor are we able to turn off disconnect penalties for a specific player.”
yeah okay thanks BHVR for leaving me with no options. Why is there an “appeal penalty” tab if you are just going to send me this message?
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How did it get to 48 hours to begin with?
Without the 48 hour ban you waited out, which definitely wouldn't be from crashing, as that would be SO many crashes that you'd be insane to keep playing, then your crash would've been a 5 minute ban.
The timing of it sucks, but maybe if you're having your matches interrupted so many times that you can even get to that point you need to sort out your problems first. The game absolutely does crash from time to time, but not nearly enough to warrant this sort of issue.
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How many times did your game crash for it to get to a 48h ban?
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person DC a bunch of games, get mega long DC penalty. perhaps has 1 actual DC and then gets mad about DC penalty. lolz
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I get what you mean and I understand your frustration. But I for example don't have these issues with the game and my PC isn't the newest one either. So I honestly don't know what causes these problems and I am also not sure if it has something to do with the game itself. It doesn't make sense that some people barely have any issues and some people do have them a lot.
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Yeah I see complaints for this all the time. Getting DC for random reason. But it's so uncommon even though I see it on the forum all the time. no worries bro behavior will probably just tell you to play different game.
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Yeah console players have big issues at the moment, that's true. I am only talking about PC.
The DC penalty is needed, but it would be nice if they could only apply it to the people who actively press the button to leave the game.
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crashing has nothing to do with connection, the game literally freezes.. how is that connection related?
i've had this happen on xbox 3 times in the span of a day and a half and yeah i kept getting BS bans
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Everyone is safe from you ruining their games for the next 3 days. Sounds good to me.
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Does the game give you an error message or do you get any type of error message at all?
Also, I love how people are jumping the gun and saying it’s his net. I have amazing internet and I have experienced disconnection issues before, AND been locked out. I don’t know what rock you’ve been living under but the game isn’t “perfect”.
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This is why penalties start low. So that a random crash happens you don't get pubished as hard.
Combined with DCing on purpose and bad connection it get's to rediculous levels.
Which is a good thing. This is your fault for dcing earlier and playing an online game with bad connection
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If you know which kind of error and error message you are receiving, we do have Technical Issues sub-forum you could check out. By using the search function you can limit searches to that sub-forum specifically. See if someone else has reported it, chances are other moderators and users have tried helping to fix it. If not, you can create a thread with all the necessary information.
I'm sorry that you're experiencing these issues, but if you know you're experiencing issues it'd be for the best if you tried fixing them first before continuing to play the game. Whether the disconnects are intentional or not - it still ruins the game for four other people.
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Can you tell me how to get a good job?
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Fix your internet. If you're up to 72 hours, this isn't the first time it's happened. Wonder how many games you've cost your fellow survivors...
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Depends, what are your qualifications? Do you have any experience? How old are you?
All important information, a lemonade stand would be really awkward if your 45.
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If you're crashing that much, instead of asking for D/C penalties to be removed, you should be looking into troubleshooting. Submit a support ticket, create a post in the Bug sub-forum. Ask some questions: Does the crash happen at the same point every time(immediately after loading into the match)? Is it a certain map? Is it a certain character? Does it happen with specific perks? Could it be related to your system specs? Etc.
D/C penalties are needed and under normal circumstances, they shouldn't negatively affect anyone who isn't abusing the system. Your circumstances seem to be unique(if you're being honest), so instead of removing the penalty, you should be looking into what's causing your excessive crashes.
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Dude, I’m sorry to say but coming here is the last place you will find even a shred of sympathy or any bit of help whatsoever. As i suspected simply by reading your title, there would be numerous posts saying “fix your internet”. “It’s your fault not the game”. After experiencing this as well today i think the honest answer is yes, find another game that actually care about its customers. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another company try so hard to lose its customers. Like actively contributing to people leaving. All the Karen’s of the game got together and levied a punishment against anyone who DC’s for any reason because in their eyes, you are a terrible person and deserve whatever bad things happen to you. It’s a disgusting attitude, however it is broad in this forum. But of course you’ve already figured that out in your last post.
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@Chechia it's been that way ever since they first implemented dedicated servers. Once they disabled them everything went to hell on my end for no apparent reason. I will say ever since pyramid heads release I didn't have a single lag issue or disconnect issue until they started the Halloween event. The day of the event starting is when my game started to crash outrageously and I started disconnecting for no reason. I love dead by daylight for what it is but, if there's a part of the game that isn't working correctly then the logical thing is to remove it until it does. You can browse the forums and find numerous dc ban posts every single day and that's just from the player base that knows of the forums and actively posts here. The silent majority exists and it's impossible for us to comprehend how big the problem is just from the posts here alone.
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That honestly sucks. I hope that they will fixed these issues along with all the other bugs that are currently in the game.
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I understand your point but what are console players supposed to do. Literally everyday my game crashes atleast twice. One if my friends logged in earlier into swf with me, his game froze halfway though a gen sent him to the home screen. He reloaded the game only to find out he got a penalty. How is that fair? I also get hit miles away from a window yet I pay for top tier internet, I'm hard wired with no lag in other games. But this one seems like it's still in development.
