Freddy's dream projection needs a longer cooldown both when faking and committing

lazerlight Member Posts: 353
edited November 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Freddy can fill up the bar up to 99%, then cancel his power, and after 5 seconds starts teleporting again.

And when he commits, after 15 seconds... can teleport again.

That's just not ok.

Clocks are automatically the farthest ones, he gets no slowdown when placing traps....

At the very least, his teleportation needs a longer cooldown.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    I would be onboard with this if it wasn’t so easy to get ppl into dream world consistently.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The fake cooldown is 10 seconds, not 5. It's still very short and basically meaningless but yeah. And 45 seconds should just be the standard teleport cooldown for Freddy. It shouldn't be able to be shortened by up to 60 ######### percent (80% with both addons. Pretty sure it takes it down to about 13 seconds. Wow amazing. Definitely very fun with ruin, undying and tinkerer.)

    Not only THAT, it takes gradually longer to wake yourself up with survivors so it shortly becomes pointless because the moment you fall asleep the clock spawn literally the furthest away from you as humanly possible. So keeping awake to try and keep his teleport cooldown up is a total waste of time and not worth it. And then he makes everyone oblivious, counters BT for free and the ability to slow down survivors with spammable snares that doesn't slow down or affect him at all when placing them so it's completely risk-free.

    Not an overtuned killer at all,, not in the slightest...

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,120

    I agree that the clock should be rng like the Pig's jigsaw boxes, rather than the furthest possible one by default. He doesn't need to be slowed while placing snares at loops, but maybe they could just take a second to spawn in instead of being immediate.

  • BillyMain77
    BillyMain77 Member Posts: 415

    Freddy is also the only killer that has add ons that effect gen speeds.

    Freddy needs a rework with that lunge and add ons.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    That won't make waking up with the clocks more meaningful. It will still be the same but worse. The bots will never do gens and instead will waste time waking up. Clocks should be RNG and his cooldown needs to be increased, both for when survivors are awake, and when they aren't. Personally, I'd just remove the whole micro sleep and just make the match just have everyone asleep.

    With that change he'll literally be teleporting every 5 seconds.

    His power gauge should stop completely for a whole 10 seconds after touching m2 (whether he comits or not) to then start regenerating. And on top of that increase his cooldown. He should be relying more on his snares than his teleport.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    if you saw the 1st person bug, you can clearly see his arm is 3 meters long lol. I bet real money that's the reason he can hit people from so far away.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    also lunge is fine they just need to make the animation more clear on the range because all killers have the same lunge however

    small killer + small weapon = it looks like he YEEEEEEETS himself at the survivor

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    Its overkill. They just needed to make falling asleep more threatening and make him able to m1 you regardless of your status. Not have Freddy's power do absolutely everything for him.

    Clocks? Farthest one.

    Waking up with others? Takes longer each time.

    Teleporting? Every 15 seconds and I dare say less.

    Snares? Feel like they slow you down for much longer than Clown's gas.

    Arm? 5 meters long (we saw that 1st person bug BHVR, his arm is stretched out, ya'll ain't slick)

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    First of all, what;s the meaning of those images?

    Second of all, Hag and Blight are shorter than Freddy and they don't feel like they're hitting you from 10 meters away. Yet Freddy does. I'm willing to bet it's because of his 1st person model. We all saw how outstretched that arm was. You can't keep using "he looks like he hits from far away cuz of his stature" excuse anymore.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    short killer + short weapon, blight and hag have longer weapons so it matches the hitbox of the animation better

    freddy just yeets himself

    also the images are saying there is another killer who has addons that directly affect gen speed

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I honestly, genuinely wish they’d never done the rework.

    I loved main’ing old Freddy. And I was good with him. This made wins feel extra special.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    it doesnt matter if he "yeets" himself. He connects the hit when in the survivor's screen it did not. That's not a problem with "visuals" it's a problem with the hit boxes. His needs to be adjusted.

    Billy and Bubba have (or atleast used to have) gen speed affecting add ons but, the difference with those, is that you must have had to get hit by their powers first, which means they must have had to do a good job at hitting you. And they were only there while you were injured. PLUS their effects were/are only individual, not stackable like Freddy's purple add-on is (cant be bothered to learn its name).

    Freddy just walks around, you fall asleep after 60 seconds over and over again, and BOOM everyone has slower gen speeds. His power does everything for him. He doesn't need to do anything in order to get that debuff to activate on survivors (which btw, affects other actions too, not only gen speeds).

