What are peoples ideas for non balance effecting quality of life updates for killers and survivors?

Things that don't neccissarily effect the balance of the game (although i mean, im sure there's some that would have slight effects.) because im sure there's a lot of non-balance effecting changes people wish were made, but are always overshadowed by the albiet neccessary arguements for buffs/nerfs/changes to killer and survivor kits
An example of a quality of life change for a survivor would be along the lines of seeing perks other survivors are using in the lobby (much like mobile addition) to allow for synergising builds with strangers/seeing what other people are potentially running. on top of this, though one that could technically affect balance, is seeing the perks of other survivors that affect you, within a radius around you (like leader or prove thysefl) but for all perk effects, not just tied to a few.
A quality of life change for killers, might be something along the lines of a loadout selector. quickly being able to swap to a specific loadout of perks (And addons/offerings if you have them) in order to quickly swap in before a match.
An example of balance effecting quality of life changes, but still quality of life changes nonetheless would be things like icons within the survivor and killer hud showing exactly whose being chased, injured and chased, or the action their currently commiting as survivor. Things like "being healed", "totem", "generator" "chest" and "chased" could all be neat little icons that show what other survivors are doing throughout the match. For killers, this would be limited to who your chasing, as to not give too much information to the killer (info that would normally be gained by being in a swf)
Tldr: Tell me your ideas for non-balance effecting and possibly balance effecting quality of life changes. Could be for specific items or killers, or could be in general.
Edit: more of a balance/xp change but I'd love to see the Devs make the endgame collapse "uncap" bloodpoints. Bloodpoints being capped during a match was initially due to the fact that games could potentially go on forever, but with the cap being in the midgame but not the end, it would encourage survivors going for risky endgame collapse plays, killers to still chase survivors and for survivors to try and stick around for just the slightest time longer.
Also survival BP for being healed by another survivor
Edit : from senzuduck - the ability to hold down a key whilst going through the bloodweb in order to auto purchase things without delay.
Other examples of quality of life changes and support : colorblind mode, quicker death animations, free camera spectate within kyf, Que for match from the endgame screen, the ability to play in a "tutorial style loading enviroment" within lobbys and loading screens. The ability to instantly que up the next archive challenge for killer or survivor without having to enter the archives page.
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I'd love to be able to see what my teammates are bringing. Perks, items, add-ons, offerings. I'd like some of the killers to have weaker, but far more spammable abilities (don't want to get into specifics). And I'd LOVE a pip system that was halfway decent and took into account everything that was brought into the trial, the map, and the players MMR score to determine pips, instead of this silly fill-4-meters thing.
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Tbh thats fair and valid, like i 100% wish i could see my teammates bringing all no mither, so that i don't bring a heal build sort of thing. Killers having weaker but more spammable abilites is more of a balance change but i get what your saying (like as an example, what they attempted to do with p-head in the aspect of not changing his balance, but changing how he's played.)
A pip system.. i think their attempting to do that with the mmr. the pip system and "rank" are going to be purely for a reward system based on success in terms of pips, but i do wish they dwelved into it a bit more, gave bonuses and handicaps, and made it more evened out as the "reward system they wish it to be" rather then the old rank system it was/currently still is. Expecially with how awkward its going to be for newcommers to explain why there being matched with the highest ranks of a season, despite being rank 9 in terms of gameplay just because their doing well.
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Getting rid of the popup of a gen pop, gen explosion or hooking of a survivor. All it does is make you not know where the killer is after a hook and no idea where to throw a hatchet after a gen pop. At least make it see through or something
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I think a graphical update of character models and animations would be nice. I know they're already applying map updates, but the Clown's hands look low res in comparison to his weapon. Maybe updates on the blood effects too. I know a lot of people can track by following blood without Bloodhound, but some surfaces make it hard to see it despite being slightly contrasted against it. Definately needs an update on scratch marks as well.
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I think that might actually by design.
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It is.
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Good news for you then! I believe they stated a while back (in reference to survivor models) that much like the hair quality update their planning on reworking survivor graphics. I doubt they wouldn't do the same for killers alongside. We've also seen some slight evidence of this in skins with glasses becoming transparent.
