Why don't killers come to the exit gates anymore?
If I just got bulldozed and gates are open everyone's at gate. I immediately leave it because I know they just want to bag and click. More importantly it's less the gate gloating and more to destroy any unbroken pallets, breakable walls, and look for the hatch on the off chance they don't all leave at the same time. At that point it becomes a desperate grab for bp nothing else.
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Sounds like you just wanna be toxic and are disgruntled that you aren't getting your ego fed.
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survivor should just Leave!
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Killers don't go to exit gates for 1 to multiple reason that can include but not limited to:
- Feel their failure being rubbed in their face by t-bagging survivors looking for attention
- don't want survivors milking them as much as they can for every single bp
- farming dropped pallets or breakable walls (or power related like plague pools, trapping, teleporting, etc.)
- watch something else more entertaining like watching videos
- deprive survivors of attention because they think survivors already got enough for a match
Unless the killer is/about to preform a cunning tactic, there is no reason for them to go to open gate, unless killers desperately want the match to end
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Usually I go look for the hatch. I like closing the hatch. As Wraith, I've actually killed survivors that way. I've also had survivors try to do some last-second dumbassery and they misjudge how much time they have left and end up dying to the entity (just yesterday, one was desperate to flashlight blind me... I run Lightborn, and they totally died right at the exit). I've also had survivors die to the EGC because they were so preoccupied with making noise next to the gate that they didn't get out in time.
But in general I don't go to the exit gate because I just don't feel like it. Survivors used to let me hit them on the way out, but they stopped doing that a while back. Now they run out before I can get a hit in, so screw 'em.
Anyway, why do you want the killer to go to the exit gate?
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I'm pretty sure the killer is breaking walls and pallets for extra points. Or afk and do something else. I'm pretty sure killer isn't literally doing nothing.
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I don't know what games you're playing but for me the killers always come to the exit at the end and I 99% of the time let them hit me twice so they can get some blood points and maybe that small opportunity and not depip that's why I usually don't leave right away
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Good to see I'm not the only one!
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As a killer main, because tbags. If it were really about giving us free bp via a hit, then why not give us some free hooks? (Supposing you aren't within the kill zone.) Until that day comes, an opened exit gate is a bad idea!
But as a deathslinger main, I haven't the foggiest idea as to what you are even talking about.
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How survivors think killers feel when they get their free "sympathy" hit at the exit gate.
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Because we know over half of you want to be rude.
Sorry to those few that are actually good sports and let the killer get a hit in - plenty act like they will and then just run out like their ACTUAL life depended on it.
Literally, it is the majority of this games survivors are just garbage trolls that care nothing for the other player - the mentality is probably " They're a 'killer'; why should we care?" But yeah... You want the killer to care about your game.
I took a break and came back to being a low rank - I'm seriously just helping people learn to play and not being a man child.
It'd be nice if everyone else could act their ages - this game IS rated M guys and gals.
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It's nice to think about the fact there are good survivor players that truly want to just have a good game and do that - but it doesn't happen enough sadly. The world is turning into a selfish cesspool.
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Cause they know your over there teabaggin the area ๐คฃ
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Me a as a killer๐คฃ https://youtu.be/Znr8UtvvlzM
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Because I don't want to be taunted. If the gate is open, leave. Or they do that thing where you try and hit them and they run.
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Because if I wanted to spend my time watching a survivor butt dance I can literally load the survivor tutorial and do it myself.
No I don't want to see you stroke your ego about how you were escaped and no I don't want the measly 300 points for hitting you ( no you're not doing me a favour I just want you to leave so I can get on with my next match)
This is especially annoying if I'm Rift fragment grinding because I don't feel like wasting my time.
If you manage to get everybody out safely just leave.
We don't want your pity hits and we don't want to see you butt dance
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I'm actually come to exit gates to end it faster. I don't care about t-bags. And I like to practice longshots from distance if I play huntress.
