Lets Take A More Objective Look At Chapter 18s Teaser

Alright, I know theres a lot of discussions currently but they mostly seem to be "toss out names that kinda fit" so I figured I should try putting things in a perspective.
What we know: Our killer has pale skin and snarls with a womans voice. The devs set the teaser in a forest (Though after Blights teaser location may not matter). Leaks have shown the code currently has it with purchasable without actual money, though they have changed that last minute before (Like with Blight). BHVR tweeted out the teaser with the caption "Our past can sometimes be a burden, that drives us to the most dangerous places in search of answers and hope...
Lets take a look at the most speculated on possibilities as of now:
Non Licensed OC Character
The devs have given no hints as to a potential new licence coming and currently the killer is purchasable with non monetary means. However they have already made a somewhat similar seeming concept with Hag, a wood dwelling scrawny cannibal. So its not entirely out of question to assume we're getting something licensed.
The L4D Witch
She matches the description of snarling woman well, however her claws seem to be way more pronounced than in the teaser. Valve has been quite cooperative with BHVR so its not entirely far fetched too assume they renegotiated L4D. However the quote doesn't seem to have much relation to anything in L4D either.
Until Dawn Wendigo
Similar to the Witch the Wendigo matches our description perfectly, and does somewhat fit BHVRs tweet quote. However, Until Dawn is a PS exclusive. And Sony is notoriously stingy with those kinda things. So BHVRs gonna have to work a miracle to get it on all platforms.
The Rake
Matches the description well, although it is genderless so the Woman sounding voice is a little iffy. The forest obviously makes sense. The quote matches almost perfectly with the Rakes lore as well, that being that past comes back to haunt those affected. It also explains why it can be seemingly purchased without actual money, as the Rake is public domain. But...its kinda dead. No ones talking about the Rake anymore. So BHVR putting it in the game doesn't seem to likely.
Samara from the Ring
While she does seemingly fit, her size and the length of the hand seem a little strange. And if they were going to tease the ring don't you think they would've done something with a TV and the Tape? Seems a little weird to have her murking someone in the woods be the teaser. Since I don't think we've ever seen her attack in that fashion.
Other Things To Note: As @Blueberry pointed out the figure in the teaser is heard running on what seems like all 4s. This fits everyone but L4D's the witch, so shes even less likely.
@Cornpopers_Evan pointed out that all licensed teaser trailers up to this point have had a trademark on them, the only exception being being the saw trailer. So its not looking good for any licence other than the Rake.
Seems like we've got quite a few candidates to choose from here, hope BHVR makes a cool power for us to mess around with. We'll probably know the answer in a couple of weeks at most. My bets on something Original or The Rake. What do you guys predict?
After listening to the shriek the creature made in the trailer, I compared it to the sound the Rake makes in its game when it attacks. They are (to me, at least) almost identical. The claws, the fact that it's public domain so it doesn't need to be licensed out and, if what you say is true, the lore all add up as well.
Maybe it won't be identical, but I believe we are getting BHVR's own interpretation of the Rake.
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From a purely practical and gameplay POV, wendigo makes wayy more sense than a Witch.
They only see movement, so stealthing for all the issues it causes your team, will now be an option, whereas a Witch, to keep the the idea of them, would be based around her only aggroing when people are close, and slow/unmoving otherwise.
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I don’t mean to burst anyone’s bubble but I just found out that it’s not licensed this chapter it will be original.
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Can I ask where you found this out? I'd like to take a look at it myself, if I can.
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I would like to see this proof please, if you don't mind.
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I found it here but the information could change https://www.leaksbydaylight.com/dead-by-daylight-chapter-18-original/ it says that the next killer can be bought with Iridescent shards if it was the Wentigo or the witch from L4D and Until Dawn then you would need auric cells.
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The devs have done something similar before. Blight wasn't originally purchasable with shards until 2 days before he was dropped on the PTB. Its entirely possible the devs are just gonna remove that possibility before the ptb drops.
Do keep in mind that Bill is free as well, so if L4D did get renegotiated is entirely possible it could be bought with shards.
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Ah, I'll take that with a grain of salt then. Still, I think Chapter 18 will be original.
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That was mentioned in this post, re-read the "What we know" part
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You never know like the others said The blight was originally only purchasable with cells then that changed when he was released so you never know what might happen.
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Quick question why was Bill overbeck free was it a special deal or was valve very generous.
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All right, lets look this through.
The witch point is valid. Those claws don't make much sense.
The Wendigo not so much. We don't seem to be getting a new map this chapter so using a different forest makes sense as it tempers expectations while still being fitting.