I feel an update to scratch marks /colourblind support and blood trails would be good for the game. Not necessarily making them easier to follow, or harder even, but make them more coherent. Always figured that scratch marks should be scratch marks on "objects" and that every mark they leave on the ground should be more like footprints/a trail.
It is by design yes, but at the same time it does intrude on information given by some perks/line of sight.. bitter murmer as an example has always had some slight jank considering the aura reading starts effectively before you can see them for example. I don't believe it should be transparent or gone, but I think it being shortened upon you looking at it would be a nice quality of life change (ie when it's on your screen it disappears faster)
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Being able to see what Perks your allies are bringing.
A search mechanic for the menus.
An FoV slider.
A shirtless Myers cosmetic.
Actual in-game graphics settings other than "Low Med High Ultra" which do little more than affect how many shadows are in your game.
Colorblind mode.
Bringing back the "switch to Survivor/Killer" button.
A dark outline for skill checks so they're easy to see in brightly-lit areas.
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Dark skill check background would be awesome.
Make grabs a different button than attack.
Have the tractors actually remove the stupid corn.
Gain survival points by how long you are alive in the match. Up to 10 minutes. Up to 4000. Then the other 4000 for escaping.
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Id like to see offerings be combined across the board. Like if i have 12 azarov offerings on mikey and 15 on hilbilly, id have 27 total.
Id like to do the same with perks and addons on survivors since they are basically the same.
Thats just something ive always wanted tho
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Oh id also like to have graphic settings on console.
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Would be really nice to have a little timer by a person's player icon to lemme know how long it's been since theyve last been unhooked... Think the reason is kinda obvious.
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Picking your own Aura colors
Auras only exist to be seen by you if they're revealed to you, so non-colorblind people changing Aura colors to the brightest possible color can't be an argument.
remove the "you reached level 50!" warning after completing lvl 50 bloodwebs
It's just annoying to continuously have the Bloodweb tell you each completed LVL 50 Bloodweb: "DiD yOu KnOw YoU aRe LeVeL 50?!?".
a trash option on items, add-ons & offerings
On PC, by right-clicking on an Item/Add-on/Offering, you can select the option to Thrash it.
When clicking that, you can select how many you want to Thrash, from 1 to however many you currently own.
After selecting your amount and clicking Confirm, you'll remove those from your inventory, and you get BP for doing so.
The BP you get is somewhere between 5 & 10% depending on the rarity.
So if the rate is 10%, and i decide to delete 27 Rare Offerings, i would get 13,500 BP.
Make the "emblem quality" xp actually matter
Currently, you get 6 XP for obtaining at least 1 Silver Emblem, 12 for 1 Gold & 18 for 1 Iridescent.
You get about 1 XP per second, so after 18 seconds of playing, it will have already beat the "Emblem Quality" XP reward.
I'm not here to tell you that you should care about your Emblems or your Player Level, but getting so little for doing so well on your Emblems while getting hundreds of XP for just playing feels off.
Also, you only get the XP for the highest Emblem, and only for 1 Emblem.
Also also, you get 300 for just playing 1 role per day, and another 300 for the other role.
- 25 XP per Bronze Emblem earned
- 50 XP per Silver Emblem earned
- 75 XP per Gold Emblem earned
- 100 XP per Iridescent Emblem earned
Yes, this would make leveling up faster, so that can be balanced out if necessary.
But making it harder to level up in order to balance this increase of XP doesn't negate the purpose of the change, the purpose of the change is to not make "Emblem Quality" XP feel microscopic compared to other XP sources.
That's all i got for now.
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i would love to see plague's auto cancel replaced with a full commit like with everyone other killer.
nothing worse than going to just a little spurt of vomit and having to to sit through a self stun animation for trying to use your power.
is it any wonder she is such a rare pick?
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As you mentioned, show other survivor perks whilst in lobby. But it'd also be nice to show them in-game too, even if it means pressing ESC and viewing their perks from there.
Other QOL changes:
- Colourblind support for killers
- Bring the switch roles option back.
- Please... stop it with the nauseating movements when playing killer. Don't force my screen down after I end a chainsaw sprint, for example. I really dislike that.
- Show which platform a player is from and allow everyone to use end game chat.
- Add graphical settings and make it easy to enable/disable vsync.
- Recordings of matches would be really cool. I will then be able.to pinpoint exactly how my team threw the game!
