Why do some people get mad from TEABAGGING?

Fishcat Member Posts: 74
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

I mean its all fun and games right I used to not do it but since I started I just cant stop doing it lol even if it gets me killed sometimes I mean its a game why so serious have some fun no need to be salty about some squats



  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74

    @Orion said:
    Why do you do it, if it's not to piss people off?

    I think it looks funny I like to greet people that way thats all

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74

    @se05239 said:
    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Nah I do it for my own fun just dont get why so serious players out there that get mad about it i mean its just a game.. I dont get mad if im being tunneled or face camped its all fun and games you win and you lose just having fun

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Well, that's not how it's perceived. There's your answer.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Fishcat said:

    @se05239 said:
    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Nah I do it for my own fun just dont get why so serious players out there that get mad about it i mean its just a game.. I dont get mad if im being tunneled or face camped its all fun and games you win and you lose just having fun

    I don't believe you there. You'd not do it if there wasn't a reaction for it.

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2018

    @Link said:
    It's the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger, unless there is a intended taunt mechanic like new emotes in the game or something then i just see teabagging as rude and childish.

    @se05239 said:
    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Rude and bad mannerism lel are you a boy scout or something

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513
    edited October 2018

    I'm mostly well-behaved... but the occasional t-bag slips in now and then. :)

    Rarely do it at the exit etc. because I have too much sympathy with the killer. I bet the Freddy I faced the other night was happy I t-bagged him mid-chase... I f*cked up moments later and gave him what was probably his most satisfying kill of the game.

    There's generally just no need for it though. The killer is just a regular person like you - and you don't get anything for upsetting him.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @Fishcat said:

    @Link said:
    It's the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger, unless there is a intended taunt mechanic like new emotes in the game or something then i just see teabagging as rude and childish.

    @se05239 said:
    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Rude and bad mannerism lel are you a boy scout or something

    And here the insults come.

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Fishcat said:

    @Link said:
    It's the equivalent of giving someone the middle finger, unless there is a intended taunt mechanic like new emotes in the game or something then i just see teabagging as rude and childish.

    @se05239 said:
    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Rude and bad mannerism lel are you a boy scout or something

    It’s not like we’re killing people in this game and they are worried about manners lmao
  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793
    edited October 2018
    I do it when a killer tries to tunnel me super hard and I still managed to escape. Just two quick taps then I'm out the exit. And it's 100% deserved when a killer camps from their first down on and never does anything else.

    As a killer, if someone tbags me and I manage to sacrifice them, I just give them a couple taps or dance around the hook as they die.

    Taunting is part of competition, sorry. Are there those who take it too far? Of course. That happens with literally everything.
  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    I do it when a killer tries to tunnel me super hard and I still managed to escape. Just two quick taps then I'm out the exit. And it's 100% deserved when a killer camps from their first down on and never does anything else.
    Lol who cares anyway? Only a bunch of whiny babies get mad over a bunch of pixels moving up and down on a screen , when I play killer I just troll them back with mori spamming 
  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614
    Don't feed the troll.
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited October 2018

    @Fishcat it has something to do with context (like all forms of communication I guess). As a killer against a group of survivors whose skill is way beyond his, often there's this overwhelming sense of impotence. So it's partly about the anger over one's own failure. So... if you want to make people feel really #########, keep teabagging them at the exit gates. If you don't, however, you may not want to continue doing that.

    There are several ways of teabagging though now to think of it. One is when you simply greet a fellow survivor. No problem with that. Then there is another, when you just meet the killer early in the game, and taunt him a bit to distract him, mostly if you're confident in your abilities to evade him long enough. "Catch me if you can" kind of thing. I actually don't object to this kind of teabagging. It's annoying, but that's the point: it's a challenge and many of us often falls for it, even though it's smarter to try to hunt down the weaker ones first.

    And then there's the third kind, the most typical and hated version of teabagging: doing it to the killer at the exit gates, when he already failed completely. I'd say you have the right to mock and humiliate someone you've beaten. You're a better person if you don't, but you're the winner so you can do that. Just keep in mind, it's like beating someone up (which is an okay thing to do) and then spitting in their face (which is more questionable).

    And don't forget, playing survivor is a lot easier than playing killer. So when you get cocky, teabag someone at exit gate and throw in some "ez" and "n00b killer" in endgame chat, maybe think of how well you'd perform if you tried the harder role.

