The Hatch needs one small change to make it better.

The Hatch as a concept, make sense. In order to make sure the last survivor does not just give up and hide, the hatch spawns. If you make it there first, you escape. Killer makes it there, he closes, causing endgame collapse. So what is the problem? The problem is, as a killer, being robbed of the final kill can be incredibly frustrating. Combine this with the fact that in order for to get merciless killer you need to sacrifice everyone, and this becomes a bit of an issue. So how do you fix it? Simple. Make it so when a survivor escapes via hatch, they lose a hook stage. How does that fix things? If you have everyone on death hook and are about to find the last person, but they escape via the hatch, instead of getting 3 survivors killed, you get treated as if you killed all four. This would also apply to escape via keys as well. I don't think this change would hurt survivors in any way, but it reduces frustration by killers regarding the hatch.
Hop in hatch and die? That's counter productive to the point of the hatch. It's a last ditch escape. Killers already have EGC for free points if they are not skilled enough to so much as find the survivors at that point in the match and now you want the hatch to give killerbabies free points because you can't get them before they hatch out?
Nah. Hatch is fine.
Not getting a 4k is punishment for not getting 4 kills.
If you let one escape, you let one escape. They won. they got out. Hatch or gate, shouldn't matter. You got bested. Kill better.
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When I state, "lose a hook stage" I don't mean that they die. What I mean by that is, while the survivor still escapes and receives all the points that come with that, the killer is treated as if he did hook them an extra time. Survivor is not affected by this change in any way, except maybe causing more killers to let the last one escape via hatch.
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Correction: you can get merciless killer with a 3k.
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You're mistaken. It needs BIG changes to make it better. That includes exit gates and keys too. All of that needs to be changed without question. We just need to answer how.
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Really? I thought in order to get it you had to kill everyone. I still stand by the idea, but that is nice to know. Thank you.
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You could always just... do what every killer player does and if the last survivor only gets out because of the hatch you just consider that a 4k and go on with your day? It removes all frustration of losing the kill and stress of racing for the hatch.
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I'm fine with the hatch as it is now, but keys, dude, keys are a problem, what is the point of even closing the hatch if the survivor just plunder a key out of fricking nowhere and escape during EGC.