Fix the killers we have

I know they say most every killer is doing mostly fine in all ranks but that doesn't mean that there's not thing to be fixed I feel like instead of constantly adding new killers they should perfect the ones that are already in the game IMO


  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    Aside from Doc needing a nerf IMO, not because he’s too strong, because he’s not...but his powers do too much, every killer is fine from my POV, able to win games.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    It would be kinda cool IG if they shifted a new chapter out of the way to bugfix and buff older killers that need it. I know a lot of the old killers are currently a buggy mess, especially with their animations.

    However, every time someone suggests to push new content aside, you always get 2 responses:

    "But they are 2 different teams working on new content and old!", and

    "BHVR is money greedy".

    I wish they would get some of the people who work on new content, and make them focus on refreshing old content instead because let's be honest, killer changes and killer bug fixes happen WAAAAAY too slowly.

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    Yes exactly that's what I mean like there's a alot that can be done to the older killers. They don't change them enough they just look at the numbers and go well they're doing fine but that doesn't mean that those certain killers don't need changes or lil tweaks to keep them fresh because good survivors have gotten used to the older killers and know how to work around their abilities and downsides. And YES bug fixes come way to slow

  • tariousx
    tariousx Member Posts: 156

    Usually what you see in most online games is: NEW RELEASE, bug fix, bug fix/balance change, consolidation, then NEW RELEASE, repeat.

    In this game you see: NEW RELEASE, bug fix, SKIN RELEASE, Killer "Reworks", NEW RELEASE, repeat. Consolidation maybe twice a year.

    RIP Billy.

  • Phaeris
    Phaeris Member Posts: 77

    At high ranks this just isn't true. Especially against a swf.

    Low mobility killers are penalised due to gen speed. Even a large chunk of perks rely on the killer being able to quickly get to somewhere, either gen or totem, exclude them.

    Combine that with the large number of very effective 2nd chance perks on multiple survivors makes it a nightmare for many killers.

    The balance in this game is truly horrible.

    This is why you only see the same 2-3 killers doing well at that rank. High mobility ones.

  • Toxic530
    Toxic530 Member Posts: 39

    Straight up though! The balance is way too much in the survivors favor and it's kind of a bummer like I love this game but I feel like the survivors should be working harder to survive and the killers should have a leg up since it is a game based on killers and plus the fact it is a 4v1 there's no reason why the survivors should have so many advantages but the killers are always getting nerfed or downplayed JS