There are only 3 certainties in life

- Death
- Taxes
- Even when the four other players are ready in 10 seconds, there's always one holdout to ensure everyone waits that full extra minute before a match can begin.
So, if this is you, well.... what's your deal guy?
Hey did you change anything?
It doesn't look like you changed anything.
Hey.... Hey... Hey... Hey....
What are you even doooooooooooooooing?
Stop that.
You stop that right now.
god this annoys me so much. i always have everything ready before i even hit search. the only times i change anything is if everyone else is playing a specific character and don't ready up, because i assume they want me to join, so i do.
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Some of us take shots of bourbon then a quick piss or blunt before a game.
Maybe chill a minute, we will save you when you get hooked first!!!😎
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Some of us trying to down a bowl of Peanut Butter Cap 'n Crunch cereal, too.
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Haha!!!, Right on !
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To be honest, i already search for s lobby and the just play something on my switch or watch youtube until the match starts without clicking on ready. :P
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Hey I like to do things before a game too. I just do 'em before the game.
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I'm using my phone, listening to music and just staring blankly at the screen waiting for the timer to reach zero.
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Probably afk/tabbed out because que times are not the best.
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The screen glitches and I can't ready up. It's grayed out.
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Don't act like you never had forget to press Ready in your life. Sometimes it happens to everyone. Be patient for 1 minute. This minute is actually very impotant. You can notice that you didn't take offering or item, or maybe you didn't change your build or character because you were memeing last match. Or you see ping jumps to higher numbers than usual. One minute is not a high price to make youself confident that everything is ok.
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Game doesn't start until we load in my friend.
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Hell, apparently that's no guarantee either.
The amount of times that I've loaded into a game this weekend and ejected to the victory screen after 30 seconds is jaw dropping redonkulus. No exaggeration: when playing survivor, I've stopped bringing items at all and rush to the first chest right away to make sure there's at least a consolation prize for another few minutes wasted.
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Everyone has a sometimes. It's about the inconsiderate flubbers who most of the times or all of the times.
Specifically also a difference in those times where you're chilling another 30 seconds because half the players benefit from the extra wait versus the times where everyone else is ready to go yet one person holds them all back for like 20/30/40/50 seconds over whatever it is they're doing (or not doing) instead of trying to make that quick decision and rolling with it.
The needs of the many, Captain. The needs of the many.
(But even when I mess up bad with the wrong build entirely, once that 4th person is greenlighting, then I'm in rush mode to minimize any delay on my account alone, so I'm looking to the classics and making a quick calls. Sometimes you just gotta eeny-meanie-miney-moe that #########.)
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Often times Ill ready up to get into a new lobby ASAP, but then start blowing through BPs in the bloodweb or something. Sometimes... I end up getting into a lobby right away in which case I end up using up that minute still staring at the bloodweb screen.
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I'm sorry I'm reading. These damn GRRM books are 1,000 pages a pop. ;P
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Haha, no doubts!!
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It's called being tabbed out, listening to music, watching videos, you should try it sometime, waiting 1 minute is not gonna kill you. I'm not gonna sit there and watch my character stand while I wait for a match especially with the que times sometimes... or the fact that killers be dodging lobbies like CRAZY, I'm talking 5 different killers before we get one that readies up.
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I usually tab out when in queue.
I do hover over the dbd icon to quickly see if i have joined a lobby but it happens i don't see it in time.
Atleast I'm not stalking anyone's profile just to check for swf right
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That sound when it hits 5 seconds. With the heartbeats. Its scary...
I need the other 55 seconds to mentally prepare myself for that.
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Spending bloodpoints, spending a penny, making a drink, eating a snack, doing a quick errand... queue times are totally unpredictable, sometimes I think I’ll have time to take the washing out of the dryer and run it upstairs but then I get into a lobby in a few seconds.
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who actually isnt tabbed out when queing??? weirdchamp
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Whejevr I stop hearing things in game I'll tab back in and ready up and then tab out again. Honestly though the ready up is a mindgame in itself.
If I see a killer ready up immediately on joining a lobby it usually means they're good killers. For...some reason, idk good killers tend to not care about waiting around and will just ready up once they get into a lobby and wanna get on with it.
If a killer doesn't ready up 9 times out of 10 they're checking every profile if it's PC, or if someone has ttv in their name they're checking their stream and depending on the severity will either equip add-ons and a Mori or just dodge the lobby. And these killers are generally not as good as the ones who insta-ready.
Anyway that's the conclusion to my social experiment which is possibly the most pointless thing my dumb ass has ever taken notice of in this game because literally who cares.
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I always spend points on the bloodweb while I wait. Once the other 3 have readied up I then hit ready.
What I don't understand is people who wait until 15 seconds before go time and leave the lobby. Then the whole waiting game starts over.