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We need balance

Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
edited October 2018 in General Discussions

I dont even play killer right now, just doing a daily...but the last 5 lobbies have been all SWFs, even at rank15.

Its an easier game for them with SWF, so why wouldnt they turn on easy mode?

The game was designed around solo, aka 1+1+1+1v1. SWF was added later.You cant remove SWF at this point (because its what most of the players use), but the game wasnt designed for every player to have strong perks like Bond, Empathy, and Kindred automatically, while negating some killer perks as well like Knock Out.

If 90% of the survivor population is going to SWF nowadays, the game needs to be seriously rebalanced. You have stated you are working on this, but Im not seeing evidence of it in the last few patch notes. Judging by the fact that the devs who make the decisions only play at low ranks, I dont think that they have the game experience required to be making such decisions properly.

You guys are SO close to having a hugely popular title, but hindered by your lack of experience with your own product. Ive seen it happen with dozens of games over the years. We dont fault you for it, as its a fairly industry wide fact that no (hard working) devs have time to play their own product the amount of time required to know how to balance it properly.

Let us help you. Gather a small group of very experienced AND well balanced players (not streamers) to help you balance your game. Its not even that hard. Ill do it FOR you if you want, while excluding myself from it. Many games have done this successfully. You can too.



  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    Swf group are easy to counter. There is always going to be one built for distracting and 2 running borrowed. Once you establish who is built for distracting leave that person alone until the end. And don't camp or tunnel or they will hit you with borrowed and they will change their tactics and just do gens...this strategy works every time at rank 1. Killer is ridiculesly easy if your smart. Swf groups can be annoying BUT your complaining about it and your only rank 15. Eventually you'll learn to counter them with meta perks like noed, bbq, rancor, sloppy, ruin (except survivors always find that in less then 1 second)
    lol i have about 2k hours and have been rank1 as killer dozens of times. you clearly do not understand the basic concept of this thread. reread it.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.
  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited October 2018

    Withdrawn, because I simply don't give a damn anymore.

    Post edited by Kilmeran on
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    If the majority is SWF players, then the game needs to be balanced around SWFs. And this doesn't mean providing solo survivors with the same knowledge as SWFs (because that'd make SWFs even stronger) but rather power up the Power role's influence on the playing field.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    When i play survivor, i always play solo. It's much more challenging and you get really different but also frustrating matches. Tbh i hate playing SWF because i know it's unfair regarding killers and against the original game design. If i could, i would remove the SWF feature. But the devs won't never remove it because the player count would heavily descrease and DbD would produce much less profit.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Lowbei said:
    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.
    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    shasta said:
    se05239 said:

    If the majority is SWF players, then the game needs to be balanced around SWFs. And this doesn't mean providing solo survivors with the same knowledge as SWFs (because that'd make SWFs even stronger) but rather power up the Power role's influence on the playing field.

    Thats obvious code to give major buffs to killer got it 👍
    Over the past year killers have been getting buffed slowly , people act like the game is unplayable even if they 4K every game because they don’t want a challenge they want a easy win that they don’t have to stress over , killer is more stressful because your objective can elude you but it’s not very hard, if this were a year ago I may agree with you but the game right now is in a very good place
    I agree that the game is in a better place than before, you got a great point there. However the problem still stands with going against SWF. 4 equally skilled players going against a equally skilled killer that is not the Nurse will get destroyed, period. I know that teamwork overwhelms the power role but currently it's too easy to have great teamwork in my opinion.
  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Nickenzie said:
    Lowbei said:
    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.
    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.
    As I do agree killers need certain QOL changes more than a buff, if you did this then survivors outnumber the killers and it would become worse than what it is now and actually backtrack, the only real answer is forcing devs from both sides to constantly stay at rank one and be unable to pop below it to always have a idea of what’s going on at the top
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    shasta said:
    Nickenzie said:
    Lowbei said:
    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.
    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.
    As I do agree killers need certain QOL changes more than a buff, if you did this then survivors outnumber the killers and it would become worse than what it is now and actually backtrack, the only real answer is forcing devs from both sides to constantly stay at rank one and be unable to pop below it to always have a idea of what’s going on at the top
    I highly doubt that survivors will overwhelm the killers since most players play both sides and if the survivors do overwhelm the killers, the developers can easily sort that out independently. Vice versa if the killer's overwhelm the survivors. It goes both ways.

