Why are mori offerings and self-brought keys still a thing in DBD?

It is my firm belief that Moris do not belong in DBD. Neither does insta-kill/insta-down add-ons like Huntress 1 shot axe, mayers infinite level 3 insta-down M1, etc. These are absolutely broken tools that allow killers to have unfair advantage beyond the level of unfairness that is intended for killers to possess against 4 survivors. These add-ons and moris give the killer almost 100% chance of winning unless they are completely incompetent chasers.

Keys just the same should not be something that players can bring from lobby into matches as this also provides unfair advantage to survivors and makes matches unfun for the killer. They should be something survivors can discover from chests with a very very low chance. One might argue why not remove them completely from the game, and I believe it is a fair discussion best saved for another time. I am not against the idea really, I just think that keys are good motivators to make survivors waste time searching chests and prolong the game just a tiny bit.

And just to point out before someone makes the "git gud" argument. I am rank 1 killer/survivor every single season. I have over 2,000 hours playtime on DBD. I know the game and understand its mechanics very well. This is not me crying about keys and moris because I get pwned by them almost every time, this is me trying to bring improvement to an old design that was broken from the very beginning.

DBD has improved so much over the years and many perks have been reworked/tweaked, not to mention hatch changes and end game collapse introduced in order to bring balance, why is mori and keys the only thing still living in the stone age when it comes to DBD game design. It's broken, it's old, it needs to change.


Everyone loves the finisher moves, I don't want them to go away. There's an easy solution by removing mori offerings. Simply allow killers to execute the last survivor alive when caught without needing any kind of offering, it would be passive ability to every killer. The game is basically already over at that point and the killer has won, let them enjoy the gruesome finisher. There really is no reason to allow killer to execute every single survivor, just one per match just to enjoy that finisher together.

What comes to keys. Either remove them completely or allow them to exist only via chests with very low chance to be found. There's not much more to it really.

These are just my solution to the problem, I'm not saying they are the only solution. Feel free to throw your opinion on the table and let's see if anyone can present a better improvement idea.


  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Where can I read about the announcement/news of keys and mori being reworked?

    No, I am not against insta-down abilities like mayers and ghostface, I am against insta-down add-ons. Noed and haunted grounds is fine by me too. Exposed is not op, I never argued against it, you need to read my text more careful.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Ah sorry. Just woke up, didn't mean to come off as aggressive. Just see this kind of thread all the time, ya know?

    As for the announcements, they were made in the Dev streams, so nothing to read. We don't know when or how they'll be reworked, we just know they are. I can't remember the exact streams, but I know they mentioned Myers in the most recent Q&A stream. It'll probably take them awhile, since they're focusing on new chapters and map updates.

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    Well if I can take your word for it, I find comfort in this news. I want nothing more than these utterly broken add-ons and mori out of the game or changed.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422
    edited November 2020

    They're in the game because they're fun to use and change things up every now and then. They're also rare enough that they aren't a problem.

    If you want them to get addressed, use them in every game you play and convince everyone you can to do the same.

    DBD isn't a super serious, meticulously balanced game. Just have fun. The fact that your BP is reduced is enough of a deterrent.

  • ChadChadlainn
    ChadChadlainn Member Posts: 1

    This post makes it clear you don't play the game, which probably means you should refrain from making comments on balance suggestions. PVP games are inherently competitive and competitive games are more fun when all sides have a similar chance of winning. This is particularly true when players are playing at a higher level.

    There is nothing fun or engaging about either keys or moris at the moment. Keys should simply be removed from the game in their entirety and OP's suggest change is a nice idea for moris. Either way, they aren't fun or healthy for the game as they are. I don't know why people even take them considering it screws everyone over including themselves. I guess to be dipshits?

  • undercoverakira
    undercoverakira Member Posts: 1

    It really just sounds like you arent good at playing survivor and are tryna take it out on everything else

  • narf
    narf Member Posts: 68

    They have been reworking keys, moris and iri hatchets since 2018. There are acknowledgements but no announcements. These things are not happening right now and are not announced to happen for the next big patch which will be in about one and a half months.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 422
    edited November 2020

    Except the game isn't anywhere close to being balanced. A tryharding high-level killer is going to win 90% of their games. It's up to the person playing as the killer to decide how balanced the game is.

    Keys actually do suck, but they're not prevalent enough to be an actual issue. I do enjoy it though when I see a key before the game though. It changes things up and gives me a different objective for the game.

    Keys and Moris definitely shift the balance, but you can still play around them. If anything, keys in chests are a far bigger problem.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Never said they were coming soon, just that we know they're being looked at.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Because people love their broken toys and will blame the other side until their dying breath.

    I'm just hoping they don't actually announce the nerfs on a patch note or PTB, because if they do I'm taking a 3-week break from DbD.

  • I have a sort-of solution to the iri head huntress problem... I believe.

    Hear me out: You know how the hag has the Scarred Hand addon that reads "Scarred Hand trumps all other add-ons"? Make that for the Iridescent Head. You will only be able to have 1 hatchet, meaning you have to be extremely carefull with the hatchet AND it will be more hurtful if you miss.

    But this is just an idea.

  • Kaymin_Mile
    Kaymin_Mile Member Posts: 9

    That's what I was thinking, make it to where you can only mori survivors if they would be on last hook. It's fair enough seeing as they would die anyways. At the very least they should make the Mori more rare to find and same for the keys. I also believe the broken key (the rare key) should be given some sort of use without having to have addons, both the ultra rare and very rare keys can open hatch and with addons they can do even more, however the green key has no use until its given addons and I dont believe that's fair, it's completely useless unless you brought the key yourself with addons or unless you had ace in the hole. Idk maybe that's just me.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited November 2020

    Wait do people actually think tuft of hair on Myers is overpowered? He spends half the game getting to tier 3 and when he does he's Plague with a better lunge and no corrupt purge. Now he has to constantly worry about dead hard, iron will, and resilience slams out gens even harder, which has become a pretty popular perk in recent months.

    I agree with everything else about moris and iri head, and the cypress mori being basekit is something I've wanted for the longest time, but tuft of hair isn't a very good add-on

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    I do like the keys a lot. I rarely am able to use them to escape actually, but what it makes it so good is the aura reading it provides. The thing is, I love getting the green keys, but for the killer it's like "oh, no, the op green key is on play, I need to be the worst kind of person I can be".

    I think it's easier to escape now with the hatch offering, specially on maps like Hawkins, where you go through hell to find the hatch, but anyway, I love aura reading and the key is amazing for that (and no, I don't really care for the reading of where the killer is, I don't really think it's even worth it, since it only last for some seconds).