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Why don't killers come to the exit gates anymore?



  • Member Posts: 114

    If I just got bulldozed and gates are open everyone's at gate. I immediately leave it because I know they just want to bag and click. More importantly it's less the gate gloating and more to destroy any unbroken pallets, breakable walls, and look for the hatch on the off chance they don't all leave at the same time. At that point it becomes a desperate grab for bp nothing else.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    Usually I go look for the hatch. I like closing the hatch. As Wraith, I've actually killed survivors that way. I've also had survivors try to do some last-second dumbassery and they misjudge how much time they have left and end up dying to the entity (just yesterday, one was desperate to flashlight blind me... I run Lightborn, and they totally died right at the exit). I've also had survivors die to the EGC because they were so preoccupied with making noise next to the gate that they didn't get out in time.

    But in general I don't go to the exit gate because I just don't feel like it. Survivors used to let me hit them on the way out, but they stopped doing that a while back. Now they run out before I can get a hit in, so screw 'em.

    Anyway, why do you want the killer to go to the exit gate?

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2020

    I don't know what games you're playing but for me the killers always come to the exit at the end and I 99% of the time let them hit me twice so they can get some blood points and maybe that small opportunity and not depip that's why I usually don't leave right away

  • Member Posts: 45

    How survivors think killers feel when they get their free "sympathy" hit at the exit gate.

  • Member Posts: 117

    Because I don't want to be taunted. If the gate is open, leave. Or they do that thing where you try and hit them and they run.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    I'm actually come to exit gates to end it faster. I don't care about t-bags. And I like to practice longshots from distance if I play huntress.

  • Member Posts: 122

    100% because they know survivors are waiting there just to tea bag or have them down them when they will just force exit anyways. It's the one part of being able to control of not getting toxic behavior. If you can escape, do it. If your gonna save someone then do that. It's annoying asf when they wait just to teabag. It's one thing if they tunneled you or camped you and you got away, but still. I agree with the comment that survivors are mad they can't get satisfaction from teabagging

  • Member Posts: 957

    I wait at exit gate because I want to maximize the xp grind opportunity. The longer you stay in the match (up to 10 minutes) the more xp you get for shards.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Mhmmn. They've never had to clean those hooks after a Jake's been slobbered over by the Entity, or had to pick up after Bill's goshdarn smoking habit has littered the area...I swear he's the largest fire hazard in the Fog!

  • Member Posts: 629

    killers complain about survivors not leaving, but then they donโ€™t even force them out ๐Ÿค”

  • Member Posts: 595
    edited November 2020

    Some survivors allow me to hit them so I'll get extra points. But that's rare because it's usually a teabagging party or they'll flashlight me for a bit longer, so when it's over and I don't have any end game builds I just roam around then break pallets or just hang out in the basement while I check FB or the forums; that makes it worse sometimes because they come down there to join me so they could bully me some more.

    Post edited by LuffyBlack on
  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Not gonna lie you kinda made me want to play on a map with waist high fire and smoke all over the place.

  • Member Posts: 16,662
    edited November 2020

    Or, they can just show that they are mature and force the Survivors out so that they go into the next game as well. I will never understand why some Killers are so upset about a Survivor spamming the Crouch-Button.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    The thing is, forcing Survivors out did not do anything against those who wanted to take the game hostage, because they did not need to wait at the Exit Gates. They could just stealth around the Map.

    While I completely understand what teabagging means, I will not understand how someone can be that upset about it. When I get teabagged at the Exit Gates I mostly say "gg, teabagging isnt necessary tho" and often enough the Survivors who did not teabag are on my side (same when I play Survivor, I dont like to see teammates at the Exit Gates teabagging). But in the end, it is a game, and it is up to the person playing Killer if they really want their mood to be worse, because some Survivors decide to teabag.

    In the end, thats what those Survivors want.

  • Member Posts: 16,662

    I have 5000 hours in this game and I am Rank 1 on both sides (not that this is impressive with 5k hours, but its not like I am playing only Survivor). So I have been teabagged more than enough.

    As Survivor, I mostly leave immediatly once I know that everyone is safe, but I dont mind to force Survivors out. I would rather do that than have to wait 2 minutes before I can go into the next game. I value my own time more than the Survivors time.

  • Member Posts: 15

    For what reason? Getting t-bagged?


  • Member Posts: 629

    Yes, but my point still stands, you still have the option to force them out. Thatโ€™s literally the solution.

  • Member Posts: 1,138

    Don't want to give you the satisfaction.

  • Member Posts: 578

    I run survivor and I've never understood the concept of hanging out by the exit gate. If we as survivors aren't hooked and the gate is open, bye see ya next time!

  • Member Posts: 8

    As a killer main, if I reach that point in the game I just want the game over with as soon as possible so I can play the next one, so I just hang back and afk.

    Seriously no point dragging it on any longer than it has to.

  • Member Posts: 158

    I'll usually give a last hit, or leave my item as a thank you. Especially with cross platform and the lack of chat.

    Some of us survs like to be good boys.

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