Feedback on The Plague and how her scoring works
Simply put, can we please make some changes to how The Plague works in regards to scoring post-match as it relates to her ability to pip? The included images are from a match where I had top score by almost 3k bloodpoints, yet I just barely eeked past the black pip, let alone one that could rank me up. In fact, almost all off my matches went extremely well today and yesterday and I never got a single pip from playing the Plague.
I'm still a relative noob at nearly 400 hours in this game, but still, I have been making some observations as I've been working on some videos for this game. First, the images:
Now for the observations:
- You lose a large amount points at the end of the match for the survivors utilizing the pools to cleanse, therefore healing their injured states as well as anything related to Vile Purge (this match, I lost 34 points). I totally understand why survivors get points for healing themselves, but against most killers, you are given a chance to interfere with their ability to heal thanks to the timer involved as well as perks that guide you to where they might be. If you are playing the killer role well and pressuring them so that they cannot just have heal parties all game long, you get rewarded by losing fewer points in this category. The Plague does not really have this option. Now, you could spend the match protecting all of your pools but then you don't get Corrupt Purge, so that'd be silly, wouldn't it? Also, there is enough to do without having to baby sit all the pools strewn about the map.
- Chasing works differently with this killer. She really isn't a traditional, follow them around and smack them with M1 kind of gal. She's a, "Lemme vomit on them until they are broken and then smack them and hook them" kind of lady. Points are being awarded for making them sick but these go into Maliciousness, so we don't get the "Survivors Hit" points if we use Vile Purge to get them into a broken state. I see some points are being awarded in match for "Corrupt Purge" hits, which I got a lot of in this match. Yet, only 38 points in the Survivor Hit category for Chaser at the end.
- Which brings me to only getting silver in Devout. You guys are going to have to help me with understanding this one. I got 8 hooks, including everyone at least once, and three sacrifices. Should that not be a gold medal there, given that its one shy of iridescent?
- As mentioned at the start of this thread, it is super surprising to end up as top Scorer in the game of 5 players and not receive SOMETHING for that.
I looked around to see if maybe this was already a problem slated to be fixed soon. Found very little. Any chance this deserves a look? Or are all of us Plague enthusiasts doomed, ranked wise?
Any chance of a response? Thank you in advance.