General Discussions

General Discussions


Member Posts: 275
edited November 2020 in General Discussions


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  • Member Posts: 7,669

    the more content released and the grindier this game gets, the more BPs are needed to keep up.

    it would be a very nice touch if the Devs could raise the BP limit you can get from each trial, aswell as reward some more points for each action.

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    i get about 20k+ as survivor and 25k+ as killer. if you want more run perks to help you get more both BBQ and WGLF can double all your points and perks like prove thyself give you 5k odd objective just doing 1 gen co-op. certain killers are also easier, it massively depends on your play style and how good you are. but you cant expect lots of bp if you arent willing to give up perk slots or do better on average in matches

  • Member Posts: 4

    The best way to grind out bloodpoints is to play killer. It is so much easier to earn them on killer. Especially if you have bbq.

    I know they just buffed it, but the survivor equivalent is still so much worse in comparison. You basically have to waste a perk slot whereas the killer one is so good, most killers run it specifically for it's non-bp benefit.

  • Member Posts: 97

    With the new buff to gonna live forever I run it all the time as for killer i find i get enough but I've been playing this game since release. I feel for people fairly new

  • Member Posts: 58

    Let's be honest we would all like if the blood web cost less.

    Better add-ons more often. Less perk grinding more fun?

    Would it be really that bad if we lowered the cost of everything inside the blood web. While maintaining the amount of blood points you gain each trial?

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    oh and then you have all the tome challenges and dailies, while you should get 1 killer and 1 survivor challenge each day there are ways to get alot of BP, but if you want everything it will be a grind. all survivors are the same so you can skip so many of them but if like me you ant everything on everyone youll need to put the time in the game just like any other sort im afraid

  • Member Posts: 120

    That's totally reliant on actually owning those perks. Since the Shrine is incredibly unreliable that means grinding out hundreds of thousands of bloodpoints just to get perks that make the grind a little more bearable

  • Member Posts: 4,233

    David gives WGLF as well as dead hard which is also a good perk, dwight gives Provethyself and just play bubba for BBQ. you cant expect everything handed to you at game start im afraid but any new player can do the tutorials for 100k then use that on david and start from there, its really not that bad if you go for the stuff you want but dbd has alot of content from characters to perks so if you want everything in the game on everyone it will take awhile that goes for any game like this though and the shrine is a waste of shards. but there are perks, challenges, dailies and offerings that will help progress and any events also add to more ways

  • Member Posts: 4

    Technically you have to pay real money for bubba. Otherwise you have to get lucky with the shrine randomly offering it 2-3 times a year (how I got mine).

    But it's definitely worth waiting and spending the iridescent shards on.

    But otherwise it's not too bad getting your first few 100k that you need to unlock the basics for easier bp grinding. Heck, we just had an event that gave you more than enough to rank someone up for free.

  • Member Posts: 545

    I agree. The bloodweb was a good idea back then, because there were less perks, and the grind was not so bad.

    Now? They should either permamently cut all the prices in half, or completely rework the leveling system. It really is outdated.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Nobody is wanting everything handed to them, don't get condescending dude. This is a competitive game, being forced to play without meta perks really hurts the experience, because any time you can get your ass kicked just because someone has the best perks and you're still spending dozens of hours grinding out just to get a couple of the good perks you need in order to play.

    The current leveling system is just outdated and in need of some kind of revamp to make it a bit more fair for new players.

  • Member Posts: 46

    I totally agree about the bloodpoint thing, we need more bp per match. Its super tedious to level characters up once you've unlocked all the perks, since you ha e to go through a million random perks on your web before you get the one you actually want.

    I used to agree that ranking up was too hard too, but now I'm less on board with that ideology. The 2-2-2 rule was really useful for me when I started trying for rank 1. 2 full gens, 2 safe unhooks (it's ideal that you heal them afterwards too for max gain), and 2 chases. When I started using that as a guideline, I pipped up almost every game. In literally two nights took me from being hardstuck rank 3-4, to now staying being between 1-2. Idek what I was doing before I started doing that system, I thought I was doing enough, but apparently I wasn't. If you wanna look more in detail about how to guarantee yourself a pip each match, read through the emblem wiki! It helped me a ton.

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