I'm Quitting. It was Fun while it lasted.



  • DARKBOI777
    DARKBOI777 Member Posts: 21

    Lmao just look at the chat here literally proves his points as to how y'all toxic all the no one cares stfu if no one care why you here to state that gets wife loser and for the people being like why you coming here to say that sorry to point out but he probably don't care if you like this post or not and was not full intended for you idiots it's was in hope for devs cause dbd is straight trash there is 20x better games but y'all suck the D of BHVR it sad and then y'all wanna attack a man who may be venting his frustrations to other people who may feel the same or just to shine some light for devs now to be fair I'm a dick I don't like the dbd community one but so before I leave cause ik all y'all ######### go ######### YOURSELVES

  • Killbutton
    Killbutton Member Posts: 87

    All you people saying "i don't care" better start caring, because any player lost is a blow to the health of the game. This game's hit the five year mark, and unless younger players are being introduced to the game through older friends (or have Game Pass like me and happen upon it), DBD's not getting many new players to keep things fresh. Get enough players aggravated to the point of leaving, and the game dies, and I don't know about the rest of you but I'd like the game to stick around.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    This comment is so cringe. Don’t need I need to explain myself why.

    Also, if you have no desire to return why on earth are you still here? Aren’t there other games that aren’t “dying” that you’d rather play?

  • Booped
    Booped Member Posts: 3

    I should probably ask, do you play Pig...? Because people teabagging Pig are usually just asking if they can boop.

    Kinda personally confused about the "toxic community" talk that's always surrounding DBD, as I've almost never experienced it and I've been playing for a couple years. Usually my end game chats are comically pleasant - I'll say "Sorry I kinda camped at the last hook there, I just saw you nearby and knew you were going to unhook in a couple seconds, so I had to feign leaving and stay for that." and everyone will respond "Oh it's no problem, that's totally understandable, it was a good game."

    When I do see negative chat, it's normally followed by improvement suggestions, like when I saw survivors get kind of exasperated at their teammate I popped the head of, and they basically just said "ugh. next time, you gotta remember that you have to take the helmet off."

    I don't know what parallel dimension you're experiencing, but I'm sorry you're there :/

  • Brightened
    Brightened Member Posts: 308

    LOL it is not our responsibility. 1) ignore players if they do toxic stuff. 2) its on the devs to work out mechanics that are not toxic, not us.

  • power270lb
    power270lb Member Posts: 10

    Just take a break dude or if you keep getting teabagged and toxic survivors, be toxic back. I get it, game can be incredibly frustrating but it still is only a game. Maybe take some time off, drop rank? Play games against survivors you're friends with? Internet is ruthless, people are bored so they're gonna bust balls. Take some time off or play other killers/survivors. Or just go full tombstone Myers.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Honestly.. You created a forum account just to post this thread, which I guess is an effort to get attention? Why??

    I don't understand how people can take this seriously at all

  • SeeAndWait
    SeeAndWait Member Posts: 94

    Try to avoid the higher ranks. for me, it is rare that I get hate messages. Maybe because I am in the yellow ranks.

  • Newton1206
    Newton1206 Member Posts: 2

    The game being "Hardcore" is not a problem its the people that make it so annoying. I'm really new to the game and is only rank 14 but i have played games with killer and found suriviors that would do the most to make the game as unfun as they can. I had two of them who trolling with head on and the other just kept crouching. I ended up face camping two of the as*wholes. Im not proud of it but this is what spreads that toxicity. I did let one of the survivors who played normally escape. I don't honestly care about people using strong tools as long as u play with some respect. I hate teabaggers, Face campers (unless deserved) and trolling. Idk what the Dev's can do to fix it but im done until they do something or the community fixes their sh*t

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    I understand. Personally I'd ignore the snarky comments, and as you said, the community is just a sewer. A lot of people felt this way from the community and what the developers have been doing as well. I've been pretty much... lying to myself that things will get better.

    I think you will be back, but not the "kek, bye. See you tomorrow." I think you'll be back when things start to get better. Community and general health for the game.

    (Yes. I know it's better than it was in 2016, but right now it's going down with hasty patches that causes awful glitches that can make it extremely hard to play and scummy business practices.)