- Give us feedback of the result of reporting a player. Did they get banned? How long for if so? How do I know I'm not wasting my time reporting rule breakers?
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I don't want to copy others' ideas, so I'd just like to see which hook-state each survivor is on in the HUD.
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@Parallax I like that idea
Also My idea isn't really a QOL thing...
Survivor Roles: a way to convey what perks might be used by you and other survivors
Gen jocky- more focused on gens
Runner- more focused on being chased
Healer- more focused on making sure everyone is healed
Distraction- more focused on pulling the killers attention away from others
Decoy- more focused on leading the killer away from others
Stealthy- more focused on staying away from the killer (or losing the killer in chase)
I have seen other people say they want to see perks on the other survivors... which would be nice and this can help with that as well
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A couple of thoughts:
Obsession every match. Regardless of whether there's an Obsession perk in play. Killer's can't use the lack of Obsession as a signal to tunnel.
Searchable inventory. You can look at a list of perks you've unlocked and see who's got it and at what level.
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Good news! in-game graphics settings are coming! i believe peanits announced that more specific settings are coming in the future, just not in one big batch but over time
A dark outline for skillchecks is a absolutely WONDERFUL addition.
I'd rather survival bloodpoints be gained for actions, but this is a nice and good change that i absolutely would not contest.
I actually think that with the coldwind farm rework in the future, they should make the corn a bit more visible through, but also have the closest corn to a generator die upon the generator being finished. would be an incredible change to atmosphere, and alter visibility on the map as generators are done.
Thats pretty much what they've done with offerings on mobile. wouldn't mind that change, but then i'd also effectvely have a couple hundred mori's on newer killers, which is not exactly a good thing either.
i'd rather survivors being specifc, and that they have something about them that makes each of them very slightly different (but not tied to gameplay balance, more playstyle)
That would be a nice change, but i mean, that would just allow for selective tunneling because of ds. i don't really think that should be in the game and that they should rather, work on the things that have timers to make them feel less abrasive to go against.
I agree with all of this, though the aura colors would have to come alongside a perk rework with the colors changing in the perk description based on what you've selected in the settings menu.
They could easily balance out the ingame xp thing by making the emblem system give more, and the time spent far less.
actually yeah that's always bothered me too.. though i don't think she's really a rare pick, its not fun that mini stun, rather it be more like a huntress charge up.
god the forced camera movements actually give me a slight amount of nausea as well.. i don't like those. And yeah, feedback on a reported player would be very good, but it would also incentivise reporting more which with how the playerbase is, could lead to false reports. i 100% agree that it should be a thing, but i don't think its something the dev's would add for being afraid of that reason and seeing the boone of banning someone you despised going against.
You kind of can based on the level of the health meter, but honestly they should also add icons that more clearly demonstrate it for newer players. 1st hook is standard, 2nd hook is more bloodied.
I mean, i'd prefer just directly showing perks to people in the esc menu/on the lobby screen, but this gives me the idea for "nametags" that are earnable for killer and survivor. or just name color tags, that indicate how long you've been playing the game for lobby screens/ingame. have it tied to player level. kind of like player borders in ow.
I believe that was a bug for a while, and it was a very good bug. would like that base, and also for the obsession to have some kind of benefit to the killer ie just as obsessions escape, 500-1000 bp for hooking the obsession.
could also rework having a lack of obsession to also mean something, or hiding the obession sign until it is relevant.
I think a searchable inventory is something absolutely needed, with how many things are in the game now.
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When the Obsession mechanic first came out, wasn't being the Obsession only visible to the Survivor and the Killer?
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Killer: Being able to see the hook states of each survivor in a match at all times. Choosing an Aura color out of a preset (preferably BLUE).
Survivor: Totem Counter. Hook states also.
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Still wishing devotion did something. I'm sitting on 17 right now :/
Other than that, a "recent games" VOD would be awesome (you know like BO2 theater mode)
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Spectate mode/Be able to rewatch a game from all perspectives after the game is over (This would also make reporting work better because when someone reports it can be made so that the recording saves)
Hook counter for each survivor
Singleplayer test mode built-in (With bots, even if they aren't that good like mobile they can still help you out)
Save perk build groups
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Notifications blocking your view when you are staring directly at it.