    For example: "Remove LF from the game" and it was upvoted 10 times with 30 LOLs.

    Obviously you can tell that a bunch of inexperienced survivors made that balance suggestion and can be easily be disregarded.
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    @Tsulan said:
    Nickenzie said:

    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.

    The majority plays survivor.
    What could possibly go wrong?

    He basically explained what happened for 2.5 years.

    Also we all know that the imbalance is more a marketing choice by the Devs than anything else.

    They proved in the past that they CAN solve some issues if they really wanted to.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited October 2018
    Literally almost every single game of Killer I’ve played since December 2017 contained SWF.  Still an easy march to high rank, and most players are actually worse than my Killer.. Somehow.  

    If they all had their profiles private, you wouldn’t know.  You had investigate their profiles to see for sure.  A terrible feature that shouldn’t be in the game anyways.

    Either that, or you’re guessing.  Spend more time playing, less time posting and maybe you won’t sit at R15 Killer.  
    what? its an addon that shows if they joined from the same swf lobby.

    also, again, im a survivor main doing a daily and have been rank1 as killer dozens of times. i stated facts, that swf gives survivors multiple perks like bond and empathy that they would normally have to spend slots on. this isnt rocket science son. the fact that its still possible to overcome is not the point.
  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Lowbei said:
    I dont even play killer right now, just doing a daily...but the last 5 lobbies have been all SWFs, even at rank15.

    Its an easier game for them with SWF, so why wouldnt they turn on easy mode?

    The game was designed around solo, aka 1+1+1+1v1. SWF was added later.You cant remove SWF at this point (because its what most of the players use), but the game wasnt designed for every player to have strong perks like Bond, Empathy, and Kindred automatically, while negating some killer perks as well like Knock Out.

    If 90% of the survivor population is going to SWF nowadays, the game needs to be seriously rebalanced. You have stated you are working on this, but Im not seeing evidence of it in the last few patch notes. Judging by the fact that the devs who make the decisions only play at low ranks, I dont think that they have the game experience required to be making such decisions properly.

    You guys are SO close to having a hugely popular title, but hindered by your lack of experience with your own product. Ive seen it happen with dozens of games over the years. We dont fault you for it, as its a fairly industry wide fact that no (hard working) devs have time to play their own product the amount of time required to know how to balance it properly.

    Let us help you. Gather a small group of very experienced AND well balanced players (not streamers) to help you balance your game. Its not even that hard. Ill do it FOR you if you want, while excluding myself from it. Many games have done this successfully. You can too.

    After rank reset all solo players take a break from DBD. The game literally is unplayable during that time and I do the same.

    And yes, of course the game needs to be balanced around SWF, its a joke that this is not the case 2 years after they added this "feature"

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @Countfunkular said:
    I noticed some of you this may seem crazy but he does have a damn good point. Every time I play dead by daylight it's pretty much with a friend unless I decide to play killer and torture myself for about an hour.

    This game is not a symmetrical at all right now. Under the killer you don't feel like a threat just a small burden to survivors depending on would kill you play.

    Honestly I would like to see all of the ranks that the Devs currently have. 

    Also I would like to see the streamers that they enlisted.

    There recently was a live stream called "play with the devs" where the devs exposed their ranks. It was embarassing tbh

  • DeadByFlashlight
    DeadByFlashlight Member Posts: 1,642

    @BACKSTABBER said:

    truetalent pwns ez SWF teams

    He is one of the biggest complainers when it comes to SWF :lol:

  • shasta
    shasta Member Posts: 75
    Nickenzie said:
    shasta said:
    se05239 said:

    If the majority is SWF players, then the game needs to be balanced around SWFs. And this doesn't mean providing solo survivors with the same knowledge as SWFs (because that'd make SWFs even stronger) but rather power up the Power role's influence on the playing field.

