Survivors, Please stop Flashing your Flashlights at the gates (TL;DR seizures)

Sirris Member Posts: 43
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

You escaped which is awesome. If you wanna teabag and be an overall sore-winner, I really couldn't care less. Honestly if you're playing SWF and teabagging after gen-rushing and the likes ...well...I'm at least glad you are all having fun. I don't even mind letting you heal at the gates for those extra points.

But flashing flashlights at me (ESPECIALLY more than 1 person doing it at once) can trigger seizures in me. I don't get them too often but it's still a risk.

Heck, just don't do it with me - I'm only ever Mikey or Doctor.

Edit: i should add that I developed this condition after buying the game. It's a new thing for me and I'm still learning too :)

Post edited by Sirris on


  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    That sucks but survivors don't know that the killer their playing against has seizures. Maybe BHVR can add it in the options that will make the blinding effect a different color or something that won't cause a seizure. They said a while back that their considering making firecrackers a normal item and that might be difficult for you to avoid. Be careful

  • Gamegain55
    Gamegain55 Member Posts: 25

    you should definitely try and get the perk lightborn off of billy, that way flashlights won’t do that screen thing because flashlights won’t be effective, unless it’s the actual light flash from the flashlight itself then yeah I hope it doesn’t set one off, flashlight clickers can be really jerky players

  • macrobiology
    macrobiology Member Posts: 13

    it's funny you think players like that care about your well being

  • Sirris
    Sirris Member Posts: 43

    I think their toxicity would at least chill out if they knew they had the potential to do real harm.

    Hmm yeah the light can set it off. It's actually worse with low quality flashlights if they go to blind but worse with really good ones with addons if they flash. I typically run Franklin's demise when playing during swf most active times

  • macrobiology
    macrobiology Member Posts: 13

    people regularly tell each other to 'kiss your self' in end game chat, they really don't care

  • Sirris
    Sirris Member Posts: 43

    I've never had that. Thank god. I'm a survivor (one year ago as of the 7th!) of *that* and actually was considering it another day when I used the game to distract myself and after being hooked in endgame collapse all 3 came back for me (good ol rank 20s lol). I cried and haven’t actually had those thoughts since :)

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Can't you alt tab out of the game when they start doing that? Stare at a wall and alt tab and check back after the EGC has ended

    Not everybody that plays is on these forums so this post is not going to be seen by everyone.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,541

    You will never reach every survivor so they actually know your condition and even then there are always some scumbags that would still click like that.

    you have it under control if it’s mainly the gate flashlight clickers; avoid going to gates if you know there is a flashlight user, or prepare yourself (don’t look to the screen, moonwalk there to chase them out, don’t go there at all and search for pallets to destroy on map etc)

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 77

    There are so many toxic behaviors in this game. I will always report Survivors that teabag. What even is the point? All it does is make you look like an unsportsmanlike #########.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,541

    It’s against the rules to report something like this (excessively).

    but I guess if you just click that button on the end screen and don’t file an additional player report it shouldn’t really matter...

    IsoSTARDUST Member Posts: 77

    Hm, good to know. Guess they're not planning on doing anything about the toxicity in the community, then.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,651

    Honestly? If you let people squatting on a screen get to you, it seems like a you problem. Definitely is a me problem because of my anger issues, anyway.

    At op, honestly the best advice has already been given on this thread; look down, or moonwalk out of the gates, being your two best bets, next best option being to quit entirely. Clicking is likely something that won't be patched out, well, ever, because it'd be very impractical to do so.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Better be taking your AED's daily

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801

    t-bagging isnt reportable, you are reporting innocent people

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    Honestly, after reading this I WILL stop flashlight spamming (I'll still use a flashlight when playing survivor, but won't spam anymore).

    We all like to be ######### in this game sometimes, but it's not worth risking someone's actual IRL health.

    Thanks for posting this. I hope other people will see this and keep it in mind when using flashlights.

    Making adjustments to the way I BM and troll won't be difficult at all. 😜

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    Don't play this game then. "I get drunk when I drink too much." "I become obese when I eat too much." The problem is entirely avoidable. No one else's responsibility.

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,013

    Sorry to hear about that, if you happen to be playing on PC, you could open another window and wait it out safely. People can be rude sometimes, and they won't ever know what's going on with the person on the other end.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    edited November 2020

    Jesus they just get some last points before scaping for blinding you which is not even toxic and doesnt look dangerous to cause a seizure knowing:

    you didn't mention they click you, so is not the toxic way of triggering, they are just blinding you for points. The blinding FX got updated months ago not to be dangerous and if anything the game itself warns you for this stuff before you buy

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited November 2020

    Seizures can be triggered by flashing lights on someone. It's literally the main way to trigger seizures.

    EDIT: Also, I find it quite funny that you imply OP is the one at fault for not letting those poor, poor survivors "get some last points" at the risk of having a seizure.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    I don't know how seizures triggering works but if flashlights is a risk is not the Doctors static blast about the same thing?

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    read paragraph 2 again.

    also, forgot to mention that in these last updates the flashlight beam is also changed, making it an opaque drak-white line, not really producing light

  • NivlacACE
    NivlacACE Member Posts: 78

    If a big part of a game is liable to cause seizures it’s either on the devs to make it more accessible or on those who get seizures to avoid a game known to cause them.

    I don’t think it’s reasonable to blame players for using game mechanics

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    I quote you again due to your edit. You got the text wrongly. It's OP fault but not for that reason, but for not reading the game warnings before purchasing it. Again, read before quoting me thank you.

    What I meant in the survivors part is that they have no fault for getting points with a game mechanic anyone should be aware of, and no, that doesnt mean that OP is the one who has the fault (about this reason) don't get things wrong

  • KingDylon
    KingDylon Member Posts: 1

    If you're having problems with survivors doing that at end game then you'll have problems with surviviors doing that during the game as well. Perhaps you should honestly find another game because it seems this one isn't the right fit, especially if you're allowing survivors to escape. Also no one should have a problem with teabagging survivors but if you do, you should also wuot the game because clearly you can't handle it. Before anyone gets all wound up: i play both sides. Its not hard to get good, even against SWF teams and vice-versa. This community has became a whine-fest.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I am very sorry to hear that. The only thing I can think of, it's using the perk lightborn. That or switching to surv until they make it. Again, I am very sorry about it.