New Ormond

Im wondering what will survivors think about the new upcoming update for Ormond like will they cry about how bad it is and they can't bully the killer anymore because they remove most pallets and made the map in a smaller size so I think yes and is it necessary yes because that is one of those maps that all killers hate and 70% most killers lose against swf but now we all can see and know that the new update will change all of that.
Punctuation is a thing you know. And there were already multiple threads on Ormond rework..
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The biggest issues with Ormond have to due with sound and sight, not even the pallet spawns. Sure, the pallet spawns are absurd, but you can't even properly hear survivors, nor see their blood or scratch marks properly while playing on the map.
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I think you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. They never promised the maps would be getting reworks just that the graphics would be improved.
Not saying that they won’t rework Ormond just saying that expecting a rework is setting yourself up for disappointment.
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There is no point to update it only and not rework them as well like make no sense just rework all maps.
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Yea I notice that too which is annoying
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Is there confirmation on the ormid rework?
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Graphical Rework. There is no confirmation at all that there will be Balance Changes.
IF there will be Balance Changes, I hope they will also do them to the Autohaven Maps, Resting Place is horrible Killer-sided with the narrow Corridor.
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BHVR reworked Badham before they gave it a graphics update and they did a patch where they made several balance changes to most maps.
The MacMillan rework was largely graphical besides a few changes to pallet spawns and the addition of breakable walls the maps were left the same.
I wouldn't expect much else beside graphical changes unless BHVR says they are doing more than graphical changes.