I’m losing count of the amount of PH I see doing this.

Trying to lay Rites of Judgement Trails around a hooked Survivor.
Why are you doing this?
Why are you wasting your time?
What are you doing?
My favourite part is when I see them breaking pallets, thanks to your tip I never do and it wins me so many games lol. Even better when they try and lay trails at doors or gens too.
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I know right. Just as LOL worthy when they’re trying to “protect” a gen laying a trail around it.
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You see Pyramid Heads? I never see any except myself. I don't know why all of a sudden no one plays him since his Power became even stronger.
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I will usually Trail as I'm walking away from the hooked person but that's more for the handful of Deviousness points you get for laying down the trail than any tactical reason.
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You can just walk like 5 feet away from the hook, and trail every entrance or draw a large circle around it just fine.
Then if they come off the hook they basically have to run over the trail and you can tunnel them through BT or wait it out really quick then send them to a cage if they can't find a locker to DS you at. It's completely worth doing if you are going to return to hook.
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There is an annoying sound bug that makes it so you constantly hear the loud sword dragging in the ground after performing rites. You can fix it by tapping M2, but it's just a hassle to deal with the entire match.
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I’m talking about immediately around the hook.
Which means they disappear straight away.
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The issue being is that you can't lay trails around hooked survivors- they'll disappear after like 3 seconds.
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Oh yeah.
PH, PH, PH, Billy, PH, Billy, random Leatherface, PH, PH.
He seems to be extremely popular on the Australian servers.
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Almost every PH I’m matched with seems compelled to lay trails in exactly the spots they’ll immediately disappear, particularly the basement. Like, they seem to not realise that everything they just laid down there and all up those stairs is immediately disappearing.
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Lol I know right
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People that not try to be as time as they can with PH tend to do stupid things with trails of torment.
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Also, why do people break so many pallets as PH? He has so many ways to punish that play, breaking the pallet just loses you options and wastes your time.
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Do you mean close enough that the Trails can't form?
I always form a circle of trails around a hooked survivor, to ensure whoever picks them up, and probably the survivor themselves have to have torment.
But If you mean when they are too close so they can't actually put the trails down, as a PH main I sometimes forget the radius around some things that prevents me from putting a trail there so I might accidentally activate the trail where it can't go.
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They, like me, probably didn't realize until now that they disappear faster around the hook.
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Its not quite that, there's a certain radius around the hook that trails can't be placed, they'll vanish instantly, but you can still get around it, most hooks are in areas you can still completely encompass with a trail if you're smart about it.
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You can actually trail the area of the gates and gens. So it's not that useless.
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It's heavily bugged rn. I played one game and every time I missed/landed my PotD I had been stuck in rites of judgement animation that also slowed me down so I had to re-cancel it everytime and go through that awful new canceling animation. It maybe strong or whatever, I don't care, it's irritating to use at the moment and I won't touch phead until this is fixed.
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Provided it's not within proximity, yes.
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What's wrong with breaking pallets? There are some you really do need to break. God pallets, for one, or pallets that create infinites. Not all pallets, sure, but breaking none? I don't see it happening.
And to OP? You see PH? I haven't for two days.
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POTD wave can almost always punish pallets, and ROJ trails on dropped pallets are a great way to farm torment.
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Basically what SCP said. You can really, really easily use ROJ trails to get torment stacks and a dropped pallet leads back to the lost-lost situation; a survivor cannot vault that pallet without being hit, ever, if they're within 8m of you. As PH you can even outplay shack pallet, although it needs the survivor to not be paying as much attention it's entirely possible, especially through walls with LOS blockers. There's honestly almost zero reason to break a pallet, ever, except at the end for bloodpoints, because every single pallet they drop is just an easy hit for you.
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To get out of that you only actually need to breifly tap M2, you don't have to go through the whole sword in-sword out-slowdown #########.
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Because there are still some noob survivors out there that don't realize you need to crouch through that in order to not get the debuff.
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Because he’s not brain dead like he used to be, so many players have swapped to someone easier.
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I didn't know this was a thing that didn't work until this thread. not from the OP as there was too much attitude in that post to explain why it was bad. Sorry we all don't have 5,000 hours in the game and know every detail.
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Wait ur on Aussie servers?
