Nurse is bad for dbd.

First of all, this is just my opinion.
Nurse is bad for dbd. Yes she is the hardest killer to learn and blablabla. But it's still not fair to have a killer, that when you trained enough to have a instant easy win mode.
... yep.
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This is correct. The people who always say "Nurse is fine" seem to forget that she is from a time in DBD where a lot of broken stuff was in the game. And Nurse would not have been released to the game during a later point, e.g. since 2018 I am pretty sure that the Devs would not have implemented a Killer like her.
But she is in the game, so there is not anything you can do, except for nerfing her into the ground, which would create big backlash. So its ok that she is in her current state, that you really need to put time into her (which is not really needed IMO, since you can just pick up Spirit and have almost the same results with a much easier access to her).
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I actually think nurse is the perfect type of killer for dbd. If she's decent the survivors can't 1v1 her, rather waste as much of her time as possible. This is how every killer should be imo.
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I am still to find a good nurse I can only listen to the legend of how shes op but i've escaped against most nurses I've played against cause nurse has to guess where you are behind a wall and if they miss you can make some distance.
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Then again I've only played against a handful of nurses
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Nurse is fine, they've already nerfed her enough as is. Learn to actually counter her, instead of complaining that you have to think/play differently around her.
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There are not many really good Nurses in the game, but those who are, basically dont lose. And there is nothing easier than winning against a bad Nurse. Good Nurses also dont swing, which gives them a longer fatique, so the distance gained against a good Nurse is worse than against a bad Nurse.
Before her Rework, it was possible to compensate the lack of skill with Nurse by using more Blinks and/or Range Add-Ons, also one of the reasons why you saw more Nurse-Players.
But as I said before, highly unlikely that the number of good Nurses will increase, because a) she still has Bugs (which are known and being worked on) and b) there is not really a point in learning her, when you dont need her to win games. You can basically 4K with every Killer, and Killers like Spirit or Freddy are far easier to pick up with similar results.
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Am i the only one to find nurse insanly overrated? I get that she can be strong after spending 3 years in the mountains training but i have yet to see this mythical god nurse.
The only nurses i saw that even came close to that were played by streamers that play this game for a living. You know those that also destroy with addonless clown
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I disagree, we need more killers with design philosophy of a nurse. Big disadvantage (slowest movement speed in the game) compensated by extremely unique and strong power (blinks creating new gameplay that mostly ignores pallets/windows and focuses on LOS breaking and predictions).
Maybe not more killers who's power can fully phase through walls and stuff but I would definetly love to see another killer with movement speed slower then survivors who has uniquely strong power to compensate.
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shut up you just cant play againts Nurse
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Nurse has the lowest kill percentage of all killers in both all ranks and high ranks. Yes, she's nigh on unbeatable in the right hands at the right maps, but she has weaknesses you can exploit to gain an upperhand. And she is -so- hard to learn that most of the playerbase cannot play her against a competent team. There should be a 'hardest killer' for sure, and if you put in the time to get -very- good with that killer, you should do well for the most part.
I feel like Blight is bordering into a similar terrain, though to a far lesser extent. I believe extremely difficult killers with a high reward are the most fun to play, and as survivor I also love going against Nurses because it's fun to test them, and if you find them struggling, you can really feel the power in outplaying the strongest killer in the wrong hands.
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There is no counter... Pallets, windows, loops, everything a Survivor has doesn't work.
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Stealth? LoS blockers? The Nurse is not unbeatable, she just requires a different type of play that most survivors are unwilling to use.
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I agree, that whole ‚high skill-floor, high skill-ceiling‘ is not healthy for this game, but I don’t see enough good Nurses (or bad ones) to really have a reason to complain..
also i am achievement hunting and have everything but the 3 nurse achievements (and 1000 sacrifices, but that will come automatically soon).
learning nurse (especially on controller) is just too frustrating, and if the outcome will be that I will get guaranteed 3-4K some day, I wouldn’t even ply as her anymore - where is the fun in that?
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I hate to break it to you, but survivor's have more than just pallets and windoes. Ever heard of stealthing? Of leaving her FOV? of juking? She has counters, you simply refuse to adapt to the killer you're facing in favor of waiting for the one's you can't handle to be nerfed to the ground. That's like putting a light bulb into a light socket and waiting for the earth to revolve around you in order for it to put the bulb in itself.
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Well, without bringing whatabouthism into this thread, there are far more overpowered things in DBD than current nurse. If those not specified things don't get fixed, why should nurse?
