What do people think of the Ormond and Autohaven Reworks?

What do you guys think?
Also there are two other pictures, you can find them on their twitter.
Near the roof of ormond, what does that say?
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I hope they keep the green filter of autohaven
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i like the look of them but im more concerned about how they will be changing the maps
Ormond is a very big map with a design that lets you get to loop to loop with little skill because you can just circle around the main building to find pallets and such to waste the killers time. combined with its huge size the map is one of the worst to get as killer in the game so i hope they reduce its size at least.
as for autohaven that map is actually pretty ok but i always feel like its a waste to protect the gens to the left of the main building since thats behind the huge wall of cars because it makes it difficult to patrol if you don't have 3 gens along it. I'm not sure how they will change that map but i think i will still be ok with it even if they just update its graphics.
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Is it confirmed and are they doing the two at the same time?
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Ormond isnt that big to be honest. I guess it looks bigger, since it is clustered with Loops which are connected. But the raw size is not that big:
When it comes to Reworks, I hope they just dont rework Ormond only. While most Autohaven Maps are fine, it would be nice to update Azarovs Resting Place, since it is so killer-sided because of its narrow Corridor. And some Deadzones from Wretched Shop can be removed, because the Map RNG is quite big there (ScottJund made a video where the Map had 17 Pallets in one game and 8 Pallets in another game).
But if they just rework Ormond, nobody should complain that the Devs are Survivor-sided anymore, given the fact that they also did nothing to Shelter Woods.
Those are concept arts, I would need to see it ingame, but the Art looks nice. I hope for Ormond that it is way darker, because a snowy Lodge sounds really great on Paper, but the current excecution of Ormond does not really look good, mainly because it looks like the Map is in bright Daylight.
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ormond I do not care but I hope they improve the optimization in that map since they take 5 fps and the rest is normal, autohaven I hope the filter is green or maybe they make it even greener although with a more swampy touch
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Thank you.
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The pictures are concept art, not in-game screenshots.
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I hope the cupboards in Autohaven don't really look like that, otherwise the gas station is a plain deathzone
They won't, pretty sure. They removed the red from Yamaoka and the blue from MacMillan
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Cautious optimism. I'm optimistic about the changes but I gotta be prepared for the worst.
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I think they won't rework a lot on the tiles on Autohaven, just the graphics. Because I think the maps themselves are all fine. They will just adjust slightly the tile strengths like they did to other maps (if needed) and add a bunch of useless breakable walls.
Ormond needs to be adresses though, there are only safe pallets and chainable loops
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Given the MacMillan maps received little changes I wouldn't expect much as far as balance changes for these maps.
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They kept yamaoka's red filter, as well as badhams purple. Not sure why they're taking them out of the newly reworked maps though.
Also r.i.p. macmillans blue filter, it will be missed.
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I hope they actually make Azarov's Resting Place a playable map. Out of all the Autohaven maps that was the one that desperately needed a rework. Hopefully, they'd actually add the metal crusher from the lore and make it a bit more complex.
All in, all out -- I do wish they add the Snow Rover back into Ormond in this rework. It was such a nice detail in the map.
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Nothing yet, as we have nothing substantial yet.
Couldn't agree more with @ScornfulEpex though: I need mah stealth Killer to do better there.
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I'm positive they'll be taking the opportunity to add breakable walls though like they have with the other maps. No reason not to.
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I wonder if we’ll get variations of Ormond like they did Badham?
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Cool. Hope it's not just a visual update.
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The concept art looks great. I just hope it isn't just a graphic rework. I hope they change the size and tile logic on Ormond and fix the deadzones that can spawn on Autohaven.
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I wouldn't be surprised if they add a bunch of dead trees to reduce LOS.
I'm hoping that they fix Ormond. Reduce the map size and the amount of ridiculous loops that can spawn.
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I'm hoping that that they choose this opportunity to add a second Ormond map that has a strong killer bias. It will certainly reduce the number of Ormond map offferings that are almost as common as the Haddonfield ones.
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azarov is 5 maps and ormond is 1
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That would be nice.
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On one hand I'm excited for new visuals and lighting, on the other I'm scared to see how are they going to use breakable walls
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It's also Azarov's Resting Place. The location where he was killed in the Crusher. The Map has one little House I am not sure has to do anything with the Lore. But I don't really read the Lore.
But I thought there could be something like a Graveyard or a Metal Crusher like you said.
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It's been said here a million times but I couldn't agree more, Ormond needs to be looked at beyond a graphics update. But I'm overall optimistic that something like that will happen, with the "useless" breakable walls. In my opinion I actually think they're quite strong, if you just don't break them. I know it does nothing for the chainable tiles all over the map but it's a start, right?
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That’s not necessary. Breakables are fine as long as the loop they are in is strong but not an infinite. If the killer has a meaningful decision between ignoring a wall, but risking losing some time at that loop, and spending time and hopefully gaining it back later at that loop, that’s a good wall placement. They just need to avoid walls that form infinite loops that must be broken or the killer suffers major consequences and walls that there is literally no benefit to breaking.
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I realised I worded my initial post in a funny way, but I meant they made the map more neutral to be enjoyable to play on it. In its current state, survivors are practically guaranteed to end up three-genning themselves and it is such an easy map for Killers to track survivors with no effort.
I was just commenting because I see so many people mentioning Ormond needing a rework due to being a survivor-sided map (I don't deny it is), but Azarov's Resting Place is too killer-sided as well and could use a rework too.
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They're alright. Hopefully they fix Ormond with the reworks in terms of balance.
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Yippee, more breakable walls. Hopefully they're implemented better and not just "heres a breakable infinite have fun"
They look good though, the Art team always nails it.