The Rake point doesn't make much sense as The Rake absolutely has lore. That being that it tortures people in their dreams with stuff relating to their past. Which fits the quote perfectly.
The Samara point is valid, she hasn't attacked like that before.
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Something to note as well in speculation is that you can hear in the video by her footsteps that she is running on all 4's, not 2 legs. Something that may sway some ideas.
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Not entirely sure, BHVR must have quite the silver tongue. Bill was PC exclusive and free on there so perhaps they wanted Bill free to be fair.
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An spanish fog whisperer said that it will be original.
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My biggest issue with the Until Dawn comparisons is the whole "It has pale skin and claws" and the noise it made, but it's not like those are unique to Until Dawn. There are plenty of monsters that fit the very quick, pale skin and clawed figure. SCP-096 for example. The noises are somewhat similar, but not entirely - and I don't think noise in general is a fair deduction. If Until Dawn wasn't a PlayStation exclusive, or if Sony ported it onto PC I'd probably agree with that statement, but there has been nothing about Until Dawn other then some PSVR games. Besides,it seems a huge amount of people are tying the Wendigo ONLY to Until Dawn. Until Dawn didn't invent Wendigo's, they're a folklore creature.
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its probably vendigo.
but i hope its a orginal killer..
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I really just want another female killer. It's been a year and a half since plague and I'm bored of the sausage fest.
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Not really, we aren't getting a new map this chapter. It seems like Ormond and Auto Haven are being reworked.
The teaser could take place in Ormond, as the color of the trees seem to match and we don't see the ground. Ormond being a winter map does fit the Wendigo, and Bubba and GF show licensed killers don't need maps.
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In silence also has its own interpretation of the Rake - this fiendish thing that is has a lot of Quiet Place monster's traits like hearing and blindness
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What rules out the possibility of a skin-walker?
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Yeah if they were teasing Sumara, we'd know. A tease for her would be unmistakable.
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Nothing really, they are very similar in nature to Wendigos so anything that applies to them also applies to Skin Walkers.
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Your absolutely right, I'll edit it in.
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I feel this is going to be an original character. Most likely either a wendigo type creature or maybe a monstrous vampire.
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This is audio of the Rake. Seems like the voice wasn't to farfetched after all.
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To be honest, I'm leaning towards Wendigo, but not Until Dawn's Wendigo. Just a traditional Algonquin Native American Wendigo. The Hag blends into a similar design, but mixed with a cursed witch vibe with some mangled intelligence remaining. Id like to see a fast skinny malnourished individual wearing torn Algonquin clothing with or without a Deer/Elk skull over their head acting much more feral than human.
Just my 2 cents
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Yes, all the other potential killers also stand in the woods in their media.
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In fact I would even say the two are the same creatures
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You know, I was just looking at Paulies Twitter and he brought up a very good point. At the end of that teaser, there’s no trademarks. Usually, at the end of any licensed trailer or teaser, they have a trademark on it. The one and only exception is the Saw teaser trailer. So, just take that for what you will.
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Alright, cool, can't wait for it to be completely different to what everyone's speculating about because this has happened every single DLC without fail.
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Damn, that does not bode well for a licence. I'll edit it in.
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No, no it does not. :(
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Correct, BHVR could include a wendigo and it have nothing to do with Until Dawn.
It’s also worth noting that Until Dawn’s wendigo’s are quite elongated, almost emaciated looking. Whereas this arm looks “healthy” for lack of a better term.
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Did you guy's and gals notice they didn't have any of their trademarks on the teaser either.
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Yeah, I edited it in like 20 minutes ago. Its not looking good for anything that isn't the Rake or OC.
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These are the only 4 frames in the teaser where you actually see the killer
It's totally Golem.
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I'd also like to point out a fact on the stage, Until Dawn takes place in a fictional area of Canada and we already have the Ormond Resort. Both places reside among Alberta (Or at least very close to it.) So while it may not be a licensed Wendigo, I feel like they will be paying homage to it by adding a wendigo in.
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It's the quote for me that made me go until dawn, the game does involve people dwelling on their past a lot, but so do a lot of things with similar creatures. I'm actually excited for the lore for this.
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doubt its the witch because if you listen the killer walks on all 4's at least in the trailer. Also crying would fit wayyy wayyyy more for a teaser for her. Also yeah claws
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Whats been gathered mostly seems to be this.
All signs point to an OC character. The Rake has some special properties that let it slide past a lot of the problems others have, still doesn't beat the possibility of an OC.
Samara and L4Ds Witch are basically out, theres too much that conflicts with them for me to consider them likely.
The Wendigo is possible, though not entirely likely. It seems like a miracle would have to happen for the licensing to come through.