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100% because they know survivors are waiting there just to tea bag or have them down them when they will just force exit anyways. It's the one part of being able to control of not getting toxic behavior. If you can escape, do it. If your gonna save someone then do that. It's annoying asf when they wait just to teabag. It's one thing if they tunneled you or camped you and you got away, but still. I agree with the comment that survivors are mad they can't get satisfaction from teabagging
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The hedges need trimming. Not everything is about hooks and exit gates you know.
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I wait at exit gate because I want to maximize the xp grind opportunity. The longer you stay in the match (up to 10 minutes) the more xp you get for shards.
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Because I don't want to give a squad of tryhard sweaty survivors the satisfaction ad they teabag into the sunset lol I'll only hit the exit if we've had a fun, no douchebag antics round
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Mhmmn. They've never had to clean those hooks after a Jake's been slobbered over by the Entity, or had to pick up after Bill's goshdarn smoking habit has littered the area...I swear he's the largest fire hazard in the Fog!
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killers complain about survivors not leaving, but then they donโt even force them out ๐ค
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I cant speak for others but after years of needing a confirmations from the survivors to finally go on to next game
It's nice to just go afk for a minute and not giving the survivors the satisfaction to tbag at me and not even giving me some free points.
So from my pov: leave when you won, I already know that I cant do anything anymore.
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Some survivors allow me to hit them so I'll get extra points. But that's rare because it's usually a teabagging party or they'll flashlight me for a bit longer, so when it's over and I don't have any end game builds I just roam around then break pallets or just hang out in the basement while I check FB or the forums; that makes it worse sometimes because they come down there to join me so they could bully me some more.
Post edited by LuffyBlack on3 -
Not gonna lie you kinda made me want to play on a map with waist high fire and smoke all over the place.
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I'm trying to be cool because I don't want to be banned as I'm already probably not the Mods' favorite person, but this made me lose several braincells. Survivors are free to leave when they please.
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Or, they can just show that they are mature and force the Survivors out so that they go into the next game as well. I will never understand why some Killers are so upset about a Survivor spamming the Crouch-Button.
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Did you seriously just say that the killers are the immature ones for not letting survivors teabag them?
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Why would they, right? Going out of your way to BM someone doesnยดt hurt anyone, it canยดt ever be bad. Itยดs also way more mature to wait for the losing party to show up so you can taunt them and flipp them the digital finger.
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I'm going to assume your post isn't in bad faith, but it's the universal sign of disrespect. Literally anyone who has picked up a controller knows that teabagging is meant to humiliate your opponent. It's been a thing since the popularity of shooters, I believe.
It's less about that than the survivors wasting time when they could move onto the next match. It's gotten to the point where the End Game Collapse was released because they held the game hostage. Don't even get me started on the harassment that follows at the end game chat.
If you don't think it's a big deal then that's cool, but this behavior is not only rude but uncivil.
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Becuz it is not just 'spamming the crouch button'.
U obviously have not played killer long enough to be bullied yet.
It is extremely annoying becuz u feel like u are forced to walk all way across the map to look at them make fun of u as they leave.
It's the same reason a survivor is on a dying state, but waits forever for u to find him, just so the survivor can go thru the hatch in front of u.
As a killer, it's prefer if u just leave. Survivor does it becuz its annoying. Why does the killer gotta be mature and go thru this? Why can't the survivors be mature and just leave?
To counter this, u just start breaking pallets and walls for points while the survivors sit at the gate. If the killer doesn't show up, it's a huge let down for the survivors.
And its annoyance to the survivors is working as someone made a post about it as this one.
As other complaints made by survivors, it is another way to make killers play a certain way. But it seems like killers are refusing to do so.
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The thing is, forcing Survivors out did not do anything against those who wanted to take the game hostage, because they did not need to wait at the Exit Gates. They could just stealth around the Map.
While I completely understand what teabagging means, I will not understand how someone can be that upset about it. When I get teabagged at the Exit Gates I mostly say "gg, teabagging isnt necessary tho" and often enough the Survivors who did not teabag are on my side (same when I play Survivor, I dont like to see teammates at the Exit Gates teabagging). But in the end, it is a game, and it is up to the person playing Killer if they really want their mood to be worse, because some Survivors decide to teabag.
In the end, thats what those Survivors want.
