Does Tome V: Unleashed [ Rift ] feel disappointing to anyone else?

B_Random Member Posts: 370
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Before I get edited by a Dev or Mod who will read the title of this and replace it with "GG" or something stupid, let me just say I'm only talking about this because I care about the game and I'm just wanting a bit of clarity right now.

Tome V: Unleashed to me feels like the most half-assed tome we've gotten so far. I'm saying half-assed because there is actual care and quite a bit of love put into it, however it can be seen where that love stops. The devs, art team (I believe the art-team after all too), and whoever else was involve in this Tome got the main things out there since this tome revolves mostly around: Hillbilly, Nea, and Blight (for Challenge 1); however for the rest of the rewards we get, it just feels like most of it was just slapped in there without care as filler so that it doesn't feel like they really gave us a partly completed tome.

My problem revolves around the Premium and Free Rewards in the rift along with comparing them to previous rewards. Hillbilly, Nea, and David got some really good outfits and so far a somewhat engaging story. However having Clown and Adam as fillers for the two empty slots without giving them a story or what-not and decent but not really good cosmetics feels like they went back and said "Did you remember to add the other stories so these skins make sense?" and they replied with "No" then their idea was "Screw it, just toss them in our customers are none-the-wiser."

I'm really happy with Hillbilly, Nea and David's skins they received that relates to their (Billy and Nea's) story. Clown and Adam's skin, I'm ok with I feel like they would be more of something you'd find in the story than in the rift. But the reskins, they're not bad but I feel as if you could of done better. The reskins from this rift are all the recently new skins added to mobile and that feels kind of lazy to give reskins in mobile other than giving unique skins to PC and Console players.

Not to mention "Never Stop Slashing" Legion skin which I love so much, but have many pet peeves with it considering in certain area's it actually looks like the design team said "Eh, too hard, nobody cares. It's a shiny new skin to these monkey's." I've found 4-5 problems with the Never Stop Slashing skin alone that could be fixed by going back into the Designing Software and Editing Software that can make it feel completed, not to mention you didn't even credit Amacky for the work, instead you had the caption say "Chimeric Horde". Which to this day, he's still waiting for his name to be shown so that it's known that he contributed heavily to this skin's design. I could list the little problems I have with the skin involving details because I'm a type of guy who enjoys minor details added to works because it shows there was real care put into each and every piece.

Now onto the Mobile Skins, yes they're decent and ok but in terms of how the previous rifts were, these aren't anything as special as they could of been.

I know that possibly half of this could of been blind rambling by a customer who feels quite let down by the product that was made, given that the previous ones felt like there was more care put into them, but I just wanted a few things to be recognized for the Devs to go back and look into, make some considerations on what could be done to make this Rift feel a little better than it does now.

If anyone else agrees with me on this situation (which I kind of doubt to an extent), then I'd like to hear some thoughts in the comments. I'm expecting a lot of none-sense more than actually anything else, but maybe it could relate to how the Halloween "event" at the start was intentionally made to steal money from sheeple and to indirectly have the Dev team behind everything say "We don't really care about you, or what your opinion is, we just want your money."

Post edited by B_Random on


  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035

    When I saw the leaks for the tome I already knew I wasn't buying it, the skins look poorly made compared to any other skin that can be earned for free

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yep i agree.

    Tome IV was absolutely amazing,but now we get this awful Tome V :(

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    I'd also like to mention, the problems with the Never Stop Slashing Legion skin, other than the fact Amacky wasn't given credit like how he should of been was these few things I've circled in red. I'll be uploading Amacky's original image of the design to show exactly what I'm talking about along side them.

    The left shoe is missing the Pink bars on the left side. The left hand is missing the little zipper-line going across his knuckles.

    Zipper-Line thing appears on his right hand but not left hand. His right leg clearly has 3D chains added, however his right arm has 2D chains which feels blatantly half-assed. His fingers on both hands are tanned and clearly not Frank's fingers, considering in every other skin I've seen on Frank his fingers are Pale White, which makes me believe the art team probably thought this skin (like many others) was for Joey and they didn't want to go back to fix their error.

    I saw in a texture-less 3D image from Front Right View, to Front View, to Back Left View. But in the Back Left View I saw clear as day a little sawblade in the specific spot where I circled, not to mention the holes for the sawblade that was going to be there are still there on the backpack which proves it was supposed to be there. For what reason it was removed, I don't know.

    Art and Concept fully done by "Amacky", he's a talented artist and a pretty cool dude.

    If you can look at the parts I circled on the in-game version of this skin and compare it to the concept art you'll see clear as day what I'm talking about. Granted there are quite a few other things they missed, however I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say those specific parts that aren't added were either because of time or budget (which budget feels like the least likely problem for this company).

