They buffed discordance and fixed spirit

So discordance is map wide again and it seems to have an aura reading ending even faster than before so its even better info than before soooooo....... nice
Spirit bug got fixed which im kinda sad about, hope they add something like spirits fades in and out like in the scott jund video but the spirit knows when that happens unlike what we got here.
the day they add in that nerf officially is the day i eat my fuggin shoe
they also think things like iri head aren't too OP as they arent too common, so take that for what you will
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Almost everybody I've seen has been praising the Spirit bug as good for the game and allowing skillful mindgames/counterplay for both sides. Very sad they're fixing this as the only change I think it needed was allowing Spirit to know when she made the noises.
Back to having an absolute miserable time against her I guess...
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I’m glad they did, now players can move on to a different topic to complain about.
Since you know this game is suppose to be “survivor-sided”.
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"almost everybody", you mean survivors that don't know how to do anything but run in circles?
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Well Scott Jund is a killer main and he thinks its a good thing.
And Otz and scott seem to both agree that spirit needs more counterplay. (and its not only them)
So its more like instead of "almost everybody" its more like 'people with empathy'
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What were the exact changes to discordance this time?
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t3 is now 126m so its map wide,
instead of aura last 8 seconds after someone leaves its 4.
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ah thx
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Literally most of the recognized dbd streamers have commented on how Spirit, Nurse, PH, and DS have little to no counterplay, and Freddy's power does everything for him. Phase with Spirit, you win, blink with Nurse, you win, fake your shots with DS, you win, fake your Punishment, you win, (the recent change did nothing to him, he can still M1 immediately after cancelling his Trails, or at least right after just tapping M2). Freddy can fake his entire bar of the teleport and teleport again after 4 seconds.
It's not just Scott that's been vocal about these killers. People who keep defending these Killers saying that they're "okay" literally just want easy downs because they're easily bullied when playing as other killers. Once bhvr addresses gen rushing, these Killers and their powers will actually need to be addressed because no one is gonna be able to escape against them if gen accessibility was actually balanced.
Everyone and their mother knows that those are the most problematic killers (and even Hag) because every time you see the threads with "what if there was a Killer ban feature" everyone, even the mods, jump up saying how "that's just gonna make people ban Spirit, Freddy, PH, and DS." ................because maybe... there's a reason for that.
With this change I was actually able to last way longer against two different red ranked Spirits. This "bug" was the best thing she's ever gotten. And what do they do? They add it to her description, just to remove it as a bug... cooldowns and charge times are there for a reason... idk why they've been giving killers shorter and even non-existent cooldowns... and people defend it...
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As opposed to killers who want to be able to brute force looping instead of learning how to play around them?
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This version of a Spirit nerf is in the ballpark for the right idea, but is waaaaaaaaay overkill.
Spirit needs a reliable, dead giveaway for whether or not she's using her power. That's just fair.
Having such a giveaway that also removes the ambiguity of her position (the entire point of Spirit's power) just makes her flat out bad.
- Have vacuum noises audible within the Husk's terror radius.
- Add a visual notification on the Husk that shows that she entered Phase.
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- when spirit was still ptb in 2018, you could hear her phasing while in the terror radius, and people complained, so it was changed.
- There is a visual notification, her shards do actually glow when she phases. It's just really hard to see.
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i don't really care if X think it's a good thing. X also thought Ruin nerf was good, so.. others can ######### right off. learn how to do something other than run in circles
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so green ranks.
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Its always odd seeing people bring up people streamer's opinions on gameplay elements, hailing their well thought out opinion on one matter but turn the other cheek when an equally thought out opinion on the other side comes out.
Not saying people cant share opinions but it's just weird to see.
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4 seconds is all i'd need on Discordance, and the distance buff is nice for maps like Azarov's Resting Place.
Still, why was infinite Aura-reading range a problem again?
