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Balance suggestions killer/survivor

Both camps have 4 different categories in which they can obtain points during gameplay.
But as for survivors, there is no real way to gain any survival points during gameplay, Other then escape, which rewards 5k at once. To me seems fitting, since that is the main objective to do.

But Why is it that killers dont have this too? They can score a lot easier points throughout the game, cause they can get points in all 4 categories. Its why almost every match, the killer has more points then the no1 survivor. I have even seen matches without a single kill and the killer still got away with 22k points. To me this isnt fair. He didnt succeed in his mission, so why reward him this much?

So my suggestion is to rework the sacrifize categorie. Only a small amount of points is given by every hook, and they get 5k too when they make 4 kills in a game. Thats their main objective isnt it?
People always talk about the SWF teams. But for me as a solo queer, i have never understand this kind of imbalance.

Also, why is that if i run, i get boldness points. To me this whole categorie doesnt make sense. It isnt my job to be bold, its my job to be stealthy and get the gens going and escape. So why is it that i need to do things that dont fit my goal in this game, in order to get points? Its like rewarding a killer for every walk he gives to a survivor. Its not the goal.

So could we change it to stealth instead of bold? Give points for crouching, not running around like an idiot and leave scratchmarks so the killer can get you faster. Give points for minutes being alive without being caught. And make it minus points when you do, which seems far more obvious to me then what is happening now. Rework the points to fit the goal, dont give points for just straight up stupid play. A surviviors job is to escape, how on earth am i doing that if i need to play with the killer too in order to get points?

I often play stealthy, do 2,5 gens out of the 5, get in the killer radius a lot without being spotted cause i dont leave scratchmarks, i save my teammates safely, end up being the last alive because of it and still walk away with the least amount of points cause the idiot play of my teammates who run around bullying killer and farm person on hook gets rewarded. To me, that really doesnt make sense at all.


  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    Did you know that i can smell survivor entitlement by the scent of a title?

    The fact you asked for a Killer BP nerf instead of survival category rework/buff feels like you are trying to get a one up on Killers. 
  • Mediva
    Mediva Member Posts: 124
    edited October 2018

    And did you know i can smell killer main by reading a post?

    Yes, i did ask for that. Survivors are already nerfed in their bloodpoints for making it impossible to get points in one of 4 categories unless you escape. And as i said, i am alright with that, but i do think that then it should go the same for killer. Keep the survivors BP nerfed for survival and nerf killers sacrifize to, or make it that survivors can get points in 4 categories as well during gameplay. To me that sounds fair. And since i think people should work to reach the endgoal and try to get better at the game and not have the BP handed too them, My favor goes to the first option. Its not that i want to nerf a killer, i just want BP to be given out fairly.

    Give survivors also 4 categories to score in, or give the killer also three during gameplay.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited October 2018
    In a game with such a grind its an awful idea to reduce BP. Buff survival category or leave it cause the other alternative will bite you in the ass sooner or later.
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    If you alwasy play as solosurvivor, never as a SWF and never touch killer, then you are not in the position to talk about balance, sorry to tell you that.

    Sure, bring killers BP earning lvl down to survivor, but then fix that most killers are addon depedent and lose their stuff after every game, even if they win

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    We get points whether we survive or not. The emblem only provides 1 point more for the pip requirement if you survive. As long as you last 9 minutes your focus is better spent on other emblems to pip and gain bp. 
  • DisturbedZ
    DisturbedZ Member Posts: 59

    @Mediva said:
    Both camps have 4 different categories in which they can obtain points during gameplay.
    But as for survivors, there is no real way to gain any survival points during gameplay, Other then escape, which rewards 5k at once. To me seems fitting, since that is the main objective to do.

    But Why is it that killers dont have this too? They can score a lot easier points throughout the game, cause they can get points in all 4 categories. Its why almost every match, the killer has more points then the no1 survivor. I have even seen matches without a single kill and the killer still got away with 22k points. To me this isnt fair. He didnt succeed in his mission, so why reward him this much?

    So my suggestion is to rework the sacrifize categorie. Only a small amount of points is given by every hook, and they get 5k too when they make 4 kills in a game. Thats their main objective isnt it?
    People always talk about the SWF teams. But for me as a solo queer, i have never understand this kind of imbalance.

    Also, why is that if i run, i get boldness points. To me this whole categorie doesnt make sense. It isnt my job to be bold, its my job to be stealthy and get the gens going and escape. So why is it that i need to do things that dont fit my goal in this game, in order to get points? Its like rewarding a killer for every walk he gives to a survivor. Its not the goal.

    So could we change it to stealth instead of bold? Give points for crouching, not running around like an idiot and leave scratchmarks so the killer can get you faster. Give points for minutes being alive without being caught. And make it minus points when you do, which seems far more obvious to me then what is happening now. Rework the points to fit the goal, dont give points for just straight up stupid play. A surviviors job is to escape, how on earth am i doing that if i need to play with the killer too in order to get points?

    I often play stealthy, do 2,5 gens out of the 5, get in the killer radius a lot without being spotted cause i dont leave scratchmarks, i save my teammates safely, end up being the last alive because of it and still walk away with the least amount of points cause the idiot play of my teammates who run around bullying killer and farm person on hook gets rewarded. To me, that really doesnt make sense at all.

    You push for only rewarding the killer for 4k and just watch as the campers double if not triple in numbers. You think your getting shafted on points take away any unhooks you get and let me know how well your totals are then. You don't think that running should get awarded? why is that not distracting the killer while your getting generator points? That is why its called bold because it is a risk to do. In a way by being sneaky you are rewarded with points. You work on your gens while the others are being chased, thats free gen points. If those "Idiots" played the same way you did chances are you would be chased more or caught more since you don't like to run. Just out of curiosity your one of the survivor I watch crouch all the way to the hook to unhook someone costing them their second hooking? Right? You say your usually the last alive, so how many more survivors could have lived also if you ran to generators instead of crouching the whole way? Your strategy is only working due to those other players you call idiots. I don't condone the ones who intentionally run in front of the killer to mess with them, but the ones that know how to keep a killer busy are very useful in a game.