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Nurse doesn't really focus on predicting anything. You can, but predicting as opposed to reacting is making the game harder and opening up counterplay that doesn't need to exist, which is why so many people (myself included) don't like her. A good Nurse just uses her first blink to close the gap and her second to hit, and if she has good blinks then you can't mindgame her due to physical limitations of movement speed.
Long story short, it opens up new gameplay for the killer. For survivors, it's the good old forced-stealth-then-hold-W section.
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LoS blockers aren't as effective as holding W, since it relies on the Nurse not really knowing what she's doing. Stealth is, but forced stealth sections are everyone's go-to love-to-hate-it.
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This is hilarious. Nobody has the time to become a good nurse. The few tournament level spent thousands of hours with her... And they don't win every time.
I had 2 people in my last match (which was ironically as nurse for the first time in probably a month). Killed themselves on first hook. Then I got a dm saying it's nothing personal just a nurse thing.
What's hilarious is I'm a HORRIBLE nurse they would've easily beaten me.
Also what is this "instant win ability" ? She has a rare add-on that's sole purpose is making people scream when you blink through them... Her iridescent add-ons nerf her. So what are you actually talking about?
Edit: one other thing. If she blinks, swings and has a pallet dropped on her, she goes through the pallet stun then the blink/swing fatigue. That is almost 2 DS worth of stun for timing a pallet drop right!!!
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I ran a Nurse around high out of my mind then escaped with the rest of my team because I rescued them. I think this has to be a bit of an exaggeration. There's no killer in this game that's an instant win button. Never in my lifetime have I picked up a killer then won every game without effort. I think this is insulting towards people that put the effort into learning how to play them.
That aside, what would satisfy you? People want the killers to be harder to learn and when people learn to play them, it's a problem. I'm asking this in good faith. What would be a satisfying design for the killers in this game gameplay wise?
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You seem to be under the assumption that you always see survivors during your chases which couldn't be further from trurth. Good survivors will always get at least some LOS cover or another obstacle that forces nurse to predict what they'll do next. If you get close enough and have LOS, yes you don't need to predict anything (as long as your blink accuracy is good) and can reactionary blink hit survivors for free but no good survivor will loop nurse in a place where that's possible.
I've faced really good nurses and main difference between them and bad nurses is that they were able to predict survivor pathing far better then the bad ones.
I completely love to face good nurses, there isn't a single killer who's chase mechanics I enjoy more. You're free to dislike her but she definetly creates new chase gameplay even versus a good one, you have a lot of stuff you can do to beat her without relying on stealth.
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You seem to be under the assumption that Nurse should do anything other than blink to the place she lost LoS and either hit the survivor or float around a little too she can once more.
Not really effective counterplay. Good survivors don't do that, they run while their team slams gens. If they do try to mindgame me, I kill them.
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I got a slight little correction: i doubt they are working on the fixes for all the nurse bugs.
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Guess it depends on what u actually think the game should be like.
If you think the game should enable you to go head to head with the killer as long as you're just good enough to do so and loop the killer for like 4 minutes before u go down then she's probably bad for the game yeah.
If you think the actual purpose of the game is to be much weaker than the killer, be pressured the whole game, actually play well and work as the team to at least enable 2-3 survivors to get out then she's in the absolutely right position imo.
I understand that a good nurse will destroy most survivor teams but as was already said she requires so much practice and game sense that I'm fine with that.
The same can be said for a good survivor with 5k hours that knows the maps really well, knows all the distances between vaults and has a lot of game sense. You will waste like 7 minutes to just catch them and their impact on the game is immense. But they have earned it by learning these things too. So personally I don't think she's bad for DBD at all
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This is on Almos Profile:
"We're aware of bugs in Nurse gameplay. They're on the list, we're working through it and fixing stuff as we can. The base kit rework is something we're happy with at the moment. When I play Nurse and miss a double blink and then can't again for a bit to get the second charge, it feels like the Survivor deserves that extra space. This doesn't mean it won't get further tuning, but it's unlikely we'd remove the charge system."
I mean, you can still doubt it. But I can only tell what I have seen written.
Its totally fine if Killers are complex and strong. Blight is an example, Huntress as well, even tho, she is not super-strong or compareable to Freddy or Spirit. Freddy on the other hand is strong and not complex at all.
But Nurse is over the top, because she ignores everything the Survivor has as defense. And like I said in my other post, she would not be released today and thinking that the concept of Nurse is fine, is simply not correct. Like, back in the days when Nurse got released, they had Infinites, no Window Blockers, way more Pallets, perma-sabotaged Hooks and all the stuff which got removed. So people who brought in this broken stuff also brought in Nurse.