    Thats obvious code to give major buffs to killer got it 👍
    Over the past year killers have been getting buffed slowly , people act like the game is unplayable even if they 4K every game because they don’t want a challenge they want a easy win that they don’t have to stress over , killer is more stressful because your objective can elude you but it’s not very hard, if this were a year ago I may agree with you but the game right now is in a very good place
    I agree that the game is in a better place than before, you got a great point there. However the problem still stands with going against SWF. 4 equally skilled players going against a equally skilled killer that is not the Nurse will get destroyed, period. I know that teamwork overwhelms the power role but currently it's too easy to have great teamwork in my opinion.
    I think the problem is more of the devs didn’t expect this game to take off the way it did , hences why dedicated servers are still not a thing, but I think they expected it to be a casually played game that would give you a scare when you wanted a different kind of game or a horror night ,but it blew up and they have players that play nothing but this game and have gotten over the scare effect and figured out ways to effectively counter what’s happening in game and now the player base is bigger than ever, so now they’re trying to balance it as a competitive type game instead of the casual type to make rank rewards and other things competitive games have, they’ve saw the demand but it’s such a huge change it’s nearly impossible to do all at once and they’ve put so much money in added content and patch notes that dead by daylight 2 isn’t a option 
  • SwampGas13
    SwampGas13 Member Posts: 7
    Rank 1 killer every month. Pretty easy game even against 4 SWF.

    Nothing needs changed.
  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    Nickenzie said:
    Lowbei said:
    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.
    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.
    If you think "majority" opinion is a good way to balance the game, I think you are sorely mistaken.
    They already know how people feel just by browsing the forum. People are very expressive with their suggestions and they've taken many of them. On the other hand, when it comes to hot button topics, it's clear that the loudest opinions are the most harmful or unproductive ones.
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Swf group are easy to counter. There is always going to be one built for distracting and 2 running borrowed. Once you establish who is built for distracting leave that person alone until the end. And don't camp or tunnel or they will hit you with borrowed and they will change their tactics and just do gens...this strategy works every time at rank 1. Killer is ridiculesly easy if your smart. Swf groups can be annoying BUT your complaining about it and your only rank 15. Eventually you'll learn to counter them with meta perks like noed, bbq, rancor, sloppy, ruin (except survivors always find that in less then 1 second)
    With SWF groups I ignore gens almost completely. All I need is the escape phase, slug one, put a party hat on him, and hide with deerstalker and wait from a distance. Their overly altruistic nature usually results in a 3 to 4K game every time. 
  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    I wouldn't mind something like, say, removing one perk from all SWF players if three or four join. The devs may in the future come up with some more complex solution, but I think a simple one is often the best.
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited October 2018
    @Lowbei while I agree, I want more music for the killer side. More chase themes. I wish whispers was just the survivor’s music that gets more intense the closer you get to them. I wish the killer felt like a badass when playing someone other than Myers.

    The reason people tend to naturally do better with Myers is because his music fills the killer with confidence. The game treats you as a badass, loud thudding footsteps, the ability to one-down, tiny terror radius, badass music for leveling up evil within III, a chase theme that tells you to “go get em, you’re the boss here.”  