  • MidniteWolfy
    MidniteWolfy Member Posts: 28
    edited November 2020

    I agree that Freddy needs some kind of rework entirely. He's the only killer that can go afk and still impact the survivors. He's also the only killer in my opinion that isn't fun to go against. With every other killer there can be a fun aspect; you found trappers best traps, you used a flashlight on hag, you still looped with distorted clown vision, you dodged spirit/nurse after teleport, you hit legion with a pallet in power, you dodged oni charge - etc. You can always have a conversation about a fun interaction or play you made against a killer, but what about Freddy? You can't dodge his traps, can't flashlight them, you can't avoid his power. (Looping doesn't count, it's not unique to Freddy) What are you going to talk about after the match? "Oh my God guys did you see how awesome it was when I missed that skillcheck to wake up! Clutch play, right?!"

  • MissKitty95
    MissKitty95 Member Posts: 786

    There should be a cooldown on him just spamming snares

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    As a Freddy main, I can tell you the easiest way to beat me is to rotate gens often. Spread out and don't have a bunch of people on one gen. When I start teleporting, you rotate to another gen, even if my teleport is fake.

    It's really not that hard. He can only chase 1 person. There are 3 others who could and should be working on gens and/or totems.

    I mostly play survivor and it's so weird how people cling to these gens once they start them. It's ok to move to another gen.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    you mean latency the thing every person faces and having a killer with a small weapon with the exact same lunge as everyone else but the same weapon range makes it feel like he does it more often rather you want his hitbox to match his weapon closer so make his lunge even more yeety so it can look like he touched you with his fingers more

    Yes I know that other killers had slowdown addons but HAD is the right word to use because right now only 2 killers HAVE them and I was only bringing up what currently exists not what did exist

    just miss a skillcheck then 10% progress on the gen for another 60 seconds of not being asleep and affected by slowdown

    8 seconds of lost progress for 60 seconds of regular progress and being able to hear a regular terror radius and not deal with dream traps making freddy an m1 killer

    people act like there aren't counter play options, there are counter play options just none that give you an overwhelming advantage over the killer

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    Every killer has the same lunge of 0.5 seconds with the exact same range. The only exceptions are Spirit's grudge and Michael's T1 which is 0.2 seconds and Michaels T3 which is 0.6 seconds. I can tell you for a fact that Freddy just has a longer looking lunge, thats not an excuse, thats a fact. The way to play around this is to just know how far his lunge is from practicing against him and dont play as recklessly against him if you struggle.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    lmao who is running tinkerer on freddy his song in the dream world isnt his terror radius so asleep people still hear you tf

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Freddy teleport is 45 sec cooldoen and the cooldown is reduce by 15% for each sleeping survivor. When he cancel his power he get 15 sec cooldown plus the reduction from the survivor.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    That depends on the viability of moving to another Gen, especially considering if ruin/undying is in play. Which, let's face it, almost always is now. I'm the first one to tell you I'll leave a Gen close to done alone if the killer is watching it while I do another so that they're distracted keeping it from popping while I pop another, but with ruin/undying and maybe even surveillance or tinkerer, they really don't have to worry about watching it at all because they'll know when you're touching it/finishing it on top of being able to teleport over to it to prevent that from happening and Gen slowdown addons/teleport cool down addons plus the non existent penalty to slamming snares and pallets everywhere at a moments notice.

    I like the way they changed him from how he used to be, I just think they gave him too much to work with. When you see Freddy you die a little on the inside because unless they just don't know what they're doing they will always dominate the game, hands down and there's almost nothing you can do about it.

    Not hearing him coming is not the most important reason to use tinkerer on Freddy. It's to know when a Gen is about to pop so he can come teleport/fake to it at a moments notice and interrupt it.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I kind of like that idea with his snares. Let him place snares further away but they take a moment to "power up" to take effect. And let the survivor see the blood pool forming too.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 338

    I don't really wake up against Freddie as I'd spend most the match doing it.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    what do you mean by longer? longer as in duration, or longer as in it looks like his arm is longer? Because, if it's the latter, I've stated over and over, that that isn't the issue. You still get hit... from 2 meters away. Because his claws, on the survivor's screen, look like they are two meters away... and it still connects. It's not him APPEARING to have a 10 meter arm. It's that he hits the air behind you, and you STILL. GET. HIT.

  • Manky
    Manky Member Posts: 192

    By longer I mean thats the duration of his lunge. They move at 6.9m/s for 0.5 seconds in their lunge. His lunge is completly normal, its just a weird thing to see. I think its a combination of the fact that he is short and his weapon is small and the fact that the servers are complete dog #########. His lunge itself doesnt need a fix, just the animation. It's hard to see where its gonna hit when his animation and hit box are out of sync.

  • Deadlock
    Deadlock Member Posts: 215

    I do agree. Freddy is a little strong.