Exclusive cosmetics going away. 😞

I thought we were given the cosmetics because they dont do exclusives anymore. Now it turns out to be a mistake. I don't get it. They said only Legacy would remain exclusive...I thought anyway...
What goes on??
And I mean the exclusives we were given today not in the past....
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This makes me so sad...I was so happy to have the shirt for Nea and now it will be taken away again.
I don't get why cosmetics have to be exclusive. Why not make them available in the store for auric cells? Or at least sell a slightly different version in the store?
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in all fairness:
us normies shouldnt be running around with a Dev Team exclusive shirt.
i dont mind certain few people getting exclusive skins - e.g. a content creator such as Otz could get an Artifact rarity skin that resembles his own head or sthg like that.
Dev team members have their own little shirt, etc.
i dont mind those, the ones i do mind would be the ones that are available to "normal players", but only when they do a certain thing irl to get a code (e.g. all the old convention visitors exclusives such as Chuckles or Golden Feng). These would be excluding anyone who couldnt participate in that event, which imho is kinda unfair.
imo its totally okay to have an exclusive cosmetic for certain individuals such as the Dev team and big content creators.
i dont like it when its an event exclusive cosmetic that isnt available after the event has ended (excluding legacy, those kinda have a special place in my heart)
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Yeah, I'm a fan of Nea's too. I've been using it since it was pointed out to be available.
I thought they gave us this stuff on purpose. 😞
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It's fine when the players had to grind or waste so much to get exclusives so years later they come free for everyone, but noooo devs can't give their own exclusives for free
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I thought so too and it was the first time they made me happy again after I felt scammed about the shard discount on the new Blighted Cosmetics (I literally paid 7,5$ for nothing). I thought these cosmetics were also a part of the "excuse" for the messed up Halloween event and the betrayal on those who bought the new Cosmetics for 21k shards or real money, like me.
But no, it's just another slap in the face again.
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I’m not surprised. They are killing their own game.
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They posted it on Twitter and even here in the forum as news, if you scroll all the way up.
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There's a forum message for me on mobile. In case you can't read it:
We noticed some of you had some new clothes in your closet 👀 Lookin' sharp, but unfortunately those digs aren't for everyone. These items will be removed in a future update, but in the meantime, please enjoy playing with them for a limited time!
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Bit of a cosmetic faux pas on their part.
Admittedly, I'm not that concerned with losing these shirts (I don't really like how any of them look besides Nea's Dev-Team torso), but I am genuinely curious how the heck these cosmetics got accidentally given to everyone? Out of a bugfix patch to boot. 2020 gets just a little bit sillier every day.
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I... yeah. What?
It wasn’t meant to be obtained and they are correcting the issue. I don’t get what exactly is the correlation between that and then “killing” their game.
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Well I'll enjoy them while it lasts then. I love those twitch shirts, they go so nicely with some of my other things. I'm holding my fingers crossed that everyone puts that golden shirt on Dwight, I just spotted one from halfway across the map. Easy tracking for all killers.😋 That Nea shirt is also very pretty, shame we can't keep these pretty shirts.
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Exclusively not for you
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Yeah but after the recent events it sure does feel like another slap on our faces.
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Which you are allowed to feel and express.
It doesn’t mean they are killing their game, when even with all its bugs it is still thriving and growing. I am not saying that they are perfect or that I don’t have my own issues with things with about the game, but I also acknowledge that the game isn’t dead because of it.
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I feel the same. This is literally the 3rd time I got disappointed within the last 2 weeks.
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Well, I don’t know about you or the others, but I’m losing interest in this game as time goes by and I don’t mean just the bugs or the crappy FPS.
I used to be very addicted to this game and this time I didn’t even stick around for the bloodhunt. But hey, that’s just me.
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That Nea shirt is actually dope, too bad.
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How can BHVR accidentally make the exclusive cosmetics available to all? I'm convinced this was intentional to see what kind of feedback they would get from the community.
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With the the weird and wonderful bugs this game brings I've learnt to embrace them!
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The only sad thing abou that is that we have to live with the awful and almost game breaking bugs while bugs which brings us joy (such as receiving the cosmetics) will get fixed asap...
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The code is clearly a big plate of Spaghetti. Fixing the Spirit bug has a side effect of giving out free cosmetics. Fix the free cosmetics and the Clown will be able to fly. Fix Clown being able to fly and Nea will be able to shoot laser beams out of her eyes.
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They should stop at Clown flying! So handsome to see him fly by. 😘
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What are we losing from Nea? Just logged on and checked her outfits (because I almost never play her because I don't have a lot of Nea stuff) and found these awesome threads:
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I can't wait for the shitshow when they end up accidentally giving everyone legacy
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Same, it will be fun time on forum