Slugging for the win is like...

I look at it this way,
1 pro NBA player is having a basketball match vs 4 random people.
As they play for sometime the NBA player realizes he is headed for a loss and makes sure they can't win against him by immobalizing them. Since the the randoms cannot continue playing, they must forfit the match and now the Pro player wins.
What other game can anyone think of where ur headed for a loss but can turn it around. A complete 180 and win the match.
To be clear this isn't a post to shame people for slugging. Its def needed in situations. I play both sides. Its a funny analogy that I can think of. But u get my point 😅
I find slugging okay in a handful of circumstances, like if the survivors are way way too aggressive and there's no point hooking someone or picking them up because a survivor is going to come for them.
But the killer can very easily slug and just be a dick
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What? Are you trying to say that killers can go for 12 hooks, because that's not actually a thing that can happen unless the survivors are all potatoes. Snowballing is the only way for killers to get pressure on survivors that know what generators are and how to hit skillchecks.
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Yes I agree. Sometimes u need to slug 1 or 2 in circumstances. But im talking about slugging everyone for the win. A killer can make mistakes and get outplayed and not play well but can still slug for the win.
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If all the survivors are slugged, it wasn't the killer who made the mistake.
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If all survivors get slugged they got outplayed so what's your point?
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If someone manages to 4 man slug your team its really on the other players to play into it. Literally one tap and the slugs can be up and running likely with there exhaustion ability off cd. Some killers are built to do this think oni, myers any killer who gain a breif period of fast downing potential. Even then the perks out there built to counter it are insanely powerful think unbreakable, soulguard its nuts. Slugging might not be fun but its essential for snowballing pressure since fast chases and hooking on one down is often just not enough to beat the creme de la creme survivor players. We all tend to the whole casual survivors is the norm very few are competitive but if your in red ranks early in the season its likely there gonna be playing more competitively.
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How is it the killers fault if they manage to get 4 people slugged? I agree that slugging and just letting all 4 bleed out is a bit of a d**k move, but I don't understand your reasoning at all when it comes to the killer getting multiple slugs. It also hugely depends on the scenario at hand too. If you are all crowding the hook and the killer gets you all, that's on you and the rest of your team, it's a risk you take when being that bold. If the killer is slugging and camping the body, why are you falling for it? If the killer is slugging and not camping the body, why aren't the survivors getting their team members up?
Unless you are all grouped together, which is highly inadvisable, it should be extremely hard for the killer to slug all of you and keep you slugged. Even insta down killers still have to exert a certain amount of skill to get and KEEP that many slugs without having to play whack-a-mole.
Now i admit, there may be a scenario that i'm missing, and if there is, i ask with 0 sarcasm what it might be. But under most circumstances, most teams should be able to combat a total team slug wipeout. I certainly have only seen a few times where this has happened in the years i have been playing the game.
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Soul guard, we're gonna live forever, unbreakable. There is so many perks to counter slugging. Soul guard being one of the newer ones. We're gonna live forever being buff to grant a 100% bonus healing speed to picking up slugs. If you are having issues with your whole team being slugged. You might want to invest in one of these anti slugging perks.
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What you meant to say it was like a professional NBA player versus the Harlem Globetrotters.
With so many tricks to allow for a comeback, that NBA player found a hard counter.
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Good... at least someone had something to say about the analogy being used
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Most game shows allow a 180.
"Okay, Johnson is 72 gajillion points ahead of Martha, who has 2.
Now, the last question for 100 gajillion points..."
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Do you mean slugging for the 4k?
Or are you refering to when I down you and your buddy after you perform an unsafe unhook while injured and you both go down.
Then that injured meg goes down trying to do the genny right next to the two slugs and I got pop.
Down the noisy ass meg.
But who I feel bad for. Is that poor steave that has to cross the map and runs into a buzz saw trying to save these 3 fools.
4k ez thanks, from ######### camping slugging tunneling killer, that should have hooked the survivors he already had down instead of playing to win.
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Slugging is probably one of the most easy plays in the game to know how to counter.
Crawl away from each other.
Last more that 2 seconds in a chase.
Don't get chased next to the slugged people.
Most people fail to do all these things and get wrecked, then complain the killer is toxic. You're literally asking the killer to slug when you do this.
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Half-baked analogy
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I slug for the 4k if I have an idea where the last Survivor might be. If I have no clue, I usually just hook them. I don’t care enough to spend 4+ minutes extending the game for no reason
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Just bring unbreakable.
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If people played both sides at a high level they wouldn't be complaining about slugging. Telling someone not to slug is telling them to just lose the game. Against good survivors you have to slug, tunnel, or camp if you want to win. Most players opt for slugging as it's the more fun for everyone of the 3. Not to mention there are a multitude of strong anti-slug perks that are literally meta, so it's not like you're even giving up good perks for them. If you win as a killer without any of those 3 things you were just way, way better than those survivors or they were playing like potatoes.
When people complain about slugging it just tells me they don't play killer at all.
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Where in the post did he complain about slugging.
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Literally the title of the post.
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I hate to break it to you, but the title also isn't complaining about slugging.
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"As they play for sometime the NBA player realizes he is headed for a loss and makes sure they can't win against him by immobalizing them."
Is that more clear?
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Again... Not complaining.
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It's implying that slugging is uncounterable. "makes sure they can't win"
That is complaining.
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The whole post is a complain about slugging, ######### are you talking about?
