Megmask for console

I've been playing this game for two years on console(Xbox). I absolutely adore this game but now I feel like console players should get the opportunity to get the meg mask. Also does anyone think we should be able to keep the shirts or should they be taken away. I know they don't want exclusives apparently but shouldn't they just leave it as it is and keep the shirts. I like legacy but I don't think I should be given it as I didn't go through the grind back in the day.

Thanks to whoever reads this! My first post ever :)


  • NoFace
    NoFace Member Posts: 151

    They're never going to give that mask away again unfortunately.

    They only way you were able to get the Mask in the first place was to support Deathgarden, another asymmetrical game Behavior made that already died.

    The people who have it pretty much paid money for it, so it's highly unlikely that it'll come back to buy or distribute for free again.

  • Mistikus
    Mistikus Member Posts: 1,347

    In my opinion only twitch sport and devs sport should be taken away. As for meg mask pc players had to but The deathgarden to get it, so śnić it never came to consoles it should be given to you but in other color atlest do players who had to but The game before it went Free dont feel slaped in face just like we się feel when they give away nie hard erned event skins

  • quentinsimp
    quentinsimp Member Posts: 46

    You can still get it for free on pc. I play ps4, but got dbd on my PC when it was on sale just to try it out, and downloaded deathgarden from steamdb for absolutely free just to get the mask.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    I need the 5th member of Legion. You can't deprive me of this.