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74

    Also I was just seriously just asking a question cause its hard for me to understand that some people really get offended by that

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    so you do a thing just to piss people off, and then made a thread asking why it pisses people off.

    sounds like you just want attention. someone give this kid a hug.
  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    What a weird community just a whole lot of whiners and crybabies.. You try to kill me by putting me on a meathook bleeding out and you are offended by me doing squats and im not SWF player and most of the time I get killed i just do it for fun
  • apathytheclown
    apathytheclown Member Posts: 295


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Fishcat said:
    Also I was just seriously just asking a question cause its hard for me to understand that some people really get offended by that

    It's not so much the action as the circumstances around it in my book. For example, suppose you're teabagging in a wide open area with no easy access to loops or cover. In that instance, the teabagging is ignored or laughed at as it is seen as a joke. If you were to teabag at an opened exit gate or from the safety of a loop tall enough to stop hatchets then the action is seen as a toxic taunt. The reason the taunt is seen as toxic in the latter example is that you are doing it from a position of safety which in-turn provides killers with mild to great difficulty to do anything at that point. All in all, if you're teabagging at a random time then folks might start laughing at you. If you teabag at a critical moment (when you leave, when you loop, when you stun/blind, etc) then you're clearly asking for an angry response. It's all fairly self-explanatory, to be honest.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    @Fishcat said:

    @se05239 said:
    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Nah I do it for my own fun just dont get why so serious players out there that get mad about it i mean its just a game.. I dont get mad if im being tunneled or face camped its all fun and games you win and you lose just having fun

    That's good. Because I actively tunnel and facecamp Survivors who t-bag me. It's simple, really. As people have pointed out, it's the video game equivalent of giving someone the middle finger. Well, at my age, if you want to be a rude little pissant, then I'm going to tunnel you, hook you, facecamp you, and remove you from the Trial and not let you earn decent bloodpoints.

    Learn to behave.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    Fishcat said:
    What a weird community just a whole lot of whiners and crybabies.. You try to kill me by putting me on a meathook bleeding out and you are offended by me doing squats and im not SWF player and most of the time I get killed i just do it for fun
    you are the one making the thread asking a question you already know the answer to.

    you admit that it gets you killed, and fyi most killers arent actually pissed, they just smile and say “this ones dying for sure” then camp you for it. if you are teabagging it just tells the killer that you arent smart. they have to pick a target anyways, may as well pick the idiot.
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @Lowbei said:
    Fishcat said:

    What a weird community just a whole lot of whiners and crybabies.. You try to kill me by putting me on a meathook bleeding out and you are offended by me doing squats and im not SWF player and most of the time I get killed i just do it for fun

    you are the one making the thread asking a question you already know the answer to.

    you admit that it gets you killed, and fyi most killers arent actually pissed, they just smile and say “this ones dying for sure” then camp you for it. if you are teabagging it just tells the killer that you arent smart. they have to pick a target anyways, may as well pick the idiot.

    @Lowbei , Yep, that's basically what it is, too. I'm not sitting here behind my keyboard mad. I'm 45-years-old, too old to let a video game tick me off. But I do smile, nod, and basically think: Well, since you can't behave, I guess I'm just going to remove you from the trial and not let you rack-up any bloodpoints.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    It's funny at times

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2018
    Lowbei said:
    Fishcat said:
    What a weird community just a whole lot of whiners and crybabies.. You try to kill me by putting me on a meathook bleeding out and you are offended by me doing squats and im not SWF player and most of the time I get killed i just do it for fun
    you are the one making the thread asking a question you already know the answer to.

    you admit that it gets you killed, and fyi most killers arent actually pissed, they just smile and say “this ones dying for sure” then camp you for it. if you are teabagging it just tells the killer that you arent smart. they have to pick a target anyways, may as well pick the idiot.

    How does it tell im not smart  or an idiot if I teabag I dont play that serious for most bloodpoints or rank I play for fun and play relaxed im not a tryhard it has nothing to do with intelligence for my understanding. Also I often do it to help someone who is injured just saved from the hook to distract the killer from going after them I often get myself killed by sacrificing myself to help others get away from tunneling and camping in fact it sounds you are the mental midget here not me
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    @Fishcat said:
    What a weird community just a whole lot of whiners and crybabies.. You try to kill me by putting me on a meathook bleeding out and you are offended by me doing squats and im not SWF player and most of the time I get killed i just do it for fun

    Actually, you got a point there. Some celebration is definitely in order when you escape the horror that's after you. But Fishcat, don't forget that intense teabagging is very often followed by insults and trash talk after game. It's a kind of a conditioned reflex. Still, people, myself included, should be more chill about it.

