Kinda wanna learn clown

I know some stuff with him but wanna know what would be the most optimal addons, perks, playstyles etc.

Any tips is appreciated


  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm not a Clown main, but I do know some things that other Clown mains have imparted into my brain, so here's a wall of text.

    Don't be afraid to walk around with a bottle at the ready, it doesn't slow you down. When you're at a loop or a tile where you think survivors might be hiding, toss a bottle at the highest point you can (the roof of Shack, a tree, a generator lightpole) and let the gas drift down, it'll cover a much wider area. Use bottles to slow a survivor right before you hit them, they'll get less distance. Use them in a chase to slow survivors down or herd them where you want them to go by gassing a strong tile. But, don't waste bottles, because they're going to be how you get hits and you DONT want to reload in a chase.

    Personally, I like to use Sloppy, Discordance, Whispers, STBFL. Clown's actually pretty good in a chase, so you don't need a whole lot of chase perks. However, I also like to bomb people from across the map for no real gain, so take everything I have said with a huge grain of salt, because I am not a Clown main, just a casual Clown player.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    What I like to do is (if I know where the survivor is going) toss the bottle ahead of them so they have to run through the entire smoke field.

    You can hit them directly with the bottle, and that's a requirement for Clown's ultra rare to get a one hit down, but I just find the survivor running through less smoke than if you fire ahead.

    I'd go ahead and gas up loops too, but I don't really notice too much of a difference with Clown+gas compared to other normal speed killers.

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Many builds, many playstyles. Here’s the one I find most effective for success VS elite teams.

    ADD-ONS: Flask of Bleach, Solvent Jug

    1. Bamboozle
    2. Brutal Strength
    3. Thrilling Tremors
    4. Pop Goes The Weasel


    Like the Deathslinger, Clown only excels in ending chases quickly, he lacks everything else. The perks and add-ons give you advantages to make you end the chases EVEN MORE quickly. Bottles are key, but you only have 4, don’t waste them.

    Solvent Jug causes exhaustion, use this effectively. When approaching a gen, hit them witj bottle from afar. Take away their exhaustion perk that lets them make distance to a strong tile. Flask of Bleach causes an extra 5% hindred penalty (base bottle is 15%), so now your target(s) are slowed by 20%!

    Use bamboozle to cut TL’s and Gym’s in half. You can’t afford wasting bottles on windows unless you find the survivor outpositioned. Use these tactics for quick downs, don’t delay slugs, hook quickly...sometimes a killer wastes 30 seconds for animation, travel, and hook. Hook immediately, don’t slug, get into the next chase ASAP! Use TT for info on where you should be next and what gens to use Pop on.

    No, this build doesn’t guarantee victory, but no build does. I win about 90% of these games. Large maps hurt Clown a lot, consider using map offerings for ANYWHERE but large maps.

    Good luck, lmk if you have further questions.

    NOTE: Some people ridicule me for not using Enduring/Spirit Fury on Clown. There’s a reason, top-tier survivors will drop pallets early, if they don’ hits/downs. You’ll never get stunned unless you make a mistake, rendering Spirit Fury and Enduring absolutely useless.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    Solvent Jug, Thick Cork Stopper

    Pop Goes the Weasel, Dying Light, Barbecue & Chilli, Corrupt Intervention

    Throw bottles up in the tree's and ceilings in certain buildings and areas to expand the gas clouds

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited November 2020

    not a clown main but here is a awesome tip to use at loops in the open, mainly junk loops

    look directly up and throw a bottle, then fake going one way and then go the other. when you switch the bottle will land on or in front of the survivor and you get a hit from the extra distance when you faked that survivor out.

    edit: if the bottle lands on top of the loop the gas often covers both sides so they suffer from the hindered penalty throughout the loop.

  • Phaeris
    Phaeris Member Posts: 77

    Ruin, dying light, stbfl, and disco or bbq.

    Honestly, anything else and you won't be able to keep up with gens.

  • Swaption
    Swaption Member Posts: 2

    I dont main any killer, but rotate through clown, hag, and legion, with an occasional game as oni or doctor.

    My main build is Pop, Thrilling Tremors, Infectious Fright and save the best for last

    With clown, you need to be good at juggling. All you can do is down people quickly, he is relatively weak otherwise. If someone is running towards something safe, just let them go. Get lots of free hits with the bottles and cause chaos.

    You need to slug with clown. This is where infectious comes in. I keep slugging till I run out of bottles or infectious fright doesn't go off. You need to create a lot of pressure with clown, otherwise they will just slam gens. You also benefit from proxy camping, since you can down the unhooker then the unhooked. Set up a three gen as well.

    My favorite add on is tattoos middle finger. You win so many mind games with the wall hacks. I think redheads pinky is unfair, so I don't use it. Otherwise, flask of bleach is next. Followed by the extra bottles. Many people like the exhaustion, but I personally don't use it. Most of his add ons are pretty good though.

    They fail to complete the gens in like 95% of my clown games. I think personally, due to the fact that someone is going down in like 15 seconds against clown, that he is underrated. I think he is better than Myers, wraith and trapper atleast.