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Tunnel champs



  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335
  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    But not everyone has the skills to loop the killer for a long time.

    I agree, the counter to tunneling is strong looping. But if you are not a strong looper, then your game is over.

    Had a GF straight tunnel my lady last night. She DS him, still tunneling, I took a hit, still chased her, another teammate took a hit, still chased her, I healed and took another hit, guess what he did?

    If the killer is a straight tunneler, they dont give a #########. Luckily she had a couple good runs and we pounded gens and got doors open.

    I am not telling people how to play, but tunneling is the meta killer gameplay right now.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Firstly correct no everyone does, thats why you got to practice. Its not to hard when you play for a while and understand loops.

    secondly, no tunneling is not meta at all as it as said previously lets gens be done and breaks pressure.

    It only works in certain situations, and at that is typically only done when the killer is scared of losing and needs to kill a survivor quickly.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Incorrect, I gave a formulated reply in which I asked if he was new.

    At that assume it was true, posts do not dictate skill level so either way you have it your implications are silly.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Only thing I find funny is you seem to think everything I say is funny, ofc I knew it was a sarcastic reply.

    I am still unsure the intent, although I think I will likely stop replying to you soon as time goes on you bore me.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    While I certainly agree with you in principle.

    What I see constantly applied in game is massive amounts of tunneling.

    I agree it should be a bad strategy to use from 5 gens on, unfortunately unless you SWF it usually works out for the killer.

    I have no problem with tunneling as a tactic, swing momentum type of tunneling. My displeasure is when a killer uses it as their main strategy and not a tactic within their overall strategy.

  • voorheesgt
    voorheesgt Member Posts: 827

    It's almost like killers got 2 unneeded nerfs (1 that wasn't even disclosed), while survivors got executive confirmation that their most toxic perk is fine as is. And every time we bring it up, survivors call it "whattaboutism". I'll be tunnelling, camping, slugging til bleed out til someone listens to us.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    I mean if its working then the killer will keep doing it vs you when they realize you are a easy pick.

    Just pay attention and realize how you lost the chase and learn from it and you will eventually be able to loop at least to a basis degree where you can waste at least a gen in time.

    As said before though if you are being tunneled you are the only one really playing the game as chase is the game really.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    That is the truth. I have gotten better myself. I just keep encouraging my lady that she will as well.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,165

    Eh, I just respond to them the same way I respond to really any message accusing me of being a bad killer (either through "unsporting" tactics like tunneling or the GGEZ messaged); just send them a Thumbs Up emoji.

    Half the time they don't respond, half the time they respond all pissed off. Either way I have fun! Unless they cross the line with slurs or threats, I don't care all that much so won't bother reporting them.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    But tunneling doesn't give you many points. That's the funny thing about that. At least if the killer really tunnels someone. Because no... it isn't tunneling if you get unhooked and the killer downs you again because he was in the area. Tunneling means focusing on only one person until that person is dead and that isn't very rewarding and it doesn't work, at least not in red ranks.

    Either isn't funny to get farmed but the only thing that you can do is equip DS and move on. There will be better games too.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    True. I onced played Steve and encountered a killer that always brings a Mori for Steve's and Claudette's.

    The game is certainly not very healthy for a lot of peoples minds.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Whenever I get someone VPN from the asian server as killer, it's always fun because they always seem to camp and tunnel even though they're already cheating to get an edge in chase. Like, what? This isn't surprising, whatsoever.

  • Ajax242
    Ajax242 Member Posts: 4

    If you're getting tunneled out of the game every game, even with DS, I'm sorry but you're just terrible at the game. The killer has taken notice as well that you're bad and that's why their tunneling you, because you're the weakest link.

    Tunneling is such a noob complaint. There's perk to deny it and you just have to run away. If you can't lose the killer in a chase, you're bad, plain and simple. You'll never improve in the game if youre always blaming the killer for not following your made up rules.

    Tunneling is apart of the game, it's most of the time needed if the team is actually competent. Are you seriously expecting the killer to hook you all 12 times one after another to be "fair"? Thats ridiculous.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    I know right lol? Once you hook somebody you have to run to the other side of the map and wait for the survivor to be hooked and healed before chasing another survivor, I don't doubt some people obviously believe that.

  • axem
    axem Member Posts: 11

    What, i had a killer tunnel me because i used the grain gatherer machine thingy and did nothing else there was 1 gen done. He even admitted it in end chat that that was the reason and felt high and mighty because of it and that he won the game in his book. Just because i used a standard loop.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Problem is no one tries to ask why in just a few months the spike in tunneling has shot up drastically. It’s just what killer is forced to do to have a proper fun game cuz of bad game design as of late.

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45

    I strongly disagree on the console bit. Its been the same for all platforms. Tbh more so on pc with the tunnel and mori after 1st hook. I have several friends say they keep crossplay off because of pc players. People just need to learn to stop being azzhats and have fun. But the way the world is today...I dont see that happening. Everyone is a attention ######### and entitled. Makes me sick

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I agree that tunneling sucks, especially when 5 gens are still up, but I switched my frustrations from the tunnelers to the devs. Rather than try to band-aid the games issues with perks, they really need to go back to the groundwork of the game and figure out to to make tunneling and camping at 3-5 gens as unattractive as possible.