    Myer’s chase theme makes the killer feel like a wrecking ball of death and destruction, and makes eh survivors panic and feel afraid. I wish there was more chase tracks while playing killer. I love the chase tracks, but they only play two. We need more. 
    Post edited by DarkWo1f997 on
  • Wlarus
    Wlarus Member Posts: 1
    Has it ever been considered to allow killers to filter their lobbies to block swf? That is, allow them to block swf of certain sizes (allow duos but not 4 stacks or block swf entirely). I'm sure certain players who don't mind swf would allow it to get more challenging gameplay but people at low ranks could avoid being stomped.
    There is a natural penalty built into this system on both sides because queue times would be longer for larger swf groups and for killers that block swf.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Wlarus said:
    Has it ever been considered to allow killers to filter their lobbies to block swf? That is, allow them to block swf of certain sizes (allow duos but not 4 stacks or block swf entirely). I'm sure certain players who don't mind swf would allow it to get more challenging gameplay but people at low ranks could avoid being stomped.
    There is a natural penalty built into this system on both sides because queue times would be longer for larger swf groups and for killers that block swf.

    The concern is that nobody would want to play against SWF (because of its inherently broken nature in this game), so such a thing will probably never be implemented.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051
    Orion said:

    @Wlarus said:
    Has it ever been considered to allow killers to filter their lobbies to block swf? That is, allow them to block swf of certain sizes (allow duos but not 4 stacks or block swf entirely). I'm sure certain players who don't mind swf would allow it to get more challenging gameplay but people at low ranks could avoid being stomped.
    There is a natural penalty built into this system on both sides because queue times would be longer for larger swf groups and for killers that block swf.

    The concern is that nobody would want to play against SWF (because of its inherently broken nature in this game), so such a thing will probably never be implemented.

    And people will just lobby dodge until they find their friends, just like how it was in the beginning.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Rank 1 killer every month. Pretty easy game even against 4 SWF.

    Nothing needs changed.
    brand new forum account, sounds legit /eyeroll.  i stated facts about balance. you clearly were not capable of understanding them. you should make 5 more forum accounts to spam more lols in between your rank20 matches.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Orion said:

    @Wlarus said:
    Has it ever been considered to allow killers to filter their lobbies to block swf? That is, allow them to block swf of certain sizes (allow duos but not 4 stacks or block swf entirely). I'm sure certain players who don't mind swf would allow it to get more challenging gameplay but people at low ranks could avoid being stomped.
    There is a natural penalty built into this system on both sides because queue times would be longer for larger swf groups and for killers that block swf.

    The concern is that nobody would want to play against SWF (because of its inherently broken nature in this game), so such a thing will probably never be implemented.

    the addon shows if they joined from a swf lobby. works pretty well and is similar to mlga.
  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @WarStRiKeR117 said:
    Swf group are easy to counter. There is always going to be one built for distracting and 2 running borrowed. Once you establish who is built for distracting leave that person alone until the end. And don't camp or tunnel or they will hit you with borrowed and they will change their tactics and just do gens...this strategy works every time at rank 1. Killer is ridiculesly easy if your smart. Swf groups can be annoying BUT your complaining about it and your only rank 15. Eventually you'll learn to counter them with meta perks like noed, bbq, rancor, sloppy, ruin (except survivors always find that in less then 1 second)

    He's de-ranked/reset rank 15. Unless he's just terrible, and happened to P3 for Shape... And you'll get lots of SWF at lower ranks now due to reset.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @Visionmaker said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Lowbei said:

    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.

    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.

    If you think "majority" opinion is a good way to balance the game, I think you are sorely mistaken.

    They already know how people feel just by browsing the forum. People are very expressive with their suggestions and they've taken many of them. On the other hand, when it comes to hot button topics, it's clear that the loudest opinions are the most harmful or unproductive ones.

    Yes. Browsing the forum and hearing the voices of a very small percentage of their player base. There is a reason people aren't seeing the changes they're bitching about on the forums, because most players aren't on here and totally content with the game.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    What killers need the most is time. If they had more time Freddy could be somewhat good. Myers would dominate (They still wouldn't beat Nurse or Billy though). Time is the Killers greatest enemy and if they don't get everything done quickly they lose. That's why many early hooks are so useful. Early hits and hooks hinder gen progression because survivors need to take time to heal up. Ruin is also good for that reason too. If only it didn't get destroyed the first 30 seconds. Once the killers get more time the devs can properly nerf swf and buff specific killers. That's why perks like D-strike and looping is meta, they waste time for the killer not letting him complete his objective. Every match should last at least 10 minutes if the killer is good. Right now even if the killer is good gens still pop like fireworks on the 4th of July.