    I know that feeling op, take care and just log off the general forums until you feel the time to come back (if any) is right

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Bye but you could of turned off chat so you don't see there comments

  • Creepa99
    Creepa99 Member Posts: 80

    All of you saying no one cares just further proves his point. Why be toxic about it? It's people like you that make people not want to enjoy this game.

  • turtlesforlife
    turtlesforlife Member Posts: 20

    I don't blame you take care man

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    They like human interaction? They came here to say "Screw you I'm leaving" Good for you if you care about the coming and goings of every player.

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    It's almost as if this were the first time you played a game with this much toxicity

  • FixThisGame69
    FixThisGame69 Member Posts: 97

    You will be back. There is no other game like DBD. It is very unique.

    Even I said bye to this forum before, but here I am still. It's a cool game, forget the haters. If you play with cross-play turned on, they cant even send you messages unless they are on your platform, but in my exerience when cross play is turned on, 99% of the players were not the same platform as me (xbox).

  • JeffLebowski920
    JeffLebowski920 Member Posts: 13

    Are you seeking validation from strangers on the internet? Seems like a terrible idea...

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Any PVP game breeds toxicity. Be glad there's no comms. You need a thick skin to play killer.

  • blazethywolf
    blazethywolf Member Posts: 3

    COD games easier to troll an way more toxic levels than any game out there.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827
    edited November 2020

    Especially JOIN a forum to tell people you're quitting.

    If someone with several hundred posts that has obviously been a part of the forums were to say this, I'd advise them to take a break or block messages etc. In my opinion if someone JOINS the forum to announce they're leaving the game, that is most likely rant/venting and they probably won't leave. But in all honesty sometimes people need to vent.

    P.s. to OP: that is not meant to be toxic or hurtful in any way. Just what I have seen in the past. If you do play amicably I certainly hope you stick around. This game benefits from every thoughtful player. My advice would be to shut off chat or messages (depending on platform). And just keep playing knowing that the game as a whole benefits from the way you play.

  • Poiblazer
    Poiblazer Member Posts: 4

    Literally any multiplayer game is gonna experience toxicity in one form or another eventually. As for your teabag complaints, it also happens. Survivors have 3 ways to communicate. A point, a beckon, and a crouch. I use the crouch mainly to communicate. You take it as toxicity, when i meant it as "here killer i dropped this pallet for you to kick and get some points. Now chase me and get some more". Have you ever played rocket league? that games community has to be the most toxic in gaming that ive ever come across. Did i quit? no, i turned off chat and play without a chatbox. Now i rarely even notice when someone is upset. Heres a sticker for quitting and telling everyone. Now go find a new game and get off these forums

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I don't specifically, but empathy is a thing. Also I don't feel the incessant need to belittle and insult people who are upset.

  • DARKBOI777
    DARKBOI777 Member Posts: 21

    And that's why dbd sucks cheeks lmao full of turds funny thing no one could argue my point lmao just insult so thanks for proving my point #########

  • DARKBOI777
    DARKBOI777 Member Posts: 21

    Wants to roast my wording with a picture of someone else's lines damn stupid but okay also thanks for proving my point LMAO

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,826

    I don't know your experience, but sometimes survivors will teabag to try to bait you into chasing them. It's not always done to BM. It took me longer than I'd care to admit to figure that out myself.

    There are definitely the toxic players that just hang around in the match to teabag you on the way out, though.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    You know you can block messages right? You can play the game and not allow others to message their last ditch attempt to get under your skin by being toxic. When I started the game, I got a few messages from salty survivors, so I blocked messages on PSN from anyone who isn't a friend of a friend. Worked great for me. Now I can Mori all day and not have to deal with angry survivors.

  • Flemethistheone91
    Flemethistheone91 Member Posts: 18

    Lmao wow you toxic nobodies broke your necks to prove his point about this huh? It’s not the game. It’s the players. I think because of social media and mmo games, we just get to see how disgusting people really are. It was always there, now we see it. Best decision you’ll make. Let this game burn. It’s what it deserves frankly because of how the devs won’t fix anything and because the majority of the community is toxic ######### heads.