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It's been almost a year with two deadzones fixes. Nah.
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I'm just starting to learn her, and in early stages it is very easy to be crap at her :D.
When she's played by a good player, then it's still possible to out-play her. She has to predict where you go and vice versus, so it's not non-mindgameable. But it's tough. & fun.
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First blink is usually to close the gap and the second one is either safe or unsafe for a hit. If you're blinking only on safe blinks then your chase time will suffer, especially on maps with lot of walls as almost all maps have enough LOS blockers to force decent amount of predictions most of the time.
Not a single killer has effective counterplay if we're assuming that he can somehow 100% of the time win mindgames. You're forced to predict even in normal M1 chases and the outcome is never certain. With nurse it's the same, only the mindgames don't happen around pallets/windows but around LOS blockers. You sound like you're taking mindgames as granted hits so it makes me wonder what kind of survivors do you face if it's so easy to predict them.
Or maybe you're just god nurse which still doesn't change the fact that 90% of nurses aren't as 90% of SWFs aren't tournament level squads. Last I heard we weren't balancing DBD around those.
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Okay, first of all, with other killers, the counterplay is a lot more even and about genuine competition, which is what makes it fun. Second of all, don't bring skill level into this in such a manner. Why would you ever assume that the player isn't good? That makes no sense. At all. All of these sorts of things should be assuming that both sides are decent players, because otherwise that argument fits every single killer. All of them.
Edit: and my point is that you DONT PREDICT. Scenario: survivor goes behind a wall. You blink to the edge of the wall where you last saw them. They double back, they get hit. The keep going, your second blink gets them. They vault or drop a a pallet, your second blink gets them. No big brain required, just know-how and muscle memory.
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After Nurse's "Rework", she is now better for the game as she has literally nothing useful
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I won't go deeper into this since we would be here forever arguing about our different opinions reaching no solid conclusion. You're free to see nurse in that way, I find her to have more then enough chase counterplay as she is.
Still it makes me wonder if your gameplay of nurse is as straightforward as you claim it is. It sounds like you never get outplayed by any survivor you've chased ever while also never predicting meaning you never miss a blink by survivor's imput.
Would it be too much of a bother to play a few matches with me in custom game ? I love facing good nurses so I'd love to see your gameplay if I can ever juke you. I'm definetly not the best survivor but if you wouldn't mind I'd like to see how you play her to understand your point a bit better.
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Your edit is false. A good survivor will either:
A) Predict this and run away from the wall, making the Nurse unable to get them
B) Try to juke the Nurse around the wall, which is far more likely to trick someone if it's played correctly.
C) Fake running towards the Nurse, making her waste her second blink.
D) Running backwards (This usually doesn't work and just looks stupid)
A good Nurse has to predict/counter one of these, depending on:
A) How the survivor plays. Is he making elaborate jukes, or constantly faking?
B) What type of wall the survivor is behind. Can you just see through the wall for a free hit?
C) If the survivor tends to juke, is it better to teleport at that corner or where they think you won't go (I.E at their current position)?
D) Are there any ways to herd the survivor towards others if you can't currently get them (assuming they're looping around a deadzone, like a jerk)?
Overall, a Nurse has to think about just as many scenarios as the survivor does, creating a good amount of counter play on both sides. It all depends on if the survivor actually knows how to do so.
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Are you a good nurse? you make it seem like nurse is such a piece of cake to play as. Since her nerf /rework i've seen only handfull of nurses and only 2 of them actually performed well ( with addons of course). I would like to challenge you to down me with your nurse. Should be easy, since nurse is basicly ez mode right? We play perkless and addonless.
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nurse is "gutted" though, what do you mean? seriously though she's fine, nothing compared to the annoyance of playing against deathslinger.
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I feel the exact opposite. What DBD needs is more unique killers like Nurse. Ones that force the survivors to mix things up instead of using the same tried and tested method that works on all other killers. I still run into survivors that try to pallet loop my Nurse instead of blocking LoS. That leads me to believe survivor game-play is stagnant and slow to innovate.
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Absolutely. This is actually why I think Nurse is the best killer in the game with with regard to design too.
Those ambitious rumors about their other early killer designs (flying and breaking apart the map as the match carried on) really vibe with their approach to Nurse as their first DLC killer.