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    Lowbei said:
    Fishcat said:
    Lowbei said:
    Fishcat said:
    What a weird community just a whole lot of whiners and crybabies.. You try to kill me by putting me on a meathook bleeding out and you are offended by me doing squats and im not SWF player and most of the time I get killed i just do it for fun
    you are the one making the thread asking a question you already know the answer to.

    you admit that it gets you killed, and fyi most killers arent actually pissed, they just smile and say “this ones dying for sure” then camp you for it. if you are teabagging it just tells the killer that you arent smart. they have to pick a target anyways, may as well pick the idiot.

    How does it tell im not smart  or an idiot if I teabag I dont play that serious for most bloodpoints or rank I play for fun and play relaxed im not a tryhard it has nothing to do with intelligence for my understanding. Also I often do it to help someone who is injured just saved from the hook to distract the killer to go after them I often get myself killed by sacrififing myself to help others get away from tunneling and camping in fact it sounds you are the mental midget here not me
    eek. your severe lack of punctuation, grammar, and spelling, confirmed it for us.

    Oh I think you understood what I was saying tho and you came up with this lame off topic post about my grammar that also tells something about you
  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2018

    @Fishcat said:
    What a weird community just a whole lot of whiners and crybabies.. You try to kill me by putting me on a meathook bleeding out and you are offended by me doing squats and im not SWF player and most of the time I get killed i just do it for fun

    Actually, you got a point there. Some celebration is definitely in order when you escape the horror that's after you. But Fishcat, don't forget that intense teabagging is very often followed by insults and trash talk after game. It's a kind of a conditioned reflex. Still, people, myself included, should be more chill about it.

    Word man I appreciate your feedback thats reasonable instead of insults that some over sensitive people here seem to go for
    Post edited by Fishcat on
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Fishcat said:
    I mean its all fun and games right I used to not do it but since I started I just cant stop doing it lol even if it gets me killed sometimes I mean its a game why so serious have some fun no need to be salty about some squats

    Why do some people get mad at me hitting someone at the hook? I mean its all fun, just a game, no need to be salty about some arm exercise

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74

    @Fishcat said:
    I mean its all fun and games right I used to not do it but since I started I just cant stop doing it lol even if it gets me killed sometimes I mean its a game why so serious have some fun no need to be salty about some squats

    Why do some people get mad at me hitting someone at the hook? I mean its all fun, just a game, no need to be salty about some arm exercise

    I agree Im not getting mad over a game whatever I thinks thats fun and games too
  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    You win some, you lose some. But you had fun, fun to play another game

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    I never have been bothered by it.  Something that doesn’t offend me, could really hurt someone else though.

    I think it’s funny.  I rarely do it myself, because I’ve seen how hurt some people are by it.  When I play Killer I don’t remember “the one TBagging me,” or purposely chase down the particular person.  

    It just looks silly.  Goes to show how serious some people take this game though.  If you’re upset by something so petty, you lost the mind game.  
  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2018
    Kilmeran said:

    @Fishcat said:

    @se05239 said:
    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Nah I do it for my own fun just dont get why so serious players out there that get mad about it i mean its just a game.. I dont get mad if im being tunneled or face camped its all fun and games you win and you lose just having fun

    That's good. Because I actively tunnel and facecamp Survivors who t-bag me. It's simple, really. As people have pointed out, it's the video game equivalent of giving someone the middle finger. Well, at my age, if you want to be a rude little pissant, then I'm going to tunnel you, hook you, facecamp you, and remove you from the Trial and not let you earn decent bloodpoints.

    Learn to behave.

    But that doesnt make much sense tho does it as you are tunneling and facecamping the teabagger you are also loosing bloodpoints by doing that as others are doing gens and escaping your just triggered and losing bloodpoints too by doing that so whats the catch lol also what does your age have to do with any of this 
    Post edited by Fishcat on
  • MemberBerry
    MemberBerry Member Posts: 394

    How would you feel if I slapped the back of your head every 2 seconds while you're playing the game? There's your answer

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    So, the idea of tea bagging is that you are putting your privates in their mouth - and you are asking why people get mad when you are using that in the game? You are insulting them. When a killer is facing a well organized SWF, or a survivor who is really good with looping and flashlight bombing, and that player teabags constantly, of course it is insulting and frustrating.

    You are immature, and you like to act that way. Own up to it. I have many times escaped a killer, or tricked them, but I can honestly say I've never tea bagged a killer. Why? I don't need that immature activity to validate my existence. I usually just share a laugh after the game with the killer. Unfortunately, to some people, an achievement in a video game is their only real accomplishments, so they feel the need to brag by being rude. Kind of sad to be honest.

