Why don't killers come to the exit gates anymore?



  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681
  • Ryan51090
    Ryan51090 Member Posts: 34

    I would have to ask this question to killers. Why, when you down the last survivor do you leave them to go search for the hatch to close it or choose to not pick them up and just stand there next to them waiting for the timer to run out?

    Personally, when I play as survivor and the gate is opened, I exit. Unless there is a survivor downed or hooked, I may try to help them.

    There clearly seems to be much sportsmanship missing from players of this game on both sides.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    You should stop being selfish first. You want the killer to go out of their way to give you WGLF stacks, but you won't give the killer BBQ stacks.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    Nah I'm gonna go to my corner over here and ignore you. If you wanna wait for me, please feel free. Hold your breath while you're at it.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    If the Killer was a Freddy then he belongs in his corner.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Survivors already have the power role, and they feel the need to flaunt it at the end of the match. Such bad winners

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Better question is why don't you just leave and stop wasting your time and the killers time? If no one is hooked or getting chased then leave and move on.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited November 2020

    You know what? I ain't trying to risk a ban. I'll admit to maybe misreading your initial response to my post despite me not even being hostile and going my own way.

  • GingerbreadHouse
    GingerbreadHouse Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2020

    I imagine they are looking for dropped pallets to break.

  • LuckyLarry
    LuckyLarry Member Posts: 7

    There is only 2 reasons Id ever go to exit gates after open. 1. I want the game to finish more quickly, knowing that I'll be getting t-bagged. 2. I'm playing deathslinger and still have a noed totem up. I've killed so many t-bagging survivors by shooting and reeling them out.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    You aren't wrong, but the question was addressed to killers, not survivors. They want to know why we don't come to the exit gate.

  • Poiblazer
    Poiblazer Member Posts: 4

    Played against a swf last night. Tried as hard as I could to not tunnel or camp. But these survivors were wearing their bully pants. I think i got 3 hooks all game. One right at the end. Due to body blocking and flashlight saves and all manner of sweaty survivor 'you dont get many points this round' gameplay. So i hook a guy at the end of the match after all gens are done and decide thats it for me. I'll take this one sacrifice to my lord and call it good. What do the survivors do? Stand on all sides of me trying to beckon me away from the guy on hook. I shake my head no, and camp with marshmallows and all. The other 3 survivors then rush in, body blocking and borrowed time and all manner of 'not today killer'. They get my one tasty morsel off the hook before i even seasoned it. Then they all stand in exit gate teabagging and doing barrel rolls. I tried to run up and get one last smack and they say no say and just leave.

    Bullies like these guys that were clearly all on headsets make me stay away from exit gates. The only reason I ran into the gates was to get them to leave before they could get more heal points since i had them all injured and they were casually healbagging before leaving to rub it in. So no, I won't go into exit gates anymore. And from now on if i notice a group of swf playing this way and literally bullying me out of game, ill go stand in a corner til gens are done and open end gate myself.

    Sending a strong F you to that group.

  • PurgeTheHeretic
    PurgeTheHeretic Member Posts: 20

    I will wait until everyone is there or almost there before I leave. Just in case of a late hook or something. Other than that, I am out and on to the next match for more sweet game playing.

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    I just wanna give them a hit before leaving :(

  • Jollykins
    Jollykins Member Posts: 43

    I will often give myself up as an offering to a farmer or a killer who has struggled so much that they just give up (due to poor match making which isn't their fault). I don't mind dying, the animation for EGC is pretty cool to watch👌

  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Yes continue to leave freddys in the corner don't come crying to me when all the baby Dwights are dead and forced pennanced because we left a freddy In the corner.

  • goodmuzic
    goodmuzic Member Posts: 3

    I have no idea. I love watching feng min twerking for me.

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Dumb question to be honest. The answer is obvious: Play a lot of Killer and see for yourself.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Because getting a 4K is a win condition or an emblem condition.

    Which is usually why Killers slug for the 4k.

    Escaping is your win condition as a survivor spending as long as possible teabagging at the exit Gate isn't

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    I'd rather break some leftover pallets or walls, maybe find the hatch to close it. I'm not gonna go to the gate to have survivors try to make me feel bad for not winning.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    at that point the match is over. I just go stand in a corner and alt tab to twitch or something.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    That statement itself just shows childish behaviour. Man up and just force them out if you want the game to end.

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited November 2020

    why don't survivors leave when they're in the thing labelled "exit'? Do you think killers care about your minor pity points or finding a survivor teabagging?

    Sometimes I'll go AFK to piss or grab a drink to let the survivor get the hatch, come back 5 minutes later and they've got a crow overthemselves because they wanted to wait, waste their time and let me see them go into the hatch. It's why I just kill everyone now.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I'm new and try to get one more hit in, but reading this comments and I think I will avoid gates going forward lol

    I don't mind teabagging (I squidbag in Splatoon all the time lol) but its annoying when I get stomped and all 4 escape and then I get taunted.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    My reply will drown in the sea of comments but ill repeat myself again:

    Imo if survivors are waiting in the exit gate area, the killer should be able to walk up to the door controls and insta-close it, forcing the survivors in the area out and nowthe door is closed again fro the remaining survivors.

    This would lead to interested and exciting endgame were survivors can still go to the area for safety but should leave quickly to avoid the door being locked, stealth killers can make particular use of this.

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