    However, I'm not talking about what wasn't added on the in-game skin. I'm talking about what is on the in-game skin and the parts of it that aren't fixed.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Ok to be fair, and slightly Hillbilly Bias, I don't have a problem with Hillbilly, Nea or Talbot's stories in this tome. They're decent and ok, just like the old ones. But the whole tome and rewards itself, other than Hillbilly and Nea's outfit just doesn't feel like the more recent outfits. I adore Hillbilly's "Sunday Slaughter", Nea's "System Smasher" to me is as good as her "Howdy Cat" skin through to her "Graff-Crafter" skin, David's "Ruffian" skin compared to the other three survivor's skins is way better than theirs, "Never Stop Slashing" is a great skin, except there are a few pet peeves I have with it, that I spoke about in my recent comment, Clown and Adam's skins are "Meh, ok?", and the rest are just blatantly showing the community the dev's have no care for the community who has been supporting their games using our precious time and money that gives them a house, a job, and a life.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i feel like thsi tome easily has the most boring Tier 70 charm out of all of them.

    like, no animation, no glowing effects, no compatability with a specific character and it just looks really odd.

    imho they should consider updating it a little to have these glowing veins (or SOMETHING that makes it interesting) the Hags medusa skin has, that could be cool.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Funny you should mention animation on the Hag, a character who doesn't have any animated textures on her model, but the Medusa skin has animated textures. Sounds like they could of done a slight thing to the Never Stop Slashing Legion mask, am I right?

  • Mooshroome64
    Mooshroome64 Member Posts: 105

    I think the fact it includes so many mobile skins makes it a bit of a letdown, despite most of them actually being okay it still feels like a dissapointment. I agree the fact that Clown and Adam don't have lore is so frustrating, their cosmetics are actually good imo (I love Clowns!) but having no lore despite having challenges related to them is so saddening and certainly not a good sign for the future tomes.

  • chieften333
    chieften333 Member Posts: 1,554

    I honestly could not have put it better myself, thanks for putting that into words.

    Really wish the devs put the effort into this game, it could be so amazing. Instead we get stuff like the eternal blight "event" and this rift.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Thank you. See, we need people like you. People who aren't mindless sheeple (No offence to anyone reading this) who will give up their money to support corporate greed.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Honestly, I'm fine with that. It's the first Rift that I've had zero desire to buy. Its mostly because I don't play any of the characters that got new skins aside from Legion... but the Legion skin is free.

  • Regulus47
    Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

    It's weird how there's only nea for survivor lore. Breaks the trend set so far.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    However the Legion skin, yes is cool, but personally as a guy who loves attention to detail because it visually shows the people care - there are (as stated in one big comment in this discussion) a number of problems that makes the skin feel incomplete.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    As Killer, you don't spend a ton of time looking at any of your cosmetics aside from you weapon really. And the new Legion knife looks super sick so I guess I don't really care if the outfit isn't a pixel for pixel copy of the design concept. The Survivors will have to deal with looking at the outfit not me

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    yeah, they could have made the mask a little more exciting... its really just the standart mask in black right now.

    didnt the original had a flickering effect or sthg similar on it? that'd have been cool...

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    On a subjective level, I respectfully disagree. Tomes 1-3 were amazing for me, even when I'd get frustrated with this game I'd continue to play it because I loved the stories and rift cosmetics for all of them.

    When it came to Tome 4, I felt it went down hill from there, it felt like it was rushed a little bit. I had no enjoyment completing the challenges either, it just felt like a cycle of do challenge, get rewards and repeat. I didn't feel anything good out of it.

    While I still have time to complete tome 5, level 2 just unlocked and I still haven't finished level 1 simply because I don't enjoy it like I used too.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    True, I'm glad the Legion skin is out now, I am. But they still should complete bits and pieces of it. Like how I mentioned in my one comment on this exact discussion. And again, giving Amacky Credit.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Is it actually confirmed that the Clown and Adam won't get lore this tome? In chapters 3 and 4, they have challenges, so I always assumed they had to have some.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    They won't get lore, if they were going to get lore it would of been released on release day. But remember the tome challenges were always subject to change. We haven't see 3 and 4 yet. My best guess is both Adam and Clown's challenges were removed and switched with Hillbilly and Nea challenges.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    If they did that, it would be a pretty big middle finger, imo. I was looking forward to actually getting something on Adam.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    Well, if my guess is correct you best keep waiting because the devs will treat us the same way a strip-tease will treat you, it gives you a glimpse of hope then steals it away from you.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    When I saw the tome I thought we'd learn more about Vigo etc, I hope one day we do.

  • B_Random
    B_Random Member Posts: 370

    They could of added a little glitch effect to it, I know they could of. Where it jolts around the mask or goes to static in some way. But nope, instead we got the original legion mask but now... IN BLACK.