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Before you tell me that I didn't read your OP. I did. A game crash immediately putting you on 72hr after finishing a 48hr is rough. But how did you get to 48? It wasn't a couple of dc's over getting stuck.
I couldn't get animation locked enough times to get to 48hr if it was a rift challenge. If it did happen that often, wouldn't you just go AFK and wait for end game collapse rather than dc and wait additional hrs or days?
So is it
A. Habitual rage quitting? Or
B. Bad internet?
Logic narrows it to only 2 possibilities.
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In this same vain, I play on console where my account is the primary main account. My husband has a secondary account linked. My game works fine, crashes once in a blue moon, his has gotten 24 hour bans because the game won't stop crashing.
Same internet, playing at same times of day, same console, everything is the same sans the account. Plenty of people do have game crashes where others do not, that doesn't make it a non-issue.
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Once you reach a 6 hour ban, you need to take a break from the game for about a week. Happened to me back when I was having on and off internet issues combined with crashes. (This was on the Switch, so don't tell me to fix my PC. And my internet was fine most of the time. It went out maybe twice a day, when I was playing a LOT of DBD because of COVID). So I'd say take a couple weeks break from the game. And next time your penalty gets above an hour, take a break for a couple days. Don't let it get that high. Does it suck? Yeah, kinda. I think they need to make the system a little better to avoid situations like this. I think they could reduce the escalation a bit:
I think it goes 5 min - 15 min - 30 min - 1 hour - 2 hour - 6 hours - 24 hours - 48 hours - 72 hours.
I think it should go 5 min - 10 min - 20 min - 30 min - 1 hour - 2 hour - 4 hours - 8 hours - 24 hours - 48 hours - 72 hours
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I am not talking about console players. You guys have all my sympathy for what is going on with your games right now and I hope they will fix your issues soon.
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There’s no way for the game to crash that many times no to rack up a 72 hour ban. I’m inclined to believe what others have suggested. You rage quit a bunch got your 24 hour ban. You waited out said ban logged in loaded into a game and it crashes. Now you’re at 48 hours. There isn’t a Silent majority anymore. There is a forum for everything people enjoy doing not just video games. There’s a forum for hiking in a specific state. If this ban was happening to more people don’t you think they’d be here voicing their opinion. Also I’m Sure every internet service provider has logs of when there modems drop connections.
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I am aware of the issues on console right now and I have never meant console players with my statement because everyone knows that playing on console is extremely laggy at the moment.
But the person wo created this post is guilty of disconnecting many times on his free will before his game even crashed. He already made a post about his 48 hour ban where he confirmed that, aside from other post where he thinks killers are too strong in this game. I honestly don't think that someone who has insane issues with crashing would ignore that to a point where it reaches 78 hours.
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@Chechia yeah if you dc for any reason other than an internet glitch then you're in the wrong. I understand real life but even i just drop the controller and walk away and take the loss of life issues comes up. I didn't realize this guy was a hypocrite and it kinda makes sense why he's getting ######### talked on here. Unlike him though, just know plenty of us have legit crash issues and we're not just leaving cause we had a bad game against a camping bubba.
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I think it's just time to move on to another game
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I feel your pain. For a long time after the implementation of dedicated servers on PS4 I had nothing but issues. I could play any other game for several hours straight and never even lag much less disconnect. I could stream 4k movies and never buffer. I would play DBD and end up with a disconnect or two every time I tried to play, and lag issues almost every single match.
I would have to intentionally not play for 2 or 3 days straight just so things reset and I didn't receive a permanent ban. After several months things got better. I rarely get any disconnects anymore. I still get lag at times, but nothing unbearable. I don't know how dedicated servers work so I can't begin to make a guess what caused my problems or why they suddenly got better. The only thing I can say for sure is I have never had a single issue with my internet on any other game. I have never had an issue with streaming. The only internet related problem I have ever had ( and still do a little) is with DBD.
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Could be internet ive had it happen before could be someone else disconnected nat type wifi instead of hard wired or jus the game messin up but im devotion 10 and have never disconnected on purpose or accidentally. ive only been disconnected by the game i always struggle and never waste my teams time by attempting to escape the hook people who press start and dc deserve 72-hour ban get good or get off the game
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Can u make another account? And play on that one.
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I'm not trying to sound like a d#@$ but if you DC enough times that you get slapped with a 72 hour ban, perhaps you should consider playing something else? As some have mentioned you have to DC A LOT to get to that point. I dc once in a great while and I get 5 mins. It doesn't jump from 5 mins to 42 hours in 2 DC's. The only explanation is either you DC on purpose enough times that this is the reason these penalties are in place or you genuinely crash enough times for this penalty to affect you. If that is the case then your rig or internet may need to be upgraded because if you crash legit that many times, your system must not be up to par.
I crash once a month maybe and I've never waited more than 5 mins. I'm perfectly fine with the DC penalty. IMO the only ones who want this system removed are the ones it was designed to punish.