    But that’s a lot of work and I’m pretty sure the Suits at Behavior don’t want to spend any money when they don’t have to.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    Took a break because I needed it. Got back for 2 days. Challenges that normally take me 2 maybe 3 games to complete literally took 5 games for each one.

    The reason, I'm getting tunneled. None of my fellow survivors are. Just me. I first played Yui, and the killers chased me down til I was dead. I had a daily with her. So one of my friends ends up as rank 2 after rank reset copied my Yui look and the damned killer tunneled the both of us, leaving the Dwight and David alone. My friend sacrificed himself so I could get my daily, and finally finished that 4th gen.

    Get onto totems, and omfg! I played 2 games where I didn't even touch a generator. One of my friends told me to switch from Tapp to a harmless white char. Did that. Bam! No tunneling me. But the killers are now tunneling the Claudette and Feng.

    Today, it's safe unhooks... gonna see who I have who is vanilla that may be left alone.

    I got talking to some randos after a match that got tunneled and asked them if this is normal for them or if it's normal for that skin? Like I'm feeling sorry for my friends cause I'm cussing I'm getting tunneled that hard.

    And no, I don't have a key in hand nor do I have a flashlight. I never use maps. I tried bringing a med kit, a tool box. Nothing.

    I don't teabag.

    And when there are other survivors, even randos trying to swoop down and intercept the killer to get him or her off of my tail, the killer ignores them. We had 1 killer give my friends heck for 'genny rushing' and they're like dude, you were tunneling that 1 survivor. There's no rushing when you're ignoring the 3 of us.

    So yup. It's frustrating as heck.

    And before you go well you must be a bad player or tunneling is a legit tactic, one of the killers chased me all the way through to end game. I got hooked once, then I just ran and ran and ran, leaping and knocking pallets. My friend with super heals managed to heal me twice when I covered my tracks and hid.

    But it was like 20 mins of cat and mouse and I almost got out. None of the other survivors got hit, not even Super Heals. Not the survivors who threw themselves into the killers path, who offered their bodies up as targets. Nope. The killer just focused on me. None of my characters wear bright colors. None are flamboyant and we had a Meg in the brightest colours she has on our team.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    I had a game a while back, we played against a wraith and he hooked one survivor and he had bbq so he found me. No one did gens and I got down in 3ish minuets. I'm on hook he's camping me. So I'm just praying that I get the 4% and I did. So he starts hardcore tunneling me.

    ( This is on a coldwind map) I start looping him at one of those pallets with the hay and the car, I see an ace waiting at the pallet so I assumed he was gonna take a hit. I was wrong, he tried throwing the pallet in my face so I quickly vaulted to the other side.

    I wanted to get outta that loop just because he was sandbagging me and I couldve easily died there. So I start looping him on main building and the ace blocks the one door way (the only exit). The wraith is so close and I panicked. So I went for the 360 and he went for the swing. I was shocked when I found out he hit the ace and not me.

    I thought " oh ok he hit him so he might switch targets now right?" Nope straight back for me. Fast forward and all gens are done ( I gave him a five gen chase with a sandbagging ace the entire time) I'm have been injured the whole time since I got off the hook.

    I have all the survivors ready to take hits then the ace runs up in front of me. I dont know how I got passed him but the wraith swings and hits the ace with noed. I just left bc I'm not gonna save the dude who tried to get me killed. He died and he was pretty salty too.

    Fun times

  • hex_hauntedbooty
    hex_hauntedbooty Member Posts: 1

    I made an account just to tell you you sound like a ridiculous snob on this thread. Im guessing you are trolling seeing as you are trying to sound smart and yet failing to use proper grammar and spelling. My suggestion is to find something better to do with your time.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Actually, thank you I feel like I have accomplished something. If only I pulled girls more often then people get somewhere not only would I be satisficed but... well lets digress.

    I like how speech was like the last thing of my concern, like deadass I have just being me, im not trolling or anything.

    You guys are actually making me feel like a G im not even gon' lie, cuz I have been like high for the past two days (literally including right now) and for some odd reason you guys are admiring my speech and whatnot more then my ideas which is just odd.

    Thanks for the suggestion but I think I will stay here and give rational reasoning for things rather then agree blindly while being a hypocrite.

  • crazygirl
    crazygirl Member Posts: 20

    Yeah and you bore us... Who the hell are you, the voice of reason lol. Sorry for replying but I been reading this whole discussion and seeing your posts and replies pop up and you need to get a grip and calm down.

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583

    Sounds like a personal issue, block me. (assuming thats possible)

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    Sometimes I wonder if I'm playing the same dbd as everyone else.

    I get tunneled and camped too, but only happens about 20% of the games.

    I play everyday and on the weekends I play non stop. I'm thrilled to meet campers and tunnellers. But I only see them here and there, majority of my games they are absent.

    But I'm not counting the end game collapse camping. That's just too much from survivors.

    I should do some data collecting and see some actual numbers