  • Visionmaker
    Visionmaker Member Posts: 2,051

    @MisterCremaster said:

    @Visionmaker said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Lowbei said:

    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.

    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.

    If you think "majority" opinion is a good way to balance the game, I think you are sorely mistaken.

    They already know how people feel just by browsing the forum. People are very expressive with their suggestions and they've taken many of them. On the other hand, when it comes to hot button topics, it's clear that the loudest opinions are the most harmful or unproductive ones.

    Yes. Browsing the forum and hearing the voices of a very small percentage of their player base. There is a reason people aren't seeing the changes they're bitching about on the forums, because most players aren't on here and totally content with the game.

    Plus it's obvious that they are not intending on following majority voices, because the majority are composed of half-half or survivor main players. The loudest and most obvious set of players (review bombers) complained about the exhaustion changes and the devs have remained steadfast in their decision.

    So it's less about what the COMMUNITY wants, it's about what some people in this sheltered forum wants. Unless by community, people mean disgruntled killer players.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Visionmaker said:
    Nickenzie said:

    Lowbei said:

    ...or we can ignore the problem and enjoy the mediocrity.

    They could just open a random thread like they did with the lore questions and ask for balance advice. Then they can look at the majority and ask the community if they agree with the majority before they actually start to balance the game.

    If you think "majority" opinion is a good way to balance the game, I think you are sorely mistaken.

    They already know how people feel just by browsing the forum. People are very expressive with their suggestions and they've taken many of them. On the other hand, when it comes to hot button topics, it's clear that the loudest opinions are the most harmful or unproductive ones.

    Yes. Browsing the forum and hearing the voices of a very small percentage of their player base. There is a reason people aren't seeing the changes they're bitching about on the forums, because most players aren't on here and totally content with the game.

    this is the most laughably ignorant post ive seen today.

    i can name dozens of games that failed while ignoring the community because they didnt represent the ENTIRE community. the average player simply quits instead of going to the forum. #realtalk
  • redsopine1
    redsopine1 Member Posts: 1,437
    You forgot one more swf issue being the solo in a 3 man team and they buck you over so they can have a easy game while your tunnled or left on a hook because you wanted to help
  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @Lowbei said:

    this is the most laughably ignorant post ive seen today.

    i can name dozens of games that failed while ignoring the community because they didnt represent the ENTIRE community. the average player simply quits instead of going to the forum. #realtalk

    Name em. Dozens. Go.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    @Lowbei said:

    this is the most laughably ignorant post ive seen today.

    i can name dozens of games that failed while ignoring the community because they didnt represent the ENTIRE community. the average player simply quits instead of going to the forum. #realtalk

    Name em. Dozens. Go.

    oh i dont really care to discuss with someone ive already deemed ignorant, but ill mention just one, F13.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    This is only my opinion and by no means I'm disqualifying anything that has been posted already in this thread. I think games would feel a lot better for everyone - including killers not dodging and instead facing 4man squads regularly - once the devs add a couple more objectives for survivors.

    I get utterly destroyed by some of this highly coordinated teams from time to time, but it matters little to me, I take the L and move on to the next game. Some times I even manage to get a decent game, and it's all cool for everyone. But many of those stompings I take, would change dramatically if only I had a couple more minutes, because by the time the game ends, I've already managed to apply some pressure to these guys. It sucks that the game has to end so soon...

    Eliminating or nerfing SWF would be the ultimate demise for this game and thus, the devs aren't even considering it. I'm not even asking for buffs or nerfs anymore, that only brings us to a futile "us versus them" turf war. My efforts will now concentrate on asking MORE TIME for killers. That's all I need now, more time in these games. Same perks, same maps. JUST MORE TIME PLEASE, and everything will improve for us killer players.

