Quick Hags are not cheating

dear survivors,

yes i know Hags are rare. And most Hags are just doing their daylie... Hag mains are really rare.

Its okay that you are not too familiar with her... i understand.

But please keep in mind. Just because a Hag doesnt use addons and does teleport and hit you faster than you can press E ...doesnt mean she is cheating.

There are no addons which effect the teleporting speed.

A Hag with quick reactions can teleport and hit you nearly instantly when you trigger her trap.

I already spamm ctrl when i expect someone to trigger a trap. some players bind the teleport key to their mousewheel, which is also very quick. Macro is also possible but could heavily backfire in my opinion.

Otzdarva or Michi have some good Hag videos with fast teleports.

Please accept, that some Hags press faster ctrl + M1 faster than you can press E for Dead Hard or Space for dropping a pallet

They are not cheating. You dont need to insult them in chat, or report them to bhvr or write nasty comments on their steampage.

And if your a streamer... you dont need to show the killers name and claim in public that she is definitly using cheats.

Worry not, dear survivors.

you`re still the better players. All hags are boosted and play a way to easy and op killer with absolutly no counterplay.

And they only win because the play unfair...and cheat apparently. And of course, all hags are camper!

A filthy Hag main.. and yes i play both roles at red ranks...

if you dont believe me, grab a friend an test it on kyf.


  • sudintlink
    sudintlink Member Posts: 188

    I'm probably just mad cause bad but it feels like its hard to get a down as hag but once you do, especially if you hook in the basement, its gg because either you crouch which gives them enough time to make it back OR you run and let hag teleport and hit you either way. I know flashlights are op against hag but I would rather replace the need for flashlights with another counter that you don't have to rely on chest RNG to get.

  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87
    edited November 2020

    you just need practice. the key of playing hag is setting up constantly a web of traps around a high traffic area and/or critical loops. i prefer the center first and than i slowly web around the last 4 gens.

    you can down a healthy survior in 5 sec if you prepared well. once you understand survivor psychology and how they move, its not too hard. dont forget your web, dont chase too long a survivor in a good position. one trap under a hook is good for a slowdown. i usually dont camp, but if you decide to do it midgame, it could end in a free genrush and 3 survivors tbagging in the exit gate. or 4 survivors bleeding on the ground bc they tried to hard to save that unlucky person.

    you can mess up the survivors camera with traps aside from pallets/loops to mess up their movement too and perform mindgames on pallets with late teleports.

    counterplays are flashlights. and survivors who dont allow the hag to setup her traps. the trigger radius of a trap is bigger than her lunge range. if you touch the very end of the trigger cycle which is 3 meters. that can bait the hag to teleport and swing. which can give you enough time to reach a pallet/window etc. since hag is a 110% killer, she is a bad chaser without her traps.

    also dont panic if you trigger a trap. a lot survivors panic vault into my loving arms^^

    you can feel very helpless if a teams know how to deal with her, but most survivors dont...

    hag can do way more than camping.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    I get why they put traps at the hook but they need to disappear once that survivor is saved because it's basically time wasting having to crouch to the hook then crouching away from the hook because of traps. Same goes for traps by gens and once the gen is done, they'll disappear.

    Easy Fix

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    Every Hag game I've ever been in as a survivor has been the exact same with an exception rate of about 3% (basement hook into dumb altruism snowball) where my teammates are very knowledgeable/good at the game. Hag is a killer that has very specific counterplay that relies on a couple things - survivors coming with flashlights, bullying her at the start and not letting her set up kill zones, and forcing her to chase into unprepared zones (which she's weak at due to slow movement but strong when properly prepared).

    Hag also relies on altruism for a lot of her kills, there will be times where it's better to leave someone on a hook for a bit longer and slam out an extra generator or two before the save.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    This is very true of any Hag on Xbox. The frame drops when she teleports prevent her from getting those tasty insta-hits, and flicks aren't possible. It's the main reason why I see a hag in high ranks maybe twice a month or so. About the same as nurse and her big ol bag of bugs.