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Fishcat said:
    Kilmeran said:

    @Fishcat said:

     @se05239 said:

    It's considered toxic behavior and bad mannerism. Since you practice it because people get mad, I'd say that it's pretty accurate.

    Nah I do it for my own fun just dont get why so serious players out there that get mad about it i mean its just a game.. I dont get mad if im being tunneled or face camped its all fun and games you win and you lose just having fun

    That's good. Because I actively tunnel and facecamp Survivors who t-bag me. It's simple, really. As people have pointed out, it's the video game equivalent of giving someone the middle finger. Well, at my age, if you want to be a rude little pissant, then I'm going to tunnel you, hook you, facecamp you, and remove you from the Trial and not let you earn decent bloodpoints.

    Learn to behave.

    But that doesnt make much sence tho does it as you are tunneling and facecamping the teabagger you are also loosing bloodpoints by doing that as others are doing gens and escaping your just triggered and losing bloodpoints too by doing that so whats the catch lol

    Not everybody plays competitively

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    @Fishcat said:
    Also I was just seriously just asking a question cause its hard for me to understand that some people really get offended by that

    This is the problem with many kids and young adults now days. They have zero empathy. This is not necessarily your fault, it is the online world you live in. The ability to empathize with others requires lots of interaction with people in a face-to-face setting. It also requires you experience triumph, failure, sorrow, joy, etc in that setting. You obviously have not had enough opportunities to do that. Therefore, you can't empathize with a stranger in a crappy situation. So, you insult them while they are struggling, and then wonder why that upsets them. Fail on the human level.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Usually people who tbag are the ones who have ds

  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    Killer mains are literally telling you why they get irritated when people tea bag them and you're disagreeing saying, "na it's just fun and games." Are you just looking for validation to justify doing it? You're not gonna get it except from other toxic survivor mains who say, "it's just a button, y u get so mad at a button."

    Someone said it almost perfectly. If someone gives you the middle finger, is that perceived rude in our society? It's just a finger, why get so mad at a finger? This is a rhetorical question, btw. DBD is our society and tea bagging is perceived as rude. Your video is doing nothing but spam tea bagging the killer and you bring it to the forums when he decides to face camp you for it? I mean jeez, how shallow can people be?

  • Terrortot
    Terrortot Member Posts: 423
    It used to tilt me when i was learning the game, and took me awhile to realize my low rank games were full of swf bringing their red rank friends.

    Dont really care anymore tbh, especially since most of the tea baggers were also the players that dc on first down, who are now taking a vacation.
  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2018

    How would you feel if I slapped the back of your head every 2 seconds while you're playing the game? There's your answer

    I wouldnt let you do that I would literally beat the ######### out of you if you touch me and continue playing and having fun
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    Tbagging just puts a target on your back.

  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74

    So, the idea of tea bagging is that you are putting your privates in their mouth - and you are asking why people get mad when you are using that in the game? You are insulting them. When a killer is facing a well organized SWF, or a survivor who is really good with looping and flashlight bombing, and that player teabags constantly, of course it is insulting and frustrating.

    You are immature, and you like to act that way. Own up to it. I have many times escaped a killer, or tricked them, but I can honestly say I've never tea bagged a killer. Why? I don't need that immature activity to validate my existence. I usually just share a laugh after the game with the killer. Unfortunately, to some people, an achievement in a video game is their only real accomplishments, so they feel the need to brag by being rude. Kind of sad to be honest.

    Well good for you I guess if you feel that way
  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    iceman2kx said:

    Killer mains are literally telling you why they get irritated when people tea bag them and you're disagreeing saying, "na it's just fun and games." Are you just looking for validation to justify doing it? You're not gonna get it except from other toxic survivor mains who say, "it's just a button, y u get so mad at a button."

    Someone said it almost perfectly. If someone gives you the middle finger, is that perceived rude in our society? It's just a finger, why get so mad at a finger? This is a rhetorical question, btw. DBD is our society and tea bagging is perceived as rude. Your video is doing nothing but spam tea bagging the killer and you bring it to the forums when he decides to face camp you for it? I mean jeez, how shallow can people be?

    Not my video just a random tbagging video I found and why so serious about it
  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2018

    Tbagging just puts a target on your back.

    Well I dont mind at all
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    Because its the no word rquvilant of f u
  • Fishcat
    Fishcat Member Posts: 74
    edited October 2018
    Relax guys this is like being pecked up by ducks lel