Eg. Popped gens, teammates hooked, crows with spies, etc. Man nothing is more annoying than playing huntress with tinkerer and the gen notifies you and you cant see if they have left the gen or see if your LOS is blocked by a rock.
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Oh yeah. I've said this a billion times and I'll say it again. Prestige should be applied as a toggle-able layer instead of an outfit. Let's be honest, prestiging would be so much better if we could apply it to the cooler cosmetics. I'd personally prefer if Legacy was locked to the same base outfit because it would greatly symbolize older DbD (although part of me would love to see my Meg with Legacy on the "Carnie Long Locks" head).
Devs already confirmed it's not happening because UV Wrapping would create inconsistencies but I can dream 😁
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that is correct
you can see the hook states of survivors on their health bar, but a more obvious indicator like a different aura color would also be nice though not neccessary :) i don't think a totem counter is a good thing, because it will always show totems remaining, which would lead to people more easily figuring out hidden hex perks/encouraged to go after hex perks/regular totems. Survivors can also see their hook state on the health bar when hooked.
I wish the game recorded games too
True, though due to it not being intergrated in the game in any sense, i doubt it would be able to be added, though it would be an amazing feature.
decent idea actually, is that what you meant Avoiceofreason? having a counter/indicator on the hud showing what state other survivors are on?
i really want a bot mode tbh, anything would be better then nothing, and it would stop me being deprived of bbq stacks as killer/stop me from outright losing as survivor.
100% needed with how many perks are in the game
Its that way by design, but i wish they shortened the notifications duration whilst its on your screen (ie when off screen it lasts as long as normal, but when your staring at it it goes away faster)
they have confirmed thats not happening, but what IS happening, is all outfits whilst injured are going to become more bloody. we saw a test of this on the ptb in one of the graphics updates. its great actually
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- Let players hold shift during bloodweb purchases to avoid the timer, so you can hold shift and drag through the nodes and it'll auto buy without holding.
- Overhaul the daily tasks or let us pick Surv / Killer challenge for the day.
- Let us trade over Iri shards for BPs without buying the shrine, it's awful and can only be done 4 times weekly, the bloodpoint economy only exists to limit ultra rares, most of which are useless on both sides, most killers would rather run Purps / Greens / Yellow, and all survivor ultra rares are really bad besides the key and sort of the map. Once they rework mories and keys the "bloodpoint economy" is literally just something to limit us for no reason.
- End game live map, give us a top down drawn version of the map, with character icons and show us the pathing for each player in the map, it would give players so much info and insight into the game and will likely give players a lot of experience on things they did wrong, would also be a really good tool for seeing cheaters if a report was made it would give critical info.
- Allow us to just hold a key to "struggle/wiggle" - people who has RSI can't play your game for too long because of the key spamming, they're also very vague on whether macros will get you banned and is making people choose between risking their account or being comfortable
- Let people choose their aura colours, surely there's a way to just let people pick which colour shows up for them, this would help with colour blindness and people with reduced sight.
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Honestly feel like I should add number 1 to the base of the post because that's the best suggestion I've heard yet. Always thought that clicking further in the bloodweb should auto buy, but this is even better
We do need a daily overhaul, though we do need incentive for people to play both sides at all times - if they allowed you to choose a side, they should add a xp/BP bonus to playing the side least played at the time in your region
I wish there was a conversion system both ways - iri shards for BP, and BP for small amounts of iri shards. But considering iri shards give content able to be bought for money I don't think that'll ever be the case
A live map is an amazing idea. Don't know how it could be implemented but I'd absolutely love to see it
Yeah, that or skill checks akin to pyramid heads cages. I've broken two literal space bar keys already mashing them over the years....
Chooseble aura colors are something I'm really hoping for in the near future
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Graphics updates for character models. Killers and survivors.
Quentin is a famous example, but there's just a lot of low-quality textures that haven't aged well in general, and that's not just map stuff. (Zoom in on the hill boulders and you'll see how pixelated they are, too.)
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Yeah i deffinately know what your talking about. they announced in reference to a comment on the forums that much like with the survivor hair update, their going to be updating survivor models (quentin is a special case as he's licensed to the company not the actor and all that, but i wouldn't think they'd leave him out of a touch up even if its unfaithful) (they've also started on survivor models as evidenced by glasses being see through, and started on some of the killer animations/updates as well)
the boulders though yeah i've noticed them expecially on autohaven maps.