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Because 19/20 times survivors just waste their time tbagging and clicking flashlights at the gates, most don't even have the courtesy to give the killer hits to give them a bit of bloodpoints at the end. The time wasted in end game collapsed is time they could've used to queue for and find another match.
Tldr; survivors just hurts their feelings and they waste time.
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I have 5000 hours in this game and I am Rank 1 on both sides (not that this is impressive with 5k hours, but its not like I am playing only Survivor). So I have been teabagged more than enough.
As Survivor, I mostly leave immediatly once I know that everyone is safe, but I dont mind to force Survivors out. I would rather do that than have to wait 2 minutes before I can go into the next game. I value my own time more than the Survivors time.
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U do what u want. Nobody cares what rank u are or what u do.
If other survivors don't leave and want that moment of last second smearing the killer, so be it.
If the killer choose not to go do that becuz he's been bullied and kind of worked up and needs the extra time to cool down by breaking pallets and walls and make the survivors wait, than so be it.
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I'm doing my best here not to get you wrong
But what? Just because it's a game doesn't mean it is okay for players to be uncivil with each other. It doesn't matter how you personally handle people being dicks to you, it matters how it affects other people. It's the reason I don't hit people on hooks anymore after learning people hated that.
I could give a flying crap about the survivor's rulebook and want it abolished in place for a coherent system but I follow it anyway because I understand certain nuances, I could imagine sitting in one place could be boring and irritating, and I'm the most vocal person here against the rulebook.((And I get called racial slurs anyway, but that's a story for another day))
You have the stress of wrestling with the game's mechanics and having to deal with four other players ready to take you on a ride if you lose. You're not even playing for fun at this point, you are trying to win so you won't get mocked at the end of the match.
I will also add that I understand that malicious intent isn't always the case. Sometimes a survivor and I will teabag at each other as a greeting or survivors would sometimes invite me to teabag with them if I am using a character that could crouch, but this is usually after I let them go or farm.
I think people take issue with your post because it's like you're doing mental gymnastics to make it seem like people are overreacting despite the community having a serious harassment problem. And on top of that this post was addressed to killers and we've answered honestly, I can't say I see the damage.
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If this was bait, OP got everybody all immersed in discussion.
They made only 1 other comment that was in response to a MadTV meme.
Gotta give them credit for starting a decent discussion tho, of nearly 100 responses already, with a slight bit of tension in the mix.
Well done๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ
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For what reason? Getting t-bagged?
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Wasnt the end game collapse introduced because of survivors refusal to leave when theyve won? Its always been a survivor thing. I personally just dont give them the satisfaction and just get a drink or go back to youtube while i wait they wanna sit there and go clicky clicky im not wasting my time because im doing other stuff more important than walking to a gate just to get teabag flashlighted.
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Yes, but my point still stands, you still have the option to force them out. Thatโs literally the solution.
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So sad there's no downvote option on the forums
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I find that ######### Toxic as hell
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Eh, I used to take the bags for a few free hits but a lot of survivors will wait right on the edge or use deadhard to make sure you don't even get that. So if it's a 4E they can do their thing and I'll break pallets or check reddit or grindr or something
As survivor I just leave once I know everyone's safe and got their last minute heal points. Sometimes I then spectate the others spend the entire endgame collapse teabagging and flashlight clicking a killer who isn't even nearby, that's some real gaming right there
Edit: the first time I played plague was a 4E, they all waited to teabag me and I smacked all of them out with one burst of corrupt purge, now that was pretty funny
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Don't want to give you the satisfaction.
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I run survivor and I've never understood the concept of hanging out by the exit gate. If we as survivors aren't hooked and the gate is open, bye see ya next time!
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As a killer main, if I reach that point in the game I just want the game over with as soon as possible so I can play the next one, so I just hang back and afk.
Seriously no point dragging it on any longer than it has to.
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I'll usually give a last hit, or leave my item as a thank you. Especially with cross platform and the lack of chat.
Some of us survs like to be good boys.
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Oh yes, I sure like to be humiliated in the face for two minutes straight by people I'll probably never know in real life.
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Why don't survivors leave when the killer doesn't give them the exit gate attention they crave?