Is the fov for all killers increased? this is a really good change finally

Ironically i made another post where i complained about not being able to stretch my res(as i play on console), to just find out they basically gave us something between shadowborn lev.1 and 2 basekit... looking into other streaming it seems most of the killers do have it, nurse for sure, since i was shadowborn addicted and now i can play without it...with killer like demo it seems the same i dunno..the thing i know for sure is that the difference is noticable for most killers, surpirsed none mentioned that in this forum... i really hope it's a feature and not a bug, lmao i can finally get rid of shadowborn on my nurse
You sure you're not imagining this? Considering the fov complaints going all the way back to the engine update a few years ago when camera positions got altered, I can't fathom BHVR increasing fov and not plastering it everywhere for some free killer headpats of good will.
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I played some Mikey last night. I can't say I noticed any difference.
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@finitethrills @jdcabral guys i'm one hundred percent sure... i tried shadowborn, and it looked like i had 1080x1080 res, i could see nurse hand while holding the weapon(couldn't do that before even with shadowborn).. they did the same thing when they removed nurse turn rate modification for console, they didn't write anything in the patch notes, because it's not a considerable change, it's just a qol improvement, but it's still a change.
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i mean it's not like they gave use a 110 degree field of view GaMeBrEaKiNg, they just gave us a little qol change, distracted people won't notice, but for me as shadowborn addicted it was a really welcomed change
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Let me know what you come up with, cos I'm hearing quite a bit about this right now.
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@mandytalk the difference is noticable, but at the same time it's nowhere near shadowborn 3 basekit... it's finally a good fov
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shadowborn before
now without shadowborn
now with shadowborn
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@jdcabral look at the photos, they gave us shadowborn 2 basekit
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When I play with Nurse I can see her hand holding her weapon and I can also see more of my dress when I am blinking, and that is with Shadowborn, which I couldn't do before. So yes, there's something going on with it. Just looking at the size of the Nurse hand without SB tells me there is a FOV increase
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I haven't played today but if they did actually boost the killer's FOV that is absolutely fantastic news, seriously the best change for killers in a long time, assuming it's true of course.
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it is look at the photos
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I wouldn’t get too excited, they’ll almost certainly bug fix it in a future update. :/
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@xenotimebong honestly, they did make some changes in the past without writing them in the patch notes, and also many people didn't notice the difference..we're asking a fov slider from a long time, but honestly this is just perfect. I don't see how this should be fixed, it doesn't give any particular advantage, just better qol improvement
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meh honestly it really helps with nurse or huntress for people who were shadowborn addicted... it doesn't really change much for other killers.. honestly if they fix this i might just quit the game lol
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But imagine playing as blight with this.
I think I just failed NNN
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...wait what. I need to play again tomorrow night and see the difference myself. Maybe I can finally stop moaning my head off on the forums about FOV now. Do you have pictures of other killers or is this a Nurse-specific thing? Or if anyone can try and recreate similar images of before the patch and after (would be some work but screenshotting someone's stream at a random point in the map on the previous patch then going to a custom game and finding that same area on this patch with the same killer would be the best way to compare)
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I don't have pictures but you can feel a bigger fov with Billy and huntress as well, I thought it was because I was using a new monitor but after testing nurse without shadowborne you don't feel like you need it.
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No. Only Nurse's FOV has increased by 8-9 degrees. I don't know If It is a bug.
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well i can say for sure the fov increased also for some other killers, like ph, myers, hag(i didn't see everybody).. the photos i posted is clearly, the difference is minimal between old shadowborn and new base fov(3 degree)
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Can we get screen shots?
Edit : i stopped playing billy because they moved his fov forward.
If They changed it back i might actually start playing dbd again.
Just seen this comment and maybe there is hope!
I have tons of billy clips from before and after they changed his fov so ill be able to tell if they changed it back. Im excited!
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There is a clear different in these pictures. I am even more excited now. Praying this works for billy and other killers.
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I knew something felt odd. I stopped using SB on basically everyone, that explains why I missed so many swings all of a sudden.
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Yeah that's a noticeable change, I will look into this today to see what I can find out.
Thank you for the screenshots - they help a lot <3
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It felt as if I had shadowborn 1 with Billy, like it feels almost like old billy fov
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just make sure this change is permanent lol
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Please, tell me it is permanent.
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Oh please. If this is a bug. Make it permanent lol
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With how bad sounds have been nerfed and music turned up to ear bleeding degrees this fov change is most welcome imo. Hell they can change shadowborne, delete the M&A fov part while keeping the terror radius part and just keep the killer fov static like t1 or t2 shadowborne and that'd be amazing.
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Omg yes, please leave it 😍
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Finallly Dbd has a FOV that is up to 2020 standards.
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Thats neat if they did
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gamers rise up!
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@MandyTalk any news?
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@McLean just confirmed me on twtich , that it's an issue, so guys sorry for breaking your expectations, but it will be fixed.. i only hope devs will realize how bad is the standard fov is, and 10 degree more doesn't ''BrEaK the game'', and all the survivors '' crouching-window JuKe'',.. a good change for console players just went down in a matter of days. At this point i have no reason to play nurse on console anymore, since the bad fps, the low fov, and perk slot i have to sacrifice for shadwoborn.. gg
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I noticed this while playing Pyramid head earlier. Hope it stays as it's a great change!
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Ive been following this specific thread since it was created just to see what was the deal with this. I wished for a brief moment that it was an intended change. It's unfortunate it's just another bug that will get fixed.
Such a tiny QOL thing, that makes the game more playable for so many more people who get sick with the normal FOV... but nah, we need survivors standing a little bit to the side of a killer to be invisible and inaudible... cuz thats fair. You know how you killers have 4 perks to deal with 16? you have to use one for FOV, just so a survivor doesn't disappear cuz they moved a tiny bit to the left...
How does anyone in 2020 think that a killer seeing them is enough of a big deal that they'd defend killers having a miserable FOV...😒
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Thats sucks hard. I just had so much more fun with a normal FOV :(
I assume since its an issue that negatively effects survivor it will be fixed with the next patch.
Meanwhile killers still have gamebreaking bugs for years ....
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In their eyes, 87 degrees of FOV is fine, and if you want it to increase to acceptable standards for 2020 you have to sacrifice 25% of your perk loadout for it (to some killers that's literally 25% of their overall effectiveness). If it was any higher than 87 you would literally be at such a huge advantage that you would completely disrupt the game balance. God bless BHVR.
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exactly.. i know it's a feature so survivor can hide (fair enough) and juke you(this is bullshit) by crouching or window teching..most games can go up to 120 degree field of view, here the best we get here is 102 with shadowborn level 3.. and this bug were by no means shadowbornb lev 3 because i still had problem with distances and fov when playing/lunging post blink with nurse, it was just acceptable..then it's normale that killer mains complain everytime by saying ''oh you always favor survivors..'' because a so little qol change it's seen as an issue..and it will be immediately fixed, while we have killer bugs since's laugable and make me honeslty want to quit the game.. i took a month and half break, since i play on console, they fixed a little bit the fps in the last patch, i saw an increased fov, i told to myself '' maybe i did the right thing coming back''... then i remember hey it's dbd..
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Sorry I wasn't in work when that got tagged to me, back in today. I can see that you've gotten an answer so yes it does seem to be a bug.
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:( will u please keep it.....ill give you a're gonna make me cry
I'll also give you some nice words. (LETS BRIBE EM BOIS)
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Yes, I also noticed the FOV change. Nurse without shadowborn looks really great but I refuse to believe it's intended.
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Guys, any news? It is taking so long