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Ormond Rework is gonna make many killers leave



  • Member Posts: 636

    Bro it's not even on the PTB. Chill.

    And hey as a killer main myself: I freaking love Ormond.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    I don't think many people would miss it if it went into some sort of temporary retirement. I'm not that fond of it but its quite an uncommon match selection atm for me. Imo, the game needs newer maps more often. Survivors are getting well rehearsed on the current ones.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    Well, it's shape and the possibility of spawning more than 6(!) jungle gyms plus main building plus shack makes up for a few squaremetres of corn on rotten fields.

  • Member Posts: 595

    What if I play both roles and think that survivor's an easier experience? I mean people see things differently than you, it's how it is.

  • Member Posts: 595

    I think it's worth it to mention to the OP that they should wait and test out the map first before giving insight, but I can't fantom why everyone is insulting the OP directly instead of attacking their points.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    lol @ the wait and see people.

    Do you guys not play DBD? You don't need to wait and see, BHVR has shown time and again that they screw up everything they do.

  • Member Posts: 405

    I won't say it's easier or harder, because it depends on many factor for each experience, but I will still be glad people play both sides to understand the other better and have some empathy too. I mean, sometimes I feel like people forget there are people playing on the other side too.

  • Member Posts: 608
    edited November 2020

    A graphics update can be good for the map if the textures are optimized. That is the problem with many games. They do not optimize the textures and it ends up taking up far more resources than it should. Hence why people throw out mods that look /nicer/ than the original textures yet take up less resources. Its BHVR being talked about though so that's probably out of the question. Overall the bad performance in the game is really bad compared to the quality of what you're seeing.

  • Member Posts: 595

    Though to clarify, both have their own challenges due to different factors but I started off thinking killers were the whiniest entities to grace the earth before I tried it myself now I don't play unless friends are hitting me up to play lol. But I disagree when people say survivor doesn't take skill, I'd argue that they're quite creative with what they're given. Pulling off a 360 for example is not easy.

  • Member Posts: 90

    So I may be weird, but I like Ormond as both Killer and Survivor. Not had a problem with it in it's format, so can't wait to see how they change it and hoping they didn't block up too many doors or windows.

    As a killer I've never had a problem with the bigness of the map because I look for survivors where I try to hide.

    I do have a friend who hates this map whether he be playing a survivor or killer. I hate the game map, but he loves it. So if he sends us to the game, I send us to Ormond.

  • Member Posts: 1,791

    Wait, where is this news? Is there other stuff included like the Clown rework?

    Feed me Semour.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    I can't wait to see all the deadzones on these map updates. May have to become 100% killer main.

  • Member Posts: 3

    Sick of hearing the both survivors and killers crying about things being/getting unbalanced and threatening to leave. It ironically comes from both sides regularly.

    I'm just hoping that there are not A TON of bugs on the reworks.

  • Member Posts: 52

    ormand is pretty ######### on certain killers, but even more do yamaoka and macmillan (reworked) bother me. my frame rate drops to points when i fail to hit a survivor although literally every other map works well, as well as when i play survivor. oh yeah and macmillan looked better before too. it looks tasteless now without the blue.

  • Member Posts: 1,488
  • Member Posts: 87

    Is it going to be the same dull color as every other map now?

  • Member Posts: 15

    Other map reworks made me as a survivor leave...

  • Member Posts: 188

    Yet again I'll point out the original post is in no way rude or offensive towards the devs. And again a bring up the point of the devs not being able to take criticism. This is my opinion anyway. I respect the devs for what they do. I love the game. But I'm not going to tell them I think everything's great and peachy. Now the reason I may seem very anti dev is simple. I'm not really sure the quality they are asking players money for is worth the asking price. Now hear me out. You seem genuinely intelligent so I'm interested to get your take on this. The base game is their first way of making money, yeah? Nothing wrong with that so far. Okay then there's the skins. Look fantastic I must admit. Yeah okay. Then there's the dlc. Right I can live with I mean, I'm not sure about making the bloodpoints system to grindy but I do definitely disagree with how long it takes to earn iri shares but fine. Plus I understand they can't have free license chapters. Perfectly understood. Then there's the rift. I'm British so I'm gonna use pounds but you can do the same for your currency. The rift is 7 pounds 99 pence. Okay That's decent and you get auric cells back. 70 tiers...right erm not a lot of content to be honest. Little disappointed in grindy nature of the rift as well since its clearly trying to make players spend money to complete those last few tiers. Which is fine until it comes to buying the next rift pass. You used some auric cells from the last one so you have to cough up another 7 pounds 99 pence. But let's look I what you get two decent skins a few recoloured ones and maybe an extra common one. Let's compare this to another game that uses battle passes because that's what the rift essentially is. Fortnite is in a completely different league compared to dbd and I hate it tbh. But they both use battle passes fortnite arguably is the most famous example.