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If you want to argue that Spirit needs a nerf that's one thing, but this bug made it easier for the survivor to tell where she was than for her to tell where the survivor is and that is just stupid as hell. I really wish people would stop crying about Spirit, she isn't hard to outplay not even a little, and yes if the killer is equal or better than you in terms of skill they should be ending the chase quickly, they are the killer after all so enough of this "she has no counterplay" crap, she does just gitgud at reading the other team instead of being a predictable tool.
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It wasn't. That's why it got reverted.
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Well, i would say they are high profile players. Usually, the argument is you should not balance around the top 1%, so why is it different this time?
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it was overall buffed from before not reverted.
4>8 which is basically the only change and thats a buff
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The sound bug made her brain dead boring to play against! While I agree that Spirit needs to be reworked (and I'm a Spirit main), you can't nerf her kit without defeating the purpose of it!
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"hope they add something like spirits fades in and out like in the scott jund video but the spirit knows when that happens unlike what we got here."
I basically agree with you lol.
The "what we got here" is me refering to spirit not having info on when she makes sounds, so i dont think this bug is good but its definetly more of what id want spirit to be like.
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Imo that bug is not that good because spirit herself has no idea when she'll be breathing when in phasing, so she can't time it and mindgame survivors with it.
I'm fine with making her husk showing she's phasing, but directional audible sound from her makes survivor too easy to counter her as she still can't see you. That's like OoO users being chase by ghostface in shroud, but in reverse.
Also, it removes the point of her power, the unpredictability. You can't switch target to someone on gens in your terror radius midchase because they know exactly if you're coming for them or not.
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That's a separate (but definitely welcome) change. I'm talking about the range nerf. That got reverted.
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Yup. Discordance is now once again map wide
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If you want to quote Scott you should know he also suggest nerfing perks like DS, making generators slower at the beginning etc, giving SWF drawbacks
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So ARP is less than 128 meters long?
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Don't get why people complain about nurse when not a lot of people play nurse, as you see on the charts she is the least chosen killer and has the last kill rates
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I have to agree with you on that one, survivors just love complaining about everything like “nerf this or nerf that” all because they have a bad game and go cry on the forums for a nerf. It’s getting ridiculous how far survivor main cry babies kept this up and now they’re crying harder then ever now that spirit was fixed. What I have to say is that this is balanced since apparently they don’t know that the spirit can’t see you in her phase so how is it fair that the survivor should know where the spirit is while she doesn’t? And spirit is nothing close to an easy killer to main only dedicated spirit mains are the ones to worry about. I really hope this BALANCED fix makes the crybaby survivors cry harder because for once, the killer mains can laugh at the survivors. Also this is not going to all survivor mains at all, just the ones that love to beg for nerfs after getting destroyed by an “op” killer.
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So like things that should happen and have been asked for years? At least someone is listening.
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I wish they'd kept the noise thing on the spirit. Made my mind games way more fun.
Anybody on here complaining about PH or DS needing a nerf probably just haven't given themselves enough time to learn counterplay. Sometimes, yes, you can't avoid a hit, but that isn't always the killers fault. Did you run into a dead zone? Did you get stuck on the environment for a second and as a result, the killer got close enough to score a hit during your next vault? Maybe you were going to take a hit regardless, but because it's PH using his power, you think you had no choice.
As an aside, I think it's great to have a killer who can force a survivor away from a strong tile sometimes. PH is great for that, however, he can lack in the gen defense department. Yeah there are perks that can help him out, but one or those is a hex totem that can be broken. One of those is reliant on hooking survivors, and a few others that rely on survivors to clump up on a generator and other such things.
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So just cause content creators think it's good means it must be? I love scotts videos but I do not like the spirit nerf idea it would be way to big of a nerf.
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Discordance didn't need a nerf in the first place no one was asking for it. All people wanted was shorter times of the yellow aura to make it better.
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Good spirit is back to her old self and actually able to properly deal with op toxic swfs
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The original problem was that tier 1 was better than tier 3 because it notified you more frequently. So instead of just reversing the order of the "loud noise alert" frequency per perk tier, the entirely nerfed it. But now if you have tier 3 it covers the whole map again.
