The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

How to Fix the Game

  1. Keep the penalty for hook camping, in fact make it even more penalizing.
  2. Make it so that a hooked survivor must hang for 30 seconds before anyone can unhook them. Rebalance hook phases accordingly.
### FIXED.



  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    I would like if the killer could lose emblem points in all category instead of only in the chaser category.
    This way you can actually derank by playing (just like you used to be able to derank by slugging)

  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @tehshadowman33 said:
    1. Keep the penalty for hook camping, in fact make it even more penalizing.
    2. Make it so that a hooked survivor must hang for 30 seconds before anyone can unhook them. Rebalance hook phases accordingly.



    It would never work. A reward for the killers leaving would be more motivation for the few who just want to insure they get enough points for a pip. The others dont care they play to just troll or "teach the survivors a lesson" as I have read on several post. As a survivor I dont like the idea of hanging there for that long while I could be earning points too. A reward of points for any survivor on a hook having to deal with a camper would be nice as well.

    If you really wanted to fix camping you could make it to where a double or triple hooked survivor would give an increased number of points but only if there is a 15 second interval between hookings. That would at least motivate the ones after points to give you a little breathing room. At the end of the day there will always be that one killer who gets off on camping a player.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Yay, survivors even have less objectives and are more inclined to genrush, good idea /sarcasm

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    This forum really needs a down-voting button.

  • Samwise
    Samwise Member Posts: 36

    I think if you punish camping, something every dev has said is a legit strat in DBD then we need to punish survivors for doing gens to fast, maybe lose points on all emblems if more then one gen is done every 2 minutes. You all want killers to be punished for doing their only objective, fair balance would be to punish survivors also for doing their only objective.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Let's punish gen camping then by the same token. If a survivor stays near a gen that a killer kicks it regress much faster and it's 30 seconds before they can start it again. 
  • CornChip
    CornChip Member Posts: 540

    I wasn't aware the game was broken