    So the skins are quite good. The emotes are fun and look nice. And there's a lot more to. Which to be fair on dbd their only equalivent is charms which are ok at best. Fine dbd is a smaller company they make less money I understand that. Fortnite also offers 100 tiers. However fortnite is free. Which makes sense to why they have a battle pass AND skins.

    This is all well and good till you look at the quality of gameplay and game health, bugs etc. That sorta thing. Now it's not secret dbd has bugs. The devs acknowledge the fact that the game seems to have bugs everywhere you turn. There's also graphics which they are in the process of improving but even some of the new ones are a little pixelated. The gameplay for the most part is fun and enticing. Maybe stale at times due to the same meta perks on both sides but I'm a horror nerd so I can still get enjoyment out of it unless bugs prevent me. Or low fps. Or low optimisation. Patches that seem to create more problems than solutions. Killers that come out bug filled. Or times when the game is just unplayable after patch like the ps4 situation earlier in October.

    My issue stems from this. The devs are willing and do, still ask for that earlier amount of money whilst all these problems constantly riddle the game. They were asking for money in the grindy rift pass when graphics weren't up to scratch. They gave us lackluster Halloween events but expect us to buy up their skins. I've not even mentioned game balance because it's subjective but even without that it's kinda disgusting the amount of money they ask of us when their game isn't worth that amount. Let's look back at fortnite shall we. Free to play. Free updates. Amazing events. Little bugs, little poor gameplay health. Communication with their community is great and constructive criticism is taken onboard not censored. And look at how well it's doing. The proof is out their.

    Now yes you will say the rift is optional t's not though. You are always making progress in the rift whether you like it or not. Just by playing the game. I say the rift isn't and the archives by extension aren't free, they cost time. And your sanity to sit their for weeks grinding away and look I love me an rpg but that feels rewarding. Grinding for the rift through one at a time challenges feels slow and monotonous. Bland and disappointing. Whereas fortnite only has to methods of making money dbd has four. Whereas fortnite has many free game modes, dbd only has one. Fortnite has a 100 tier good quality battle pass. Dbd has a grindy 70 tier mix of good and meh and just plain bad items.

    I love the game and I respect the devs. I want to believe they have are best interests at heart I do. Because when I see them talk about the game and us it's lovely and uplifting. Credit where credit is due I know the devs can pull it out of the beg. Just like at the skins in the shop, your favourite licenses and end game collapse. All things people love and respect. But when they ask for our money before say giving us said quality content. Such as game mode etc. I get a little annoyed. And I'm tired of people defending it. Because if you do nothing changes. The devs will eventually loose money and players heck they already did at Halloween. And we will loose a game that could be brilliant. Will it ever rival fortnite? No. But I use that as a famous comparison to show can be not exact but an idea.

    Dear god this is a long rant sorry. Hopefully someone has patience to read it all. I would love to hear some feedback That's kind and polite and I will be polite back. I just want the game I love to be the best I know it should be you know.

  • Member Posts: 101

    They've been changing map layouts. They'll probably do that for Ormond too.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Yeah i sometimes have a monstrous lag as killer too(mostly when i am about to hit a survivor).(i am on mobile for now,so i shouldn't expect more tho)

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Maybe they'll add some breakable walls that no sane killer would ever break to make this map actually viable for anyone except Blight and Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    I’m sorry what? So Badham is stronger now than it used to be? Both the Yamaoka maps r obviously insanely strong, not like all the filler pallets in the map are now incredibly short and unsafe rock loops. And although some of the main buildings r stronger now in Macmillan don’t forget that all the tiles are far better for killer now because the walls are flat and there’s no indents which helps any ranged or speed attack killer significantly.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    They did actually change those rock loops they r all way smaller than they used to be its vey obvious. Also some of the walls off the tiles got shortened making them alot more unsafe. Yamaoka got shadownefed very hard. Personally i still hate badham as killer but i'm willing to admit its far better than it used to be. Sure you have to break the ones in the houses but the school window is completely nerfed, its alot easier to tap survivors in the school now and a huge number of those busted pallets in the houses and school ae gone now.

    So u trying to tell me that having to break one or two walls of some maps which can very easily be done at teh start of the match or whilst passing by suddenly makes it incredibly survivor sided? Sure sometimes it can be tedious but i'm not buying that it makes the maps survivo sided and its definitely not an infinite. I don't think you know what an infinite is, and technically infinites have been gone for a long time.

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