So there wasn't ever any problems with it, the design of the perk was just backwards per tier.
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dude it was easy as hell to know where spirit was with a headset, it was basically spirit having to be mega big brain and hope the loop was mindgameable and if it wasn't she can't land the hit.
i also found out that simply waiting at the pallet made it almost impossible for her to hit me because i knew where she was coming from. just go look at true talents clips of him playing around with the bug he didn't have any issue knowing spirits location while the spirit rarely knew his. even if the spirit is very good against a good survivor at a pallet they wont land the hit so her power is basically only good for trying to catch up and land a hit,
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No and No. Why not just wipe out anything that lets killers do more than chase simulator 2020? Seriously, these are killers who, o lore wise, are adept at what they do. Part of the package is mind games. Literally everything you and most of these other are suggesting take the entire idea of mind games and u predictability out of the killers, making them little more than M1 hounds.
The only reason I can see anyone would want changes like these is because they lack spacial awareness, and are too lazy to hide, save when some handholding mechanic tells them too.
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"People who keep defending these Killers saying that they're "okay" literally just want easy downs because they're easily bullied when playing as other killers."
Far from the truth brother/sister! One of the few reason's why I main and defend Spirit is because it doesn't matter what situation you put her in, she can do something about it!
For example: Blood Lodge has a bunch of unmindgamable loops! Killer's such as Phillip, Mikey, and Pig literally can't do anything about that but hold W until the survivor drops the pallet and than it's on to the next few unmindgameable pallets in the center area of the map!
Now you put Spirit in that situation and she can actually do something about it instead of holding W and hoping survivor's make a mistake! Speaking of mistakes Spirit is also a killer that DOESN'T HAVE TO CAPITALIZE ON SURVIVOR'S MISTAKES
"With this change I was actually able to last way longer against two different red ranked Spirits. This "bug" was the best thing she's ever gotten."
And the pot calls the kettle black!
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I just throw in that scott got some weird opinions sometimes.
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People seem to agree that more counterplay is good but spirit should also know when she makes those sounds.
Bhvr definetly knows people want spirit changed more, idk if they will do something though.
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Because Spirit wasn't intended to have any kind of tell tell when she's in phasing while inside of her Terror Radius! As A Spirit main she needs a rework from the ground up, but the way her kit currently is, theirs no way to nerf her without defeating the purpose of her power!
From my survivor perspective I think she's fine simply because I'm not mindlessly just looping her and actually have to use my brain and think from her perspective to outplay her
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Correct me if im wrong but I believe every killer has only 3 ultra rares to be in their bloodweb, which makes it even worse as they aren't even rare and you will get a ebony or iri head/other broken addon in like 3 or 4 bloodwebs if you're unlucky. My p3 Legion gets an ebony almost every bloodweb.
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You must only talk to surv mains then oof.
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I mean I think ds is strong but very counterable since basically just don't tunnel which happens a lot so hence why a lot of people run it and I don't agree with making gens slower at the start of game since there are killers such as myers who would become even more powerful and there are already perks that can stop gen rushing at start called corrupt and don't get me started on Freddy and how he can slow gens with addons and slowing gens would literally make it impossible to go up against an iri head huntress which is so broken.
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It probably wasn't a problem. BHVR had no idea how to change the perk tiers so that T3 was the best, so they threw on a range requirement and normalised the aura reading because then it's easier to go "small range bad big range good" and base the tiers on that instead.
Sidenote, this also shows that we're likely never going to see a change to the perks like only having 1 tier, because ludicrous grind that's worse than most MMOs is also good for the game according to them.
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Me laughs freddy
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Most people suggest that DS de-activates if you go touch a generator. 60 seconds is long time to be "tunneled" if you can repair gens you aren't being tunneled, but just carried with 60s immunity
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128m isn't mapwide. It's 128m, like Empathy.
And you have cases when Empathy don't prog on bigger maps so Discordance won't prog either.
That beeing said, it's actually a little nerf as it was mapwide before.