    And Colorblind support...

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Nickenzie said:
    Countfunkular said:

    I noticed some of you this may seem crazy but he does have a damn good point. Every time I play dead by daylight it's pretty much with a friend unless I decide to play killer and torture myself for about an hour.

    This game is not a symmetrical at all right now. Under the killer you don't feel like a threat just a small burden to survivors depending on would kill you play.

    Honestly I would like to see all of the ranks that the Devs currently have. 

    Also I would like to see the streamers that they enlisted.

    Developers never reached rank 1 and they gave fog whispers to streamers that DC to derank, not gonna name and shame since a mod will sacrifice me. It's nonsense currently but the game is getting better with every baby step.

    At least HybridPanda plays fair.

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @Lowbei said:
    oh i dont really care to discuss with someone ive already deemed ignorant, but ill mention just one, F13.

    F13 failed because it was never a good game to begin with and they got crushed legally. People weren't going to buy into a game that was never going to be successful. Its not because they didn't listen to their community.

    Dead By Daylight has shown consistent growth since it was released. shows them averaging 23k players last month. The forum has a few hundred of the players, and most people who come to forums aren't the average player. We are not the majority on the forums.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @George_Soros said:
    I wouldn't mind something like, say, removing one perk from all SWF players if three or four join. The devs may in the future come up with some more complex solution, but I think a simple one is often the best.

    It would have to be one at random rather than removing the perk slot also. If it was a perk slot they'd just make a decision whereas going in thinking you had DS and not would be a much more fair option since the killer is going in thinking he's having a fair game and isn't.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    @purebalance said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Countfunkular said:

    I noticed some of you this may seem crazy but he does have a damn good point. Every time I play dead by daylight it's pretty much with a friend unless I decide to play killer and torture myself for about an hour.

    This game is not a symmetrical at all right now. Under the killer you don't feel like a threat just a small burden to survivors depending on would kill you play.

    Honestly I would like to see all of the ranks that the Devs currently have. 

    Also I would like to see the streamers that they enlisted.

    Developers never reached rank 1 and they gave fog whispers to streamers that DC to derank, not gonna name and shame since a mod will sacrifice me. It's nonsense currently but the game is getting better with every baby step.

    At least HybridPanda plays fair.

    and he's a really nice dude!

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    SenzuDuck said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Nickenzie said:
    Countfunkular said:

    I noticed some of you this may seem crazy but he does have a damn good point. Every time I play dead by daylight it's pretty much with a friend unless I decide to play killer and torture myself for about an hour.

    This game is not a symmetrical at all right now. Under the killer you don't feel like a threat just a small burden to survivors depending on would kill you play.

    Honestly I would like to see all of the ranks that the Devs currently have. 

    Also I would like to see the streamers that they enlisted.

    Developers never reached rank 1 and they gave fog whispers to streamers that DC to derank, not gonna name and shame since a mod will sacrifice me. It's nonsense currently but the game is getting better with every baby step.

    At least HybridPanda plays fair.

    and he's a really nice dude!

    Yes, he's very positive and definitely deserves the "Fog Whisper" title.
  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    @PhantomMask20763 said:
    What killers need the most is time. If they had more time Freddy could be somewhat good. Myers would dominate (They still wouldn't beat Nurse or Billy though). Time is the Killers greatest enemy and if they don't get everything done quickly they lose. That's why many early hooks are so useful. Early hits and hooks hinder gen progression because survivors need to take time to heal up. Ruin is also good for that reason too. If only it didn't get destroyed the first 30 seconds. Once the killers get more time the devs can properly nerf swf and buff specific killers. That's why perks like D-strike and looping is meta, they waste time for the killer not letting him complete his objective. Every match should last at least 10 minutes if the killer is good. Right now even if the killer is good gens still pop like fireworks on the 4th of July.

    + 1