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If you slug all the survivors they lost. They cannot win. That's a fact. It's not complaining. Complaining is saying something is wrong or shouldn't be allowed within the game. "To be clear this isn't a post to shame people for slugging." I think you may just see a post about slugging and immediately feel the need to defend it lmao
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0 times in the post did he complain about slugging.
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"If you slug all the survivors they lost. They cannot win. That's a fact. It's not complaining."
Wrong. Unbreakable or possibly Soul Guard depending. Also he did not specifically imply ALL survivors. It could be 1, 2, 3, or 4, of which there are many more solutions and they have not lost.
"Complaining is saying something is wrong or shouldn't be allowed within the game."
Saying when you slug survivors they can't win is complaining. Especially when it's in fact not a true statement.
""To be clear this isn't a post to shame people for slugging.""
People can say they don't intend to do something and then still do it or simply not realize they're doing it. These are not mutually exclusive.
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Your comparison is that a basketball player beats up his opponents?
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"Wrong. Unbreakable or possibly Soul Guard depending. Also he did not specifically imply ALL survivors. It could be 1, 2, 3, or 4, of which there are many more solutions and they have not lost."
You get one use of unbreakable and if there's no hexes left or in the game at all soul guard is mostly useless for countering slugging. So, it's still a fact that if you slug all 4 survivors you win. Neither of those perks change that reality. Sorry to break it to you.
"Saying when you slug survivors they can't win is complaining. Especially when it's in fact not a true statement."
"People can say they don't intend to do something and then still do it or simply not realize they're doing it. These are not mutually exclusive."
Wrong. You can talk about things within the game that lead to losses without it being complaining. DS, BT, and Deliverance have caused many killers to lose a game during endgame collapse. Am I suddenly complaining about them simply for stating that? No.
To say this post comparing slugging to a real world equivalent means the OP is complaining about slugging is wrong. Sorry.
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"You get one use of unbreakable and if there's no hexes left or in the game at all soul guard is mostly useless for countering slugging. So, it's still a fact that if you slug all 4 survivors you win. Neither of those perks change that reality. Sorry to break it to you."
One Unbreakable x4 and saying you only get one and then it's gone is being either extremely disenginuous or not understanding how high levels matches go. Eating Unbreakables like that loses you the game so saying it's then used up is irrelevant. It also isn't completely gone as you still keep the very fast recovery to help teammates pick you up. Soul Guard is also not useless even if we assume they aren't running a hex as when picked up up you are getting the BT effect. So no, slugging all 4 is not an automatic win and as I already stated before, he did not say it was all 4, that is your assumption.
"Wrong. You can talk about things within the game that lead to losses without it being complaining. DS, BT, and Deliverance have caused many killers to lose a game during endgame collapse. Am I suddenly complaining about them simply for stating that? No."
Your statement and his are not synonymous. His statement was a very inaccurate exaggeration, yours was not. The inaccuracy and exaggeration is what makes it complaining.
"To say this post comparing slugging to a real world equivalent means the OP is complaining about slugging is wrong. Sorry."
Because that isn't what I'm saying. You are misunderstanding.
His comparison to a real world equivalent is not what makes this post complaining. His statement about slugging being an automatic win is what makes it complaining.
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"His statement about slugging being an automatic win is what makes it complaining."
This isn't complaining. This is.
- the expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.
- "his complaining has been a little bit annoying"
"One Unbreakable x4 and saying you only get one and then it's gone is being either extremely disingenuous or not understanding how high levels matches go. Eating Unbreakables like that loses you the game so saying it's then used up is irrelevant. It also isn't completely gone as you still keep the very fast recovery to help teammates pick you up. Soul Guard is also not useless even if we assume they aren't running a hex as when picked up up you are getting the BT effect. So no, slugging all 4 is not an automatic win and as I already stated before, he did not say it was all 4, that is your assumption."
This is assuming everyone is running unbreakable. Most of the time there's either 1 or 2. I'd say it's more disingenuous to only talk about very specific situations that supports your argument. If you only slug and end up getting everyone slugged you win. Your full team of unbreakable/soul guard gamers doesn't change that. If you end up having all of the survivors slugged regardless of the number you won.
"Your statement and his are not synonymous. His statement was a very inaccurate exaggeration, yours was not. The inaccuracy and exaggeration is what makes it complaining."
An exaggeration doesn't make anything complaining. See above for what complaining is.
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So to you "complain" is only when the person make a formal statement saying "I am complaining about this". We're humans, we can grasp the meaning of things without the need of it being explicit.
The guy made a whole post to say that slug is an easy game, and unfair and blablabla, he IS complaining. I don't understand why are you still arguing with this. If you can read, you probably can understand the meaning of a text
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No. He never said anything negative about slugging. He never said people shouldn't slug. He never made anyone feel lesser for slugging. He said slugging can be a game changer. So... He didn't complain.
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I see this comment quite often, but there is ONE situation when this can work.
When you get 5+ stacks of Dying Light, the game slows to a crawl, and you could very easily get to 12 hooks if the Survivors realize what's up and opt to pseudo-farm and maximize BP before the game ends.
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I've seen slugging happen mostly due to survivor incompetence, or if the killer wants the 4k, has downed a survivor, then goes off in search of that final character. In the vast majority of cases, the killer is doing what any killer should do.
It is frustrating when, as a survivor, I see 2-3 team mates downed so quickly without a hook. Yet it's never the killer that frustration is down to.