    On a side note I'd love to see killer usage per console lately, along with kills etc. We need more stats to twist and distort in the forums...

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    U can still make your own that are true but misleading. Examples:

    - hatch has a 100% escape rate. Hatch op.

    - Moris lead to less sacrifices in games. Or killers who only Mori survivors are actually shown to have 0 chance of getting a sacrifice. Moris too weak.

    - in every match of dbd a minimum of 20% of players don't even bother to repair gens. Solo queue sucks.

    - A Killer's m1 somehow has a 100% casualty rate against a survivor. Killers op.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,654

    You are not a real Hag-Player if you dont put 10 Traps around the first Hook you get.

  • NivlacACE
    NivlacACE Member Posts: 78

    The trick to playing a good hag for anyone curios is picking four or so gens and just putting traps in every loop and pathway between them. Do not take the bait of survivors running at you, if they give you a free hit just take it, reset any traps they hit, and go back to defending your zone.

    It’s perfectly fine to let three gens fly for free as long as your web is set up. Ideally you get an early hook in the middle of your web, you trap next to hook, and then continue patrolling. This forces survivors into your most defended area and basically allows you to snow ball or at a minimum trade hooks.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    If you're not using an exploit or third party software to get information or abilities that are explicitly unavailable to you, you're not cheating.

    Speedhacks? Cheating.

    Wallhacks? Cheating.

    Lagswitch? Cheating.

    NVIDIA filters? Not cheating.

    Slapping a red dot in the middle of your screen to play Huntress/Slinger? Not cheating.

    Binding Hag's teleport to an unlocked mouse wheel? Not cheating.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,335

    May a humble consoler ask what that filter thingy is?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I'd say the fairest way to stop people complaining about Hag is to stop playing her.

    As someone who also is red rank killer and survivor I think this is the best for everyone 😁

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It’s called Nvidia Freestyle and basically you can mess with the visual look of the game: brightness, contrast, colour balance, sharpness, and so on. You can use it to make your game super bright and clear so that even Blendettes shine like a beacon. Personally I use it to make the game less blurry and a bit brighter so I’m not squinting in the basement floor of The Game.

    It’s not that different from messing around with your monitor settings.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Imagine people complaining about hag lol.

    Don't forget Clown busted. /s

  • JoByDaylight
    JoByDaylight Member Posts: 707
    edited November 2020

    To the thread creator, there is nothing wrong with being a quick Hag. It takes skill to anticipate and react. Though, the problem with Hag is that this is impossible to do on console. Whenever I try this it feels as the game freezes and I have to wait a second to lunge. By the time i can lunge, the survivor is already around the corner. This is just nor fair.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    You won't stop me from using a post-it note with crosshairs on my TV screen and using it on Huntress and Deathslinger

  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87


    thas wasnt my complete point... so many survivor just dont seem to know, how fast a trained hag can be, and accuse me of cheating. even life von twitch with showing my steam name...

  • Hydrant
    Hydrant Member Posts: 36
    edited November 2020

    I had a laugh reading this, I had a time when I played Haggu a lot. It went to the point where I would not spam LCTRL and still instatly teleport. I think my pinky has a build-in macro.

  • SaltyRainbow
    SaltyRainbow Member Posts: 87

    a hag who places all trap around a hook and just camps is always boring for everyone. one guy can to nothing and the other 3 guys are forced into a holding m1 game...or die to their alturism.

    + generalizing and trashtalking one side doesnt help in discussions. there are enough killer who can only win with moris and best addons. its a type of player who only wants to play with the best stuff, instead of getting good in the game...not the role by itself.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited November 2020

    But I only use one meta at a time and barely bring items. And I said I'm fine with any hag who can actually teleport in time. Not the kind who only put traps around their hook and camp. Assuming I'm a survivor main? I play both sides and I don't camp and place all my traps around hook when I play hag because it's lame.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    I used to be able to get teleport hits as Hag on Xbox

    ..before dedicated servers

    must be nice

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Or if you don’t okay scroll wheel.

    Imagine using control to teleport to hag traps in 2020.