Favorite Killer to be up against?



  • YaNestea
    YaNestea Member Posts: 86
    Skilled nurses are so fun to go against
    Pigs are so fun but then they just tunnel but wtvr
    Myers are so fun and scary 
    Hillbilly is fun too 
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    None i fear all of them

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2018

    Eh, only ones I DO NOT like to play against are Doc, Myers, and LF. The rest I don't care much as long as they don't run NOED or Franklin's.

    Also I feel like I would like playing against Clown, but right now every Clown feels like a LF that just got the new DLC.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165
    edited July 2018
    1. LeatherFace
    2. Hillbilly
    3. Nurse
    4. Huntress
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    Nurse. I feel rewarded when she loses me as soon as she fatigues.

  • DBFaceCamper
    DBFaceCamper Member Posts: 2

    Mine has to be the Hillbilly. It's so satisfying when you juke out the chainsaw, the chases for me end up being enjoyable as most of the Hillbilly's I encounter don't respect pallets much so they just go in head first and take it like a champ. I like facing other killers too like the Nurse, the Pig, and the Wraith, but I just have more fun with the billy because of how intense the chases usually are.

  • Dahlia
    Dahlia Member Posts: 6
    I LOVE being against the doctor and the clown!  😍😀
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    Nurse, I am good at escaping from her, especially if they are bad.

  • blaahval22
    blaahval22 Member Posts: 64
    edited October 2018

    Old thread, but I considered making a similar topic since I think the subject is quite interesting - would be cool to hear more opinions. Loads of threads about people playing killers, but rarely any about playing survivors and meeting them.

    My favourite killer to meet is probably Doctor or Pig. I see a lot of hate against our dear doctor, but I think he is a blast to meet. I love his scary laugh and the hallucinations you get - you really have to think twice about your actions if you're up against a decent doctor. Pig is fun as well since there is a lot of aspects to consider, she can ambush you if you aren't aware of your surroundings, not to mention the masks that make you run desperately around the map to remove it.

    Honerable mentions for top positions are Clown and a Trapper with a sense of tactics and reading ahead. (Pretty rare at my level unfortunately, but I've met a couple)

    Somewhere in the middle would be Hag, Nurse, Huntress and Wraith. I think especially Nurse/Huntress would be more fun at lower ranks, but I'm rank 11 at the moment and to be honest they are not very challenging at that level. Especially Nurses are laughably bad - myself included.

    At the bottom I can't get around Leatherface/Hillbilly and to some extent Myers at Tier 3. The issue isn't really with the killer itself, but with the simply fact that at my rank you are almost guaranteed that killers that can down you in one hit will be a camper. I will fully defend peoples right to camp if they feel like it, but that doesn't mean I think it's fun to meet one.

  • AyDoggie
    AyDoggie Member Posts: 48

    I actually like playing against nurse. Something about having to constantly run and dodge makes it entertaining for me. I know most people hate her because she just teleports through things and it makes pallets/window vaulting mostly useless but I feel like if a killer was actually chasing you, you wouldn't be spinning around a pallet in real life.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    As an old Nurse main, I love going up against Nurses.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Spirit is really fun to face in my opinion because it's quite spooky when she's using her phase walk during a chase. Not too hard to counter (at the moment) if you have good headphones but still fun.
    Also love facing nurse.

  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 906
    edited October 2018

    Hag, which I know is really unpopular. I usually survive against the hag, maybe because so few players play her not many are really good. I also enjoy the jump scares, and the tension of watching where you step.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I like to play against Nurse. It's challenging and usually fun.

  • Greater_Cultist
    Greater_Cultist Member Posts: 81

    Killers that are easily loopable and rushed, such as Freddy, Leatherface and Trapper.

  • Markutul
    Markutul Member Posts: 6
  • SpiritFeng
    SpiritFeng Member Posts: 29

    Nurse and Myers

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146
    edited November 2018

    Nurse. I love how much she changes the gameplay. Conventional tactics do not work on her as the one playing her or those playing against her. I find it really fun even if it usually leads to us getting destroyed. All hail the floaty girl!

  • Eight
    Eight Member Posts: 513

    Been having great games against Myers - win some, lose some - recently. So I'll say Myers and Trapper are my favourite enemies at the moment.

    Two things I love about Trapper -

    • when he steps in his own trap mid-chase or while carrying you, and
    • when you've escaped, are feeling smug, and run blindly into a trap.

    Happy times.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    The killers that I don’t wanna pull my hair out against is Myers, Nurse, and Hag. Myers is easily my favorite due to the jumpscare potential and chase music.

    I would say Spirit as well but her noises kills it.

  • SpiritFeng
    SpiritFeng Member Posts: 29

    @SadonicShadow said:
    Nurse. I love how much she changes the gameplay. Conventional tactics do not work on her as the one playing her or those playing against her. I find it really fun even if it usually leads to us getting destroyed. All hail the floaty girl!

    She is a lot easier to escape than Billy

  • Toxicity23
    Toxicity23 Member Posts: 387

    I like facing the Shape, he's actually the only killer who made me scream louder than the memes. I now main him and I love imagining the look on their faces when they notice a specific figure standing there menacingly.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    And barely anybody has said my choice ;-; Defo' piggy. She imo is really fun to play against. Especiallymwhen BS rng gets your heart pumping from the timer! Toward endgame aswell if she's endgame build, that is the real sh*t right there!

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    I'm ok with any killer as long as they don't have a hook up their butts. 

    Kinda dread Doctor the most.

    Huntress, and Freddy aren't high on the list because their songs get stuck in my head, and I keep hearing phantom song stuff in my head. 
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    My favourites to go against are Hag, Myers, Spirit, and Pig. It's really all for the same reason, too... all four of them have the potential to give me a minor heart attack.

    Being a Hag main, I usually enjoy watching a Hag and seeing how they set their traps. Sometimes I learn something new. In fact, i learned a few tricks for trapping the farm harvesters by going against a good Hag during the recent event. Sometimes I just sigh as I watch them put 15 traps around a single hook, probably not even realizing they're recycling their traps at that point.

    Myers to me is the king of the unexpected. Will it be silent wallhack Myers, or will it be infinite EW3 Blood Warden Myers? Hell, you don't even know if he'll pop EW3 and mori you on the spot.

    Pig is a combination of the general sneakiness and the built-in delay mechanism. She's another one who can play in unexpected wsys, too. Though sneaky wallhack Pigs are fairly rare, unfortunately.

    With Spirit it's the uncertainty. Is she haunting or not? Is she vaulting that window or haunting around it? Will she keep chasing that guy or did she see you working on the gen?

    I dislike going against Leatherface, primarily because there's a 99% chance of camping. I actually enjoy trying to dodge a LF chainsaw.

    I also dislike playing vs Freddy. He's one of those killers I think of as "good idea, bad execution". Most matches against him seem to devolve into "sleep, lose killer, wake up on a gen, sleep" just over and over. I usually escape against him, but it's just not fun.