  • Flemethistheone91
    Flemethistheone91 Member Posts: 18

    I hate people like this that think that their definition of something, “he isn’t quitting, he’s ranting”, is the end all be all. He could very well do both. I don’t know why his complaints have you tilted but you could’ve just not read it and allows him to vent his frustrations instead of turning your #########-o-meter up to 1000! Let people vent. Damn

  • Hey, I understand you 100%, dbd has to be by far the most toxic community in the gaming world, I have heard the most horrible comments ever and the nastiest insults, if you are a survivor you get camped or tunnelers by the killers but then you play killer and you see how annoying the survivors are and then you understand why killers do what they do, the game feels like a fps game more than a horror game lol, I have learned that the best thing to do is to be toxic or nice depending on what you notice in game, if the survivors play really well but not being toxic and the entire experience is good then just be a fair killer, there are matches when I can't get a single damn survivor cause they are extremely good BUT when I say "good" I refer to actual skills, not only an ass using flashlights and running in circles around a wall, I don't like survivors looking for the killer to annoy the ######### out of you, those pretentious idiots with flashlights and teabaggin and pointing at you or calling you with their hands that is so irritating, or the swf when they all bring keys or flashlights, all of them have ds, dead hard, unbreakable, object, deliverance, or start gen rushing and running around yiu just to get you angry, all of that it's so aggravating, and they are so cynical that after doing all that crap they complain when the killer has barbecue and Chilli, Noed, or my favorite the almighty Mori, it's so funny how entitled and dumb survivors can be, I play both and I enjoy both but jeez, I got to understand when killers camp and tunnel, they got SICK AND TIRED of the complaints and toxicity and arrogance from survivors, calling you garbage and making fun of you in the after chat and feeling so proud of themselves for making a full of you and making you have an awfully boring and stressful match, and they complain when you at the end have to use noed or start using mori just to get a kill at all, my point is that the game is not well developed and it's not fair for anyone, but sadly is the best game of its kind, so...don't quit, it is giving those idiots a win, why do you want to stop playing a game that you like and that you PAID FOR just because other gamers are toxic? Then give them what they deserve, like I said before, you'll see in game how it's going to be and according to how the survivors behave towards you then you'll give them what you get, if they okay fair and make the game enjoyable and fun, you can do the same, but if they start acting like jerks, showing off and thinking they are the Jesus of dbd then make their game miserable, if they are the kinda idiots that only enjoy bothering the killer and looping you then DON'T GIVE THEM THE PLEASURE!!!hahahahaha ignore them!!! That will make the game sooooo boring for them, cause their goal is to get you to chase them so they can loop you forever and in the chat at the end tell you how they made you their "#########" 🤣🤣🤣, so no, if you start following a player and you see that it's going to be one of those idiots then ignore them the entire game, they wanted to have fun driving you nuts? Well, they can't get it if you don't go along with their plans, sadly that's the only way to play in dbd, be prepared to be both nice and toxic depending on the other players, and please leave your profile comments private, nothing gets more furious a salty survivor than going to your profile to leave their angry comments and find themselves with a private profile hahahaha, do you know how red their faces will get when all their poisonous words can't be said to you? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, please don't leave, those idiots don't deserve to get away with their narcissistic attitude and attention seeking crap, give love to those whom give you love, and kill and eat the flesh of those who treat you like #########, it's that simple, see you in the fog my friend 🥳🥳🥳🥳

  • Saying "no one cares" to a comment that you think "no one cares" about it's actually to care and a LOT, you see something that you think no one cares about it and still take your time to type and say that no one cares when in fact you care enough to comment it, see how sad you sound? 😂

  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    Another day, another "I'm leaving dbd" post

    No one knows who you are, no one will care that you leave. You don't need to announce your departure, just.....stop playing?

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Don't let people's ignorance push you away. If you luv the game, and enjoy it , then be the better person. Brush it off and keep on playing.

  • SwoleyJesus832
    SwoleyJesus832 Member Posts: 10

    Not enough to type a essay on forums. Your logic is flaw, but nice try.

  • Bellizz
    Bellizz Member Posts: 13

    You're quitting? Better make a post about it for a bunch of strangers and hope they convince you to stay!

    Bye Felicia.

  • ugDUST
    ugDUST Member Posts: 51

    Are you a freddy main? "Nightmare"

    Freddy is the most toxic killer and you wonder why people tbag.. I tbag against all freddy's because people only play him to get a (yeah a long, ) yet easy game.

