Why play killer anymore?

Why am I even playing as the killer when I always get survivors that are 5+ ranks better than me? And why are they always the salty teabaggers?
Killer might be more frustrating, but at least it's not boring af.
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Truth, it's why we start playing killer in the first place. I agree, though, the toxicity is rampant.
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Let me see if I can help. What's your killer main and what perks do you run?
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But without you, who will the survivor's bully? >.>
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this why I play both so I caan switch between sides.
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I just happen to be better at killer. When I play survivor I just get bullied
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Don’t play it if you don’t enjoy it.
should be pretty easy to figure out on your own though.
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Rank doesn't matter. Only if they're swf.
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I mainly play Trapper and Myers/Shape
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it fun
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Playing killer is more fun I would say than survivor, but killer is way harder to keep playing as, I usually play 1-2 matches of killer then I get off because I already hit my limit of dealing with the game.
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some people play killer because they need to grind BP (why this game makes us grind so much is sad) but often an average/ok game with killer provides a lot more BP that you can transfer into survivors you want to play.
matchmaking is truly terrible in this game and from my understanding that is a feature, not a bug as it has been the issues for years.
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Not every game is gonna be like that. I have to remind myself of that sometimes when I run headfirst into the same pitfall.
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What's your perk builds? And do you play agressive or defensive with them?
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Ignore them, have fun, get better or not, but just have fun.
If you get outplayed try to learn from it, if they taunt you simply laugh at them and make fun of yourself even more. One, they won't know how to reply, 2 you may end up getting some advices.
Sadly, people in this game think being toxic is normal so they instantly act on the defensive, assuming anything that's said by the other party is toxic, but many people get off their high horse when they get a polite reply. Hell, if they don't change their act tho, report them and move on xD
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My Myers perks are Save the Best for Last, Iron Grasp, Brutal Strength, and Hex: No One Escapes Death.
My Trapper perks are currently Agitation, Sloppy Butcher, Brutal Strength, and Deerstalker. I had a better build, but I accidentally leveled up my prestige without knowing what would happen.
I play defensive at first, then start to get aggressive after setting traps/getting Evil Within level ups. I also just started about a month ago.
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Because it's fun.
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With Myers STBFL is fine. Brutal is pretty good on Myers since survivors pre drop a lot with Myers. Don't bring Iron Grasp though even with some people body blocking wiggle time takes a long time you don't really need it unless you're a basement gamer and maybe a 4.4 or Nurse but even then I make it to hooks even with Sabos. Noed I'd rather put in a more active perk like Sloppy or PGTW. And with Myers already having an insta down you don't need a perk to do that instead brinng quicker stalk add-ons with duration if you want. With trapper while nothing there is bad in your build there's better alternatives. STBFL is good on trapper since you can trap your obsession and not lose stacks PGTW since trapper is more of an endgame three gen killer or Ruin or Surge maybe. Agitation can work well getting to the hook quicker distracting them from disarming you traps. Brutal is fine but some pallets you'll want to leave and trap. Bag add-ons are best on him. And if you do play aggressive with trapper try and corral them to your traps. I hope this helps you.
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Thank you. I'll try your suggestions, and continue to improve my game.
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Tell me if it helps.
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You think that's bad. I'm a rank 18 killer on PS4 and today I went up against a rank 1. and one of my games looked like this for survivors.
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I find some days are Killers days some days are Survivor days. Whichever one I play if I find I'm having a hard time, I simply switch. It's am ebb and flow. At least in my experience. If you don't have fun on either side, take a break and play something you can have fun with 😊
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I do the same thing. and once the survivor cues slow down I switch to killer. some days I play more one side then the other. It helps to mix it up sometimes. I used to be 100% survivor main. but in the last little while I've been playing killer too to see both sides of the game. If you truly only play one side you're only playing half a game you paid for
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both sides can be very annoying. i play often killer to relax after some survivor games. bad mates, moris, getting camped/tunneled early out of the game can be frustrating.
as killer you have the game usually in your hands.
and when toxic survivors are getting on my nerves, i can switch back to survivor.
i guess switching sides constantly and understanding both points of view is the key of playing the game without getting to too toxic and frustrated. there are so many players who just play one role and hate the other role just bc existence^^
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Play killer because you always get more blood points if you are decent. Even if all 4 survivors escape 95% of the time the killer has high or second high score. I recorded data of 200+ games and I have the data to prove it. Play killer for points, play survivor for the challenge. If your only idea of winning is a 4k then you don't understand the game.