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Nonetheless it's frigging annoying
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Can confirm. Still see plenty of PH down here. And a Bubba that always has "Hangi" in his name, I've gone agaisnt 3 of them in 2 days.
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Completely agree, but at least the fix ain't so bad you gotta throw the game for it
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You still have to additionally slow yourself down after every PotD which technically nullifies the buff.
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Technically no, it's literally for 0.1 of a second. When I say tap, I do honestly mean tap, so much so that it doesn't slow you down.
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I don't play him enough! I don't know how far the "no trail allowed" radius is! I am doing my best
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Because not everyone knows how his power works in detail. Majority of the people play him because he's iconic horror character, and just want to have fun.
The power description itself doesn't tell you that they disappear if around hook or gen, so it's understandable. I wish devs do better jobs at these kind of things.
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You mean someone like Freddy? I see many Freddy's with Paint Brush/Swing Chains recently.
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Ohhh, good to know!
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Only time it is worth it is when a survivor is hooked in the basement. Trails in the shack can lead to multiple people being tormented if you 'proxy camp' - works best against altruistic survivors or SWF.
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Yeah, I'm guilty of breaking pallets as Pyramid Head, it's just habit really. On the bright side, a broken pallet is still superior to a dropped pallet that you do a ranged attack over, it's actually slightly easier and a bit less risky to get a melee hit in a chase then it is to time a ranged attack when someone is vaulting a pallet. Basically you are guaranteed to get a melee hit within a few seconds if they run through a spot that had a dropped pallet while with the ranged attack they may bait the vault or you may mistime your charge or direction and miss and then the ranged attack recovery plus the pallet in the way means they gain a ton of distance.
So yeah, breaking pallets is optional, but it's not necessarily a "bad play" in the sense that creating dead zones is still a good thing in general.
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Freddy and spirit yea.
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Don't hate the player, hate the game.... wait, I actually mean that.
You're not describing player incompetence; that's Dead By Daylight's stubborn refusal to ever explain much of anything.
This game loves blending incredibly complex with maddingly obtuse. DBD damn near requires players whip up their own tutorial when it comes to new characters/mechanics by either using the wiki, guides, or watching other players. So it's a necessity to study, or you gotta sink a buttload of time into discovering those innerworkings via trail and error... mostly error... a whole lot of error, and with players eager to give you hell and calling you 'brain damaged' along the way for not already knowing these things.
Only reason I know about it is because I watch at least one video guide before starting to learn any new killer so I can actually see the essentials first and learn all that common stuff that their descriptions leave out entirely. Also reaaaly helps having even mild qualifiers for those terms like "moderately increases" when they're all over the place anyhow. Or maybe you happen across the right tooltip instead. Idunno.
It's down another circle of hell entirely for new players too.
After at least what, two years, that play-tutorial is still the exact same and the most barebones breakdown of the game ever. There's no way to ever practice outside of live gameplay or someone willing to AFK for you. Even the descriptions were changed to make them LESS helpful by removing the most basic definitions of the numerous game statuses like whatever "blindness" or "exposed" actually mean.
(No joke, this month was the first time I learned the statuses are even still listed anywhere in the game/ I was randomly dicking around in that about gameplay section that I thought launched the tutorial and found there was a written tutorial part at all, with them at the verrry end)
Their naming conventions ain't that hot lately either.
Trapper: you pick up traps. you place traps. catch. repeat.
Nurse: you blink... ok it just means teleport, but sure sounds cool, right?
Executioner: Well, see, you use the rites of judgement to place trails of torment that activate killer instinct and if a player is tormented by your trails of torment that enables you to send players to the cage of atonement, and the players can only remove torment by saving someone else from a cage of atonement or being saved from the cage of atonement, and you can also switch from your rites of judgement to a punishment of the damned. ...What wasn't clear about that?
You gotta imagine how they reads to someone reading for the first time. Yikes.
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You’re not considering the fact that leaving pallets creates/engineers more situations for more hits because of how hard wired survivors are to immediately bee line to a dropped pallet if they see one.
Even if they suddenly realised their mistake against a PH, it’s probably too late.
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“This game loves blending incredibly complex with maddeningly obtuse.”
I concur. I have to agree with you.