1k Auric Cells
What dev decide to do with 1k Auric cells bug??? All my friends get it, i'm the only one that didn't get it. I hope that devs do something about it, because isn't fair that some people get 1k for free and and others received nothing.
Btw sorry for my bad english
Feelsbadman, I didn´t get any, either. Since this directly affects their income I´m not counting on getting them. Feels unfair, though, but what can you do.
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Remove it from profile that get it
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So you would rather your friends lose out just because you didn't get it?
I think perhaps "friends" is not the correct word for your relationship with them.
Just let them have their little bonus and move on.
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It’s the same for me. but I guess we won’t get compensated and have to envy those that were lucky...
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Due to the fact they don´t communicate on the matter I´m guessing they´re unable to determine who got them. Depending on if and on what the AC were spent, it may cause refunding issues. Those who get them will propably get to keep them.
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This is favoritism.
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I guess this will not happen. I still have those Auric Cells on my account and I also contacted Support immediatly when I got them. Answer was, that they are aware of it.
But taking the 1k Auric Cells away could be difficult, because some players will most likely already have spend them. Sure BHVR can block those accounts until they bought the Auric Cells, but I doubt that this is really worth it.
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I didn't get them either
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No it isn't. The devs didnt pick and choose who their "favourite" players are and reward them for it.
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This isn't a dev choice though... this is a bug, one that the OP's friends didn't work to be rewarded with either, so I can understand why they view it unfair.
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Yes i know. That is what I said. The devs didnt choose it.
Why would unfair even come into this?
If my friends got something for free and I missed out. I would cry and try to punish my friends. I would just say "im happy for you".
Its not like those who didnt get it have lost something.
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First one, Friends are not my friends they are just people that i have in friend list.
Second one, I don't want to punish them, I just want devs to treat us all the same. In other games, if devs make a mistake, they solve the problem by removing those things they gave for free, or give them to others as well.
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Its not that easy, auric cells are easily spendable and devs cannot simply remove them from players who spent it, however giving it to everyone means they will be giving it to over 10k people, which is over 100k dollars lost due to a bug
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I'm pretty sure only people who have purchased Auric Cell packs before have gotten the bonus. If you bought a cell pack, I think it gives you those bonus %'s that it says on the image in the store for buying them, I think they were bugged, so they put out a fix that gives you bonus cells like intended.
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Shrug your shoulders and move on and be happy for the others that actually got it
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Favortism implies intent. You're basically saying that if I drop 100 $1 bills on the ground and everyone scrambles to get them that I favored the ones who grabbed it before the ones who didn't. In this case it isn't even that. Someone dropped a bunch of money then people scrambled.
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These are 2 completely different things
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I literally just described the second situation as what this one is.
Money was mistakenly given. People scrambled for it. Some did not get it. That doesn't mean you give more people money or take it away. You take it as a loss and move on. There was no intent. It is not favoritism. In this case money would be auric cells. It's not as if it was done on purpose. If people want to be mad about something they should be mad about how people got scammed out of their shards when the price dropped after two days with no announcement.
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defuq you are so envy ? this is bad but you wannt they remove it from your "friends", you are a shi1 fRiEnD, hope they read it and never talk with you...
who has you as friend then he no longer needs enemies...
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Tnx for the flame and for your time dude, now go flame some killer for camping and tunneling
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Life isn't fair..It's like when you're standing behind someone at a vending machine and the machine drops them 2 snacks or sodas but when it's your turn it only drops the one or worse, takes your money. You dont get online and throw a tantrum to the snack company because the guy before you got free stuff. It was just a malfunction. You say hey, good for that guy and his luck and move on. 😂
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Bruh I could use some ngl if I need to kill the killer as a survivor for it to work?
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man, life isn't fair. go ask your dad some bucks and you will get free auric cells just like the lucky ones (i didn't get too btw)
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Yeah it sucks some people got it and others didn't. They kind of just brushed it off. I don't have infinite money to spend, and free AC sounds nice right about now.
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They probably can't remove them because people might have spent them already, so they'd have to identify everyone who has gotten the Auric Cells from the bug and then check how many of those were spent and on what and remove those items. Seems like a lot of work.
It may also not be possible / easy to give everyone free Auric Cells because the different platforms almost certainly get a % cut of all money spent to purchase Cells.
Easy solution to make it fair for everyone: Make the next battlepass free. It costs exactly 1000 Auric Cells. Some people will get "double dips" of free battlepass and free Auric Cells but this way at least no one is left out.