  • leyzyman
    leyzyman Member Posts: 355

    I Can't blame you. Only reason I really get on nowadays is to make sure I don't rank reset to far. Even then, I wonder if I should...

  • GayDwight
    GayDwight Member Posts: 85
  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    You are a bad sport. Tea-bagging is obnoxious and says far more about YOU than it does the person you think is somehow in the wrong. People play Freddy, I suspect, for the same reason I play Michael Myers. They are fans of the film(s). It is dangerous to make assumptions about how/why someone chooses their Killer. Surely you know the old saying about assumptions?

  • Spaceman_Spiff
    Spaceman_Spiff Member Posts: 1

    Sounds like you need to grow the fxck up and quit acting like a spoiled little brat 😂 gg ez scrub. Maybe get better at the game

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I don't blame the OP for wanting to leave the game. I personally did a couple weeks ago, though decided to come back after the recent 'fix' for FPS for PS4, and that a friend of mine was returning too. The level of toxicity and chidishness in this game is so far out there. Someone who feels the need to go out of their way to rub in a victory, or try make someone feel bad don't deserve to even play any game imo. There is ZERO reason to make anyone feel miserable. Games are an escape for people. We play them for fun, not to be treat like a piece of crap on the street. Anytime I see a killer struggle or get constant t-bagged by survivors, and they're on PS4, I'll always send them a GG and compliment them for their game. End of the day, that one single person just gave you a game to play and I'd rather they leave the match happy than miserable because people have to be sore winners.

    Seems you need to grow up insulting someone on the internet. Doesn't make you big or clever friend. There's no need to be a dick toward someone for their opinion and reasoning for leaving the game.

  • Sluagh_Bear
    Sluagh_Bear Member Posts: 5

    I feel you man. I've put more hours into this game than any other... aside from maybe League of Legends and the community is more toxic than any other... aside from maybe League of Legends.

    Survivors can be awful. Both sides can be awful, but the reality is that there are four times as many survivors and all it takes is one of them to start BMing and TBagging to get them all going.

    Approximately a hundred people have said it already in this thread alone, but please turn off your messages especially if you're on PS4. With the PS5 coming, Sony is getting more strict with their moderation... Which is a double edged sword. It means fewer nasty messages from entitled pricks who don't like the way you play, but it also means walking on eggshells when you inevitably feel the need to retaliate.

    I know I've personally received two seven day bans, one of which I definitely deserved and the other which I received simply for defending myself.

    Somebody said it better than I could already. The nasty messages and threats are not worth the handful of kind messages you might receive.

    And as for the people being smarmy here on the forums? Just ignore them. They're bitter and they're probably the same people that were TBagging you in the first place. ;)

  • Killbutton
    Killbutton Member Posts: 87

    It's everyone's responsibility. We all lift together.

  • NotTheodore
    NotTheodore Member Posts: 32

    This kind of sounds like the customers who don't get what they want so they scream "I'm never shopping here again!" or "This place will never get my money!"

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    Sorry but "don't let the negative comments" get to you etc, really? To some it happens, to some it does get to people, why should someone stop playing something due to people? Yes turning messages off is a good thing, but how is it any different then getting hate/abuse through a text, online or a phone call?

    The posts maybe pointless to "some" but to others, esp those who write it feel they are expressing something, so let's not be negative or anything if a person wishes to do that, some have thicker skin then others so let's not be a douche to people who are or get affected. To those who see no point in these message of someone quitting, my question to you is why even then bother messaging and saying that? We can ignore, some can't and get something, we are all different so shame on those who have a go at someone opening up, or someone who can't handle things. There are ways of coping, dealing, very much ignoring people but still in game there is toxic behavior so maybe have a think first.

  • It's not a nice try, it's the truth, I'd never waste my time answering a comment that I think no one cares" about, I mean your opinion is valid if you don't care about his comment, but anyways, I guess that you are right to say what you think the same way as he has his right to type an "essay" as you call it.

  • XCieroX
    XCieroX Member Posts: 20

    I've started going out of my way to be nice to the toxic shitheads after games. All I respond with is "gg", " wp" or "good luck" while they are spitting out their epic toxic rant to me lol.

    Kill them with kindness gets on their nerves and pisses them off.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,583

    And people like you and comments like this is why people feel this game/community is toxic, well done for proving their point.