Why isn't there a dedicated totem perk?

You know. Something that's pretty much just designed to help Survivors cleanse totems. Seems like a pretty simple concept but it doesn't really exist yet.
i.e. cleansing totems faster and showing totem auras at the beginning of the trial.
Why would you need that?
There are already enough perks to reveal/locate Totems. AND they only take 14 seconds to cleanse.
Besides, totems are easy to find once you have an idea of where they are likely to spawn.
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Leader helps u cleanse faster but only works on teammates not you
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have you heard of Detective's Hunch and Small Game? there also maps I don't think survivors need another perk to totems.
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Inner Strength also. It encourages you to do bones and it rewards you as well for doing it.
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there is two amazing totem finding perks
small game and detectives hunch
totem have perks assigned to them you shouldn't know all totem spawns right away and potentially take a killer perk away by doing nothing other than using the perk. we honestly dont need any more totem finding perks the only thing we need is for small game to have a totem count so it can be used by solo's to counter noed and such.
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Tbh if anything, the problem I'm running into is my teammates just dropping left and right while I look for totems with small game/detective's and the aura reading killers get from undying causing high mobility killers to be right on top of you if you touch a lit totem.
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Detective's Hunch and Maps that track Killer Belongings both reveal the auras of totems.
Small Game notifies you when you look at a totem or trap within a short distance
Inner Strength gives you a free heal for cleansing a totem
Leader/Resilience/Spine Chill affect cleansing speeds
The perks exist.
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Pretty sure Spine Chill and Resilience will increase the speed you cleanse totems. So that's also a thing.
You'll need to be injured and have the killer watching you, but you will indeed cleanse faster.
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I'm more talking about the counter for Undying and the perfect perk to combo with Inner Strength.
Helps you find totems, "heal faster" and cleanse fast enough that the Killer has issues stopping you even if they see your aura and come running
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If you are really concerned with the aura reading from undying, you could try Distortion.
But honestly most killers with Undying aren't going to drop what they are doing if they spot you cleansing a dull totem. Also the aura reading isn't persistent while you are in the range of the totem so you can still stealth onto totems against Undying if the killer is distracted.
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Throw in Distortion to hide your aura a few times.
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It's just a matter of time until we get this perk.
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There are dedicated totem perks. There's not one that allows to cleanse faster, beside general perks like resilience. But not a dedicate one. Since base cleanse time is only 14 seconds and the killer needs to invest more slots to increase it sensibly, I don't think a dedicated perk to cleanse faster would be that much interesting. A more appealing alternative would be a perk that allows to retain cleanse progress if you get interrupted.
Also, showing the aura at the beginning of the trial would be extremely unbalanced.
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it does I like it but I still like SC because you can run out of totems.
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Because there is already like 6-8 perks that impact totems?
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Perk: *shows the Auras of all Totems at the beginning of the Trial*
Me: *takes screenshot*
That's why there's no such thing.