Camping killers

No think it's a pain in the hoop when a killer hooks a survivor and just hangs about with them? Survivors are penalised for jumping through windows continuously, surely something can be done about killers lingering about a hooked survivor. Ruins the game, if you're not good enough to play, why play?


  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Killer are penalise for camping they dont pip and they lose a lot of BP

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

    Doesn't seem to stop them unfortunately. Too many times in recent weeks I've tried to unhook survivors and the killer doesn't leave them. Nightmare.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    So don't feed the campers and instead go repair gens.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Camping is a fact of the game, the faster you get over your "whining on the forum" phase and start learning how to deal with it the better.

    Camping is a fact of Horror movies too, the Killer always comes back at the worst moment.

    Most Survivors are tricked by Campers every day, and only you can prevent forest fires.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    "if you're not good enough to play"

    If you can't even deal with camping, then you are not good enough to play.

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

    If a killer needs to camp what does that say about the killer πŸ™„ they don't even chase if you run by them it is a pain in the arse

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It does not say anything about the killer. I have been rank 1 and just tired of stress wanting a laid back game once in a while and simply camped. It's also a good way to derank if you get tired of stressful games in red ranks. It's not about being good or bad it's just a playstyle and believe it or not it can give you a lot of kills with the right build and strategy. Many survivors forget to gen rush a camping killer, or do not think about Noed that ends with the remaning survivors slugged before they can open exit gate. You can say that it's not fun but the killer does not have to be a bad player.

    I mostly play survivor and very seldom see camping killers in red ranks. But when it happens you just have to adapt. I like that all games are not similar. In low ranks I can understand if most killers is camping that it can get boring. I felt that when I was a new player.

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

    I'm not a new player either. I'm level 8 presently. I've not met a camping killer since i got to this rank which was only a few days ago, got it very often at green and yellow or when my friends who don't play often join games. I just find it annoying as a good bunch of my bp comes from safe unhooks, and pipping becomes more difficult when you can't unhook.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Not good enough to play is a bold statement lol

    Maybe play killer at red ranks and don't complain if your forced to camp. I never facecamp and try not to proxy the hook unless necessary.

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

    Aye, cause you can decide what rank of killer you want to play πŸ™„ are you capable of consuming information? I don't play as killer... I don't camp. I'm complaining about killers facecamping, to the point I can't unhook a survivor. Doesn't make me camp, just stops me from completing one of the 3 objectives of the game. Gen, unhook, exit gate. And when is it ever necessary to face camp? Only when you canny kill a survivor... Ever?

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    You do realise in your top post you never mentioned face camping right? Maybe you should present your information better so others can consume it correctly πŸ˜‰ Makes a big difference mate lol

    If you don't play as killer you can't possibly understand why some killers feel the need to camp. If you got to red ranks you'd understand why at times there's a need to do it.

    Here's some examples where face camping is fair game:

    • Survivor was toxic
    • Survivor has a key and the hatch is near you
    • Exit door is right next to them and it's 99%

    So I hope you consumed that information well mate πŸ‘

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    If you come to this forum and mention the unbreakable properties and toxic actions of killers, you will be lynched.They always have an excuse

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

    Face camping, camping at Hook, is obviously the same thing ya bell. The problem isny with red rank killers. It's low level killers. A red rank killer having to camp is even worse! Meant to be the best players πŸ˜‚ What's a toxic survivor? Also a key is virtually useless at the beginning of the match anyway which is what I'm talking about... killers camping at the hook on their first survivor hook. And any others if they're successful in hooking. Am no the one with the consumption of information problem πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

    So I see πŸ˜‚ say a bad word and get reported by the snowflakes as well... Been on this forum 3 days and am in jail already πŸ˜‚

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    Do you know that horror film where the killer leaves his prey and let them escape?

    Me neither.

    With that being said, as scummy and unfun camping is in this game, it is a valid strategy and the devs have mentioned many times that killers are allowed to do that.

    If you don't want to be camped play a game with a different genre. A killer's job is to kill people, how he is going to do that is up to him.

    Be happy about the killers who actually play in a "fair" way eventhough that hurts them kill wise because the game is not made for 12 hooking everyone. And just move on if you had one of these camping matches. It doesn't give the killer much points and he won't pip. Keep that in mind.

    Sure, that might not stop people from doing it but there are a lot of toxic and frustrated people in this game who are wanting to make the game miserable for the other side. That's just something we have to accept and expect if we press "Ready".

    If that destroys your fun in the game to an extend that you can't ignore it, take a break.

    Camping, slugging and tunneling will always be in this game. By taking that away the killer would never have a change to turn the game around when it looks pretty bad for him. That's the only other way to apply pressure when you get gen rushed besides from having NOED or Bloodwarden in your build.

    With that being said, survivors do have a lot of counters against these strategies. But if that is still not enough then you might consider to switch to another game. That's the only advice I can give you.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Face camping and camping at the hook aren't the same thing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ hopefully someone will come here and help confirm this to you.

    Let me explain to you the difference πŸ˜‰

    -- Camping the hook: The killer is staying relatively close to the hook. They usually stay within 16m of the hook. This can also be called proxying the hook. This can be so they down any survivor going for the unhook.

    -- Face camping: The killer is staring directly at the survivor to make sure that no one is able to unhook them. They're sole intention is for you to die. They don't care about killing anyone else just you.

    After reading the rest of your message I just have to assume your trolling πŸ˜‚ there's no way what I'm reading is actually serious lol

    You can reply whatever you want and I'll leave it unopposed. What to let the kid have the last word πŸ˜‰ hope you enjoy your games and remember to not be toxic to any killers you can't loop for longer than 10 seconds 😁

  • motherofdachshund
    motherofdachshund Member Posts: 21

    Es hat nichts mit gut oder nicht gut zu tun, wenn man stirbt, weil man becampt (und betunnelt) wird. Zeigt nur, dass der Killer nicht gut genug ist, um es ohne Campen und tunneln zu schaffen. Und dieses ganze "du bist nicht gut genug, dann lass es" Gerede kann ich nicht mehr hΓΆren. Ist das die Standardausrede fΓΌr unfaire Killer? Fies spielen und dann auch noch ΓΌberheblich und arrogant Antworten ist echt unsympathisch.

  • Seanibhoy93
    Seanibhoy93 Member Posts: 27

    Pipping is getting a plus 1 or plus two after a match.

  • motherofdachshund
    motherofdachshund Member Posts: 21

    Has anyone else the feeling, that behaviour Interactive doens't care about it's customers? (Unless they Play the Killer...) I wrote more than once how unsatisfied i am with the DC penalty and Why. I Made Suggestions how to improve the Situation, more than once and asked more than once for an answer. Nothing changed and i didn't get an answer, either.

    IT feels Like the game is for the Killers and the survivours has to take it as it is or leave.

    But i don't get Why.... Maybe it was too hard for the Killers before the Updates, but now most Killers are overpowerd and they still Camp and Tunnel and behaviour Interactive punishes us for wanting to leave a game like this. WE all wants to Play and have fun. Not Just the Killers. But If WE want Things to Change, noone is listening.... Very disapointing....

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841

    Camping a hooked survivor because there is another survivor or two nearby is a wise decision, as you are occupying 75% of the survivors without actively doing anything.

    Now doing it when there is no one nearby, means you are only disabling 25% of the survivors, leading to a very common situation of all the generators being completed quickly.

    Yes it sucks, but it is something that that you need to deal with.