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Hook states without having to remember who was 2 hooked. Totem counter since it'll balance totems and prevents NOED from being used as a crutch. That way everyone has knowledge to how many is left, including the killer.
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But your asking for a totem counter, almost exclusively to counter a single perk (i'd rather them rework noed personally.) I don't disagree with a totem counter, i just think the way your asking would be a bandaid fix to something you feel is an issue.
but yeah the hook state one is a good idea.
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Please give the killer an option for a microphone but not the survivors. I would like to taunt.
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Killer getting better FOV would be nice.
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Hook counter so it helps since SWFs aren't the only ones who have that knowledge. I would also not mind having a button to gesture as killer like a thumbs down or something.
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All I want is a way to cycle between previous backgrounds of old chapters and events, preferably costing shards so there's more to earn without spending money.
I just want my vulture boy back ;-;
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Thanks to all these "graphic updates" Id enjoy a way to turn my graphics back to the old ones. The new versions of the maps are almost impossible for me to see in due to being colorblind.
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How about reworking consumables. Make them an upgrade system like how perks are so that you can just use the ones you want whenever you want.
Most veteran players will have so many of each consumable that them being consumable doesn't effect them, thus only punishing newer players who haven't ground out enough to the point that they can use whatever they want.
Now of course this would make some of the rarer consumables that can be too powerful more common, but they could also rework those to be less powerful to balance things out.
It would add in more actual progression.
For killers I don't think this would be much of a problem, but for survivors? I could see having infinite maps and keys being kind of an issue, but well keys are a whole issue in and of themselves right now.
It would take a lot of work, but I think it would be a good overall change.
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That would just lead to people harrassing others, but i still love the idea!!
yeah, if im being honest, the fov effect being tied to shadowborn/monitor and abuse always felt weird to me. just make the maximum fov slightly larger then shadowborn, and the minimum slightly lower then now. and change the perk effects to be different.
I'd love for every killer to have their own unique taunt. spirit could scream, trapper could wipe his blade along his arm, myers could check his knife.. list goes on.
i'd prefer personally not to earn them, but i do wish i could pick chapter themes and music! hillbillys one and deathslingers were the best.
i'd just rather them add straight up colorblind support in all forms to the game.
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Removal of button mashing during struggle state
Removal of button mashing during struggle state
A way to automatically spend BP quickly
A series of preset perk loadouts for survivor and killer that I can set and name
Removal of button mashing on struggle state
During struggle state, there is a silly button mashing mechanic. I'd like to see that removed.
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Basically the map thing, I can't find the game that did it, but once the match is over it would go to a top down of the map and just have an icon to show where each character is, and then it would draw a line and show where each player was at the time during the match and certain events like survivor going down, and gens popping etc, I think it would be a really good tool to see what you missed especially as killer.,
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Bots for cross play.
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I think White Noise 2 had such a replay-map.
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- Ability to save replay of the match
- Perks loadout sets for each characters
- Remove Perks tiers
- Able to sell addon, item for 50% cost (or even 25% I would be still happy)
- Gives Killer ability to see basement, gates at the start of the game to plan strategy.
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The perfect balance to start is to debuff your surviving friends party!
A kind of "Curse of the Essence."
After all, the developers themselves said... What is atmospheric in their game to play without a voice chat!
Okay, what's the point of this curse:
When a team of two people is assembled, they are cursed with ~ 7% debuffs on action speed. Fixing, healing, breaking totems, hooks and opening gates. Three players - 14%. Four players - 21%.
That there was some kind of balanced meaning in this. We will give them bonus blood points in all categories. Also in 7% \ 14% \ 21%. Such "encouragement" from the entity.
For example: the game involves 2 random players and 2 players playing as a team. This curse only affects team members. Players playing alone will not have debuffs.
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Make the day of the dead cosmetcs glow again!
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Ingame Graphics options
Cosmetics that you can combine IN THE STORE so you can see how they mix and match (and above and beyond would be the option to load into a test map to run around with chosen cosmetics.)
KYF without the need for others
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almost like botw's mapping effect?
bots in general tbh, for dc'ed and absent players.
I'd love for a cosmetic viewer in shop that allowed for the combination of unowned cosmetics. i think the devs actually mentioned wanting to add that at some point.