I think it'd be cool if far more killer design was focused on evoking a different play-experience and truly embraced the variety of ways horror (and horror icons) could manifest in the gameplay. That comes at a hefty cost of consistency, and makes balance even more nebulous, but that's the exact sort of variation match-to-match that's worth incorporating in a game centered on fun above all else. Too many influences keep pushing the game towards competition scaling of esporting which demands a much more limited scope with more comparable/equivalent experiences and power levels rather over an enjoyable array of ######### possibilities.
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As someone who mainly plays survivor I love going against the nurse. With her my group actually has to be careful, we have to plan better knowing if they are a good nurse we are dead, if their halfway decent and we make a mistake we are dead.
If they are new or struggling okay we've got this but only to a point, because again even a terrible nurse can get you if you screw up. We don't feel this way about many killers.
I have never seen the nurse on a map and gone, okay we've got this business as usual, so and so loop them, Ive got gens, so and so help the solo que player. I've also never gone, oh its the nurse, we're done, try your hardest, but we already lost this (cough *Spirit* cough). Shes middle ground for my group and we love her.
Also we've pallet stuned her, looped her and countered her, it just takes time and practice coming across a nurse who's obviously new and farming with them so they and you learn. It takes custom matches with friends and playing against people who know what their doing.
We still get murdered by a good nurse, but unless we do something stupid, like last night, my friends and I lost a round in 2 minutes to a nurse because mistakes were made, we can knock out a decent amount of the gens and sometimes even escape.
So personally I love her. I'm glad she's in the game, she's unique and I'm glad we have people who took the time to learn to play her.
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"Just stealth lol"
Meanwhile there are 30 different aura or tracking perks.
Nurse is fundamentally broken in the hands of someone skilled.
Fortunately I only see her once in a blue moon.
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Thats how you play vs a nurse make her guess where you are going like huntress your not going to run in straight lines
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Part of the reason god-tier Nurses aren't very often seen is that they've simply moved on from DBD. She is the most buggy of the roster and the least cared about by the developers.
I've played maybe 5 matches of her in the past 6 months, and I haven't opened DBD in one and a half months.
Other killers are less buggy and more fun. Oni is one of my favorite killers in the game currently.
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Let's nerf a killer that's barely played and has one of the Kill ratio of the game. How many nurse do you encounter in your games? At around rank 1-4 I can safely say i might see 2 in a month , I think 1 month I saw 4 and i was ######### is going one here, must be a dai ly thing.
I just started mainning her because everytime i would face one, she would destroy me and i get it, it does feel like you could do nothing about it but it's just far from the truth, you just can't do to a pallet and t hink you are safe, because pallet don't do jack vs her 99% of the time, you need to play a different way, and that's where lies the problem, just like with spirit, some survivors just want to play a certain way and that's it, run fro safe pallet to safe pallet and that's it.
So i get it why some of you guys want to nerf her, but she already was nerfed, she's different and always will be, without changing her power there's nothing they can do, she negates,walls/pallet and window, that's her kit, but it has massive ######### drawback, one of the steepest learning curve in the game and the games you are bad at nurse will make you want to never play her again because you just feel helpless, at least other killer you can just press W and eventually you'll hit them, not so with nurse.
Don't touch Mrs.Smithson, she's the most rewarding killer once you get a hang of her.
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All of which have counters.
BBQ-Lockers, Distortion, hide behind a gen or be within 38 meters of the hook
I'm all ears-don't make loud noises or Q&Q
NC-don't heal within the nurse's TR or use DIstortion
Undying-Cleanse da bones or use Distortion
The list goes on and besides your not suppose to be able to hide from the killer forever. They will find you eventually but the point is to waste as much time as possible so the rest of the team can finish gens. As Nurse I can tell you one of the most annoying things is when the survivors actually stealth. I can catch them in chases but only once a chase begins. It really sucks when Whispers is going off but you have no idea where they are. You can't do anything to block whispers but it's not aura reading.
Post edited by EvilJoshy on0 -
The Nurse is a fantastic killer, unlike the Doctor (jokes 😁). I really like Nurses no matter if they are really good or bad. I respect players that decide to play the Nurse. She is a killer that heavily punish you if you miss a hit or fail a blink but once you play cool and think what you are doing (no matter if the survivors finished 3 gens in less than 2 minutes) she rewards you like no other killer. I remember that I almost cried of joy when I could gen grab 2 survivors in the same match (they survived anyway 🤣).
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Good nurses don't predict. They blink to corners.
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Pallets work.
LOS blockers work.
Stealth works.