Why don't killers come to the exit gates anymore?

Maybe 1 out of the 10 most recent games I've played, has the killer approached the exit gate. Even then, it was only with like 15 seconds left on the timer.
Probably they don't want to get tea bagged and feel bad.
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If your in the exit area, and all other survivors are there or have left. Why havent you? Why are you still there waiting for the killer?
To be completely honest, I think your annoyed at missing out on a t-bagging opportunity.
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If the gates are already open, I don't approach cause I already know the survs are tbagging or clicking the flashlight, I just minimize the game and return to my youtube video. If it's closed still, I don't know
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As a killer who sees this constantly, why do you feel the need to wait for the killer? Why can't you just leave and let us all move on to the next game? I really don't see this huge need for the survivors to need their hand held for 4 minutes to leave. Especially when a killer just got bulldozed over and really doesn't want to have people rub it in further.
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^this. After years of abuse, I think many just won´t bother watching the Survivors taunt and BM at the gates anymore. I still do it most of the time though, in the end it´s usually faster and it gives a tiny little bit extra BP.
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+ plus, by staying away from the open gate, the killer gets to waste your time since your just waiting there to clicky clicky t-bag.
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Because once a gate is open, there is no point really. Survivors just stand there and the killer wants the game over. I totally get it.
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And wastes his own time as well, lol.
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Look, I've gotta make sure the pallets are set back up for the next match, and the trial area is clean. Do you know how long that takes? Survivors aren't appreciative of the exercise we give them, I swear.
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Face it, you're upset you couldn't get your 30 squats a second in while the killer watches. Craving attention much?
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If I'm playing survivor I will usually wait at the gate to let the killer get an extra hit before leaving.
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If I don't have noed and the gate is open, there's no reason to go to it unless a survivor is injured before trying to escape.
If the gates are closed I'll patrol them, but once they're open most of the time the game is just over.
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Unless your'e going to give yourself up as a kill, I would prefer you to just get out.
Also just to be clear I have never seen a survivor give themself up.
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Because for a mechanic that's supposed to help matches end it apparently really needs to make sure the Survivors that are more or less 1 literal step from escaping are ready to leave by giving them a 1:50 timer.
Button to forcibly teleport all remaining Survivors onto the Escape trigger when, I want my next match sooner rather than 2 minutes later.
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I'm usually off busting pallets or something
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Just leave bro
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I rarely go to gates. I don't need to see the twerking and the BM'ing. I just wish people would leave (once they know all their survivors are safe) instead of just wasting all of our time
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Why do survivors wait........?
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Because I trust that Survivors are able to leave without the Killer escorting them out.
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And The Entity deductes BP for all the pallets and doors we break...so unfair.....😞
Also it once took me an hour to mop up some Meg!Blood...
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Eh, if I've just been thoroughly dunked upon, I'm not terribly keen on getting tbagged at the gate. Y'all got your 4e fair & square, let's just move on, ya know?
Now if there's like 1-2 survivors, sure, I'll chase em out, maybe get a last hit in if I'm lucky, depending on how far I am when it opens.
Hell, i got a cheeky last-minute execution with PH when he first came out, even tho the downed survivor shoulda been out of reach. Of course, the price of said execution was me being shunted out of the maps boundaries, but such is life.
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If I thought the game was great, I'll either sacrifice myself or get their attention to leave a high value item with them, as a sign of thanks. I had a swf team that had ormond, I'm a rank 18 killer and played as plague, and they were amazing at evading and running away, so I just let them have the win. They would not leave. They waited until the timer was almost 1/4 away from egc and I was standing in the far corner waiting. I was bitter, but that was mostly due to the fact that I am a high rank and I suck lol! So, in short, waiting at the gates just to tbag is not very polite, but if you want them to see you to give away items or just let them know you're playful, do 1-2 speed vaults and if they don't come, just leave them be. We are all here to have fun, but I'm sure they have had bad experiences by the gates. Kindness goes a long way <3!!
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Whenever I play killer and it's been a 'normal' match I'll head over to the gate and if I see the survivors there I'll maybe hit the wall and nod my head to show that they played well.
If I get stomped, gates are open and if after 30 secs they haven't left I know that they're just sitting there waiting for the teabag/flashlight clicking so I really just don't go over haha I'll stand and wait by myself lol
Just sounds that you miss wanting to show off to the killer that you survived.
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Because it's a good t-bagging counter.
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If you want to waste time waiting at the exit for me to never show up, go ahead. I'll continue to scout the maps for pallets, breakable walls, or the hatch to score some extra points.
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Tbh im only commenting for my post count. Everyone has said it already. We dont wanna celebrate you getting out. Just piss off and go to the next match lol
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Unless the killer has an ace up their sleeve, an open gate is a No-win scenario:
- Down an injured survivor past the gate threshold = survivor crawls out while you blade wipe.
- Injure a healthy survivor even 60 meters away from an open gate = survivor uses the speed boost to gun it for the gate threshold and escapes before you can hit them again, or their healthy buddies come out to body block for them and ensure their escape.
Basically, without a 1 shot down tool, activated Blood Warden, Myers with Tombstone Piece/Tombstone, or Deathslingers spear, approaching the gate is pointless, and the survivors waiting at it are just doing so to gloat because they know there's nothing most killers can do to get one of them on a hook or pull off 1 last miraculous kill. Killer mains would much rather the survivors just escape and stop wasting thier time, but Survivors being survivors, won't even do that when they're allowed upwards of 1.9 minutes to t-bag at the threshold. So put yourself in the killers perspective for a moment... you know all of this, and the survivors are hanging out at the exit gate, do you go over there to let them gloat and give them free protection hit points, or do you just wander the map busting up any dropped pallets you may have missed, and possibly close the hatch for your own point benefit without giving them the chance to taunt you with a no-win scenario while they T-bag in your face?
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Just leave. It sounds like you’re salty that you couldn’t tbag or click at them.
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A good while ago going to the gate was a good choice...you got hits, they got the escape, and everyone got as much BP out of the game as they could at that point without deliberately farming. In those days I was happy to go to the gate.
At some point in my long, year and a half break from the game, the meta shifted and standing at the gates was purely for BM. It's well under half the time that someone lets me get a single hit in now, it's just "wait until they're in lunge range and run out lol!" at best or TBag and leave before a chase could start at worst. I'd much rather pull up a short video and not bother with it, much healthier from a stress perspective. Alternatively if I know hatch is far from a gate I'll go post up there so no one gets it.
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Everyone has already said it but I'll say it again!
Because 9 times out of 10, it's survivors who want to be #########. Unfortunately for that 1 out of 10 person who legitimately wants to give a free hit for a few more BP, the 9 out of 10 have ruined it by sitting there t-bagging and then not even having the decency of letting me get the one extra hit in for the few BP it's worth.
So yeah, if I know you're all at the gate, you guys can sit around in your circle jerk all you want. I'm gonna wander away over here and hope one of you is dumb enough to mistime it and get yourself killed instead by The Entity.
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When I play on Clown I always go to the exit gates....and spam bottles on the ground.
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I usually just go to these forums once EGC starts, it'll give me up to 2 minutes to quickly browse this place.
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Do you often get disappointed with what you see here?
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Why would I give the survivors a higher score by chasing them at the Exit? I'm better off looking for the hatch to close it (and maybe snag a greedy or lost survivor in the process) or just destroying pallets and using my power to build up my score elsewhere in the map. That way my score goes up without the survivor scores going up.
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I don't go near the gates now cause i can't stand the survivors when they do this just to rub it in our faces. Na I just wait them out then look for a new game.
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If I’ve annoyed you by not going to the gate, then 2 mins well spent
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you are not a smart man.
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This. Survivors don't need me to hold their hand to leave. I just tab out to a youtube video till its over.
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Because it’s completely pointless to do so. We want survivors to realise how much time they’re wasting just waiting inside the gate.
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This is similar to what I do. Identify the furthest corner from the gates and go there, then I get out my chair for a snack, go to the bog, or do some push ups.
If they want to flashlight click me, they gotta find me, and risk misjudging how much time they have to that before returning to a gate.
And I like the thought that they’re trying to get a reaction out of someone AFK.
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No, but there's a lot i don't respond to, cause it's either something i'm not interested in, or i've seen it before.
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Thats valid. There is days where i can hardly find an interesting thread.
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I especially have that on days where there's outrage.
And that's not about whether they're valid or not, but it's about everyone posting the same thing.
I comment my thoughts once or twice, respond to comments i'm interested in, and then that's that.
Then it goes on for days and being here becomes more boring than waiting for death on the floor as Survivor.
Those times are rare though. Memorable, but rare.
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I'll pick "Survivors are teabagging a$$faces" for 400, Alex.
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I have seen several ppl doing that, especially if the killer got steamrolled. I saw it both as survivor and killer. But i never did it myself.
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There's truly no point in going there because you already know what's going to happen when you do. The only time I go to the exit gate is when I'm deathslinger because I can have the possibility of spearing a Survivor and reeling them out and one-shot them.
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This. Toxic survivors ruining the game.
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I actually have! Literally my last round as killer.
First time